We like that the G-core provider is constantly developing and improving the service. Thousands of students study in our online school every day. We store materials for several educational programs, as well as a large amount of video and photo material. The online school is interactive, it has a large amount of data, and we expect the provider to work smoothly and unfailingly all day. We also have rush hour in the morning and evening, and the site stands the test without disruption. In addition to students, we have a detailed personal account of the teachers.
When I started to blog on social media and had a few followers, everything suited me. Then I started promoting my services, and social media functionality was no longer useful. I decided to build a website to process the orders. It also annoys me that the quality of photos and videos is constantly being cut. I use such expensive photography equipment, yet the quality is awful anyway. I have a standard blogging set: a lot of photos and videos, and I plan to stream, also. Therefore, page loading speed and points of presence in several countries were important to me.
The user base of our site became so big that our infrastructure couldn't handle the load, so we decided to migrate to a content delivery network. We chose G-Core Labs because the solution had good reviews and reasonable prices.
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are essential for optimizing website performance by distributing content using strategically located servers worldwide, reducing latency and improving load times.
CDNs play a crucial role in delivering web content rapidly by caching copies on multiple servers. They work by rerouting user requests to the closest server, ensuring the fastest content access. This reduces the load on the origin server and increases redundancy. Enterprises use CDNs for high...
We like that the G-core provider is constantly developing and improving the service. Thousands of students study in our online school every day. We store materials for several educational programs, as well as a large amount of video and photo material. The online school is interactive, it has a large amount of data, and we expect the provider to work smoothly and unfailingly all day. We also have rush hour in the morning and evening, and the site stands the test without disruption. In addition to students, we have a detailed personal account of the teachers.
When I started to blog on social media and had a few followers, everything suited me. Then I started promoting my services, and social media functionality was no longer useful. I decided to build a website to process the orders. It also annoys me that the quality of photos and videos is constantly being cut. I use such expensive photography equipment, yet the quality is awful anyway. I have a standard blogging set: a lot of photos and videos, and I plan to stream, also. Therefore, page loading speed and points of presence in several countries were important to me.
The user base of our site became so big that our infrastructure couldn't handle the load, so we decided to migrate to a content delivery network. We chose G-Core Labs because the solution had good reviews and reasonable prices.
We lease hosting from G-Core, and we recently connected a CDN to facilitate our expansion into several foreign countries.