The licensing depends on the type of customer, so I would refrain from talking about it in an absolute kind of way. Overall, it's somewhat expensive, and depending on customer requirements, there are different types of licensing that can be useful, or not so useful. Their licensing options are a mix with some variety between them. Normally, the on-premises license is a perpetual license, where the customer purchases the licensing once and then in following years only has to pay for the support. However, they have also included other licensing structures in which you can choose your licenses according to the number of users or the specifications of the machine that it will be running. Sometimes we don't have a very clear idea what the licensing will entail at first, because it can be very customizable. On one hand, this can be a good thing, because it can be tailored to a specific customer's needs. But on the other hand it can also be an issue when some customer asks, "What's the cost?" and we can't yet give them an accurate answer. In times like these, we can only tell them that it depends on your use case, and this isn't always the answer they want to hear. Integration is a powerful integration platform as a service (iPaaS) that provides a combination of capabilities offered by ESBs, data integration systems, API management tools, and B2B gateways.
The licensing depends on the type of customer, so I would refrain from talking about it in an absolute kind of way. Overall, it's somewhat expensive, and depending on customer requirements, there are different types of licensing that can be useful, or not so useful. Their licensing options are a mix with some variety between them. Normally, the on-premises license is a perpetual license, where the customer purchases the licensing once and then in following years only has to pay for the support. However, they have also included other licensing structures in which you can choose your licenses according to the number of users or the specifications of the machine that it will be running. Sometimes we don't have a very clear idea what the licensing will entail at first, because it can be very customizable. On one hand, this can be a good thing, because it can be tailored to a specific customer's needs. But on the other hand it can also be an issue when some customer asks, "What's the cost?" and we can't yet give them an accurate answer. In times like these, we can only tell them that it depends on your use case, and this isn't always the answer they want to hear.
I'm not aware of the exact cost. That product team at my company is responsible when we need any maintenance, new products, upgrades, etc.