The price of Rapid7 AppSpider cost 9,000 annually but there is limited usage. Large companies are able to negotiate a better price or a better deal for the usage with the vendor. The price of the solution is average compared to other vendors. I rate the price of Rapid7 AppSpider a five out of ten.
Network & Security Engineer at PT. Centrin Online Prima
Top 5
Apr 11, 2023
There are huge limitations in terms of pricing. There are two methods, one for covering unlimited critical web applications and the other for scanning unlimited websites, but only quarterly, meaning four times a year. This solution is cloud-based, so there are no additional costs, but if we are talking about services, then yes. But for hardware, no. All of these things are provided in the cloud, which we can download from the website of Rapid7.
Head Information Security at Akhtar Fuiou Technologies
Real User
Nov 17, 2022
AppSpider is closed-source software and you need to acquire a license in order to use it. However, I was fortunate enough to obtain a single-user license by one of my colleagues who is a security researcher doing his PhD, where he sometimes gets access to evaluation licenses.
SPAs, APIs, mobile—the evolution of application technology is measured in months, not years. Is your web application security testing tool designed to keep up? AppSpider lets you collect all the information needed to test all the apps so that you aren’t left with gaping application risks.
Our dynamic application security testing (DAST) solution crawls to the deepest, darkest corners of even the most modern and complex apps to effectively test for risk and get you the insight you...
The price is not high, but for Japanese customers, localization may incur additional costs.
The price of Rapid7 AppSpider cost 9,000 annually but there is limited usage. Large companies are able to negotiate a better price or a better deal for the usage with the vendor. The price of the solution is average compared to other vendors. I rate the price of Rapid7 AppSpider a five out of ten.
There are huge limitations in terms of pricing. There are two methods, one for covering unlimited critical web applications and the other for scanning unlimited websites, but only quarterly, meaning four times a year. This solution is cloud-based, so there are no additional costs, but if we are talking about services, then yes. But for hardware, no. All of these things are provided in the cloud, which we can download from the website of Rapid7.
AppSpider is closed-source software and you need to acquire a license in order to use it. However, I was fortunate enough to obtain a single-user license by one of my colleagues who is a security researcher doing his PhD, where he sometimes gets access to evaluation licenses.
The licensing cost depends on the number of users.
The price is pretty fair.
It is expensive if you want to buy the Enterprise version that is able to scan multiple applications at once.