I use FICO Falcon app manager. I think it was from 2019, but I'm not quite sure. Maybe it was 2017. I'm a customer of the product, and I use it for bottom-line and operational risk. For the granular referral, we use it to predict whether a transaction is fraudulent or not. So, it has the machine learning capability that FICO has in its Falcon platform. We're looking for tools that can process transaction data, like the transaction amount, credit card number, or card number, to predict whether a transaction is fraudulent. This is what we use in our day-to-day cases.
Falcon identifies anomalies in bank customer behavior to detect fraud. For example, say a person in Sao Paulo consistently spends $200 a week for 10 years, and we see a $2,000 transaction one week. Falcon can set rules to identify suspicious activity at each point of sale during every transaction.
Fraud Detection and Prevention solutions help businesses identify and mitigate fraudulent activities. They provide robust mechanisms to detect anomalies and prevent financial losses, safeguarding assets and reputation.Advanced technologies in Fraud Detection and Prevention leverage AI and machine learning to analyze vast datasets, spotting patterns indicative of fraud. These solutions utilize real-time analysis, evolving with new fraud tactics, reducing false positives, and enhancing...
I use FICO Falcon app manager. I think it was from 2019, but I'm not quite sure. Maybe it was 2017. I'm a customer of the product, and I use it for bottom-line and operational risk. For the granular referral, we use it to predict whether a transaction is fraudulent or not. So, it has the machine learning capability that FICO has in its Falcon platform. We're looking for tools that can process transaction data, like the transaction amount, credit card number, or card number, to predict whether a transaction is fraudulent. This is what we use in our day-to-day cases.
Falcon identifies anomalies in bank customer behavior to detect fraud. For example, say a person in Sao Paulo consistently spends $200 a week for 10 years, and we see a $2,000 transaction one week. Falcon can set rules to identify suspicious activity at each point of sale during every transaction.