We've built this course as an introduction to deep learning. Deep learning is a field of machine learning utilizing massive neural networks, massive datasets, and accelerated computing on GPUs. Many of the advancements we've seen in AI recently are due to the power of deep learning. This revolution is impacting a wide range of industries already with applications such as personal voice assistants, medical imaging, automated vehicles, video game AI, and more.
In this course, we'll be...
I haven't gone for a paid plan yet. I've just been using the free trial or open-source version.
The solution is affordable.
PyTorch is open-sourced. It is a versatile tool. We can get everything online. We can get paid support if we need it.
It is free. There are no additional fees unless you want something very specialized. In that case, you might need to consult with an expert.
PyTorch is an open-source solution.
It is free.