One good feature is SoapUI's URL check, which allows you to check among the applications. I'm not just talking about the ones for Android. It has all kinds of multi-world tests that are really helpful.
For REST, SOAP and other popular API and IoT protocols, SoapUI NG Pro provides the industry's most comprehensive and easy-to-learn functional testing capabilities. Based on open core technology proven by millions of community members, SoapUI NG Pro helps you ensure that your APIs perform as intended, meet your business requirements, timeframes, and team skill sets right from day one.
The product allows us to uncover any potential issues early on.
The utmost importance lies in the performance of the application.
The tool’s scalability is very good.
We used to write our own solutions, from small scripts to task web services, so this saves us thousands of hours.
The solution has some good scanning features.
SoapUI Pro is a good tool when it comes to API design and orchestration. Additionally, it is beneficial for functional and for performance testing.
The Pro and free version of SoapUI Pro has good technical support.
One good feature is SoapUI's URL check, which allows you to check among the applications. I'm not just talking about the ones for Android. It has all kinds of multi-world tests that are really helpful.
The out-of-the-box support for the database is a valuable feature.
The solution scales well.
It's a very simple solution to use.
The solution offers excellent integration capabilities.
The interface is user-friendly.
The most valuable features are that it is user-friendly, it's easy to use and easy to teach to others.
API mockups, functional testing, and load testing are valuable features.