I'm the Senior Software Test Analyst at a Tech Services company.
Currently, I'm struggling to get the correct pricing for the IBM MQ series for 1 license and 2 cores.
I've researched and found out only this one the Internet:
1. Is it the correct information? Is it possible to purchase just 1 license (for 2 cores)?
2. Can anyone point me out to the right place to request/purchase this license? What is the correct process to complete this task?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi - the best thing to do is open a chat at www.ibm.com or send a message to askmessaging@uk.ibm.com who will help you.
I don't think those prices are right - it is correct that IBM MQ is licensed by capacity and you can work out how many licenses you need for your hardware by looking at the PVU tables here: https://www.ibm.com/software/p... (or use the calculator on that same page).
It is possible to purchase MQ licenses for single or multiple cores on large machines (this is called "sub-capacity licensing") so you only pay for what you're using so you can make it quite cost-effective.
Hi @Viktor Dolyna, @Walter Kuhn, @George Thomas, @Jitendra Jethwa, @Paulo Toscano and @Sunil Sahoo,
Can you please assist and share some information with your peer - @Irfaan Rahim?