N-able Take Control charges you a monthly fee for every customer that you have booked in, and it used to be inexpensive but it's a little bit more expensive now. The customer doesn't understand the extra charges. There are times when you pay for it because you're going to know it's going to save you money in the long run.
Remote Access solutions allow users to securely connect to systems, networks, and resources from a remote location. These technologies are essential for organizations with distributed workforces, ensuring continued productivity and operational efficiency.
Organizations leverage Remote Access to maintain seamless operations, enabling employees to connect to company resources from anywhere in the world. Secure connectivity is crucial for protecting sensitive business data while granting...
It's bundled with N-central, but there's a separate option if you only want Take Control.
N-able Take Control charges you a monthly fee for every customer that you have booked in, and it used to be inexpensive but it's a little bit more expensive now. The customer doesn't understand the extra charges. There are times when you pay for it because you're going to know it's going to save you money in the long run.