Apache Flink is an open-source batch and stream data processing engine. It can be used for batch, micro-batch, and real-time processing. Flink is a programming model that combines the benefits of batch processing and streaming analytics by providing a unified programming interface for both data sources, allowing users to write programs that seamlessly switch between the two modes. It can also be used for interactive queries.
Flink can be used as an alternative to MapReduce for executing...
The solution is expensive. I rate the product’s pricing a nine out of ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive.
Flink is free, it's open source. Flink is open source.
I cannot comment on licensing costs because we only assessed prices at the beginning of this process.
It's an open-source solution.
Apache Flink is open source so we pay no licensing for the use of the software.
The solution is open-source, which is free.
We have only used the open-source version of Flink.
Being open source licensed, cost is not a factor. The community is strong to support.
This is an open-source platform that can be used free of charge.