Captures and simulates live system behavior from recordings. - Dependency Removal - Not yet completed - Controlled by a third-party or partner - Available for testing only in limited capacity or at inconvenient times - Needed for simultaneous access by different teams with varied test data setup and other requirements
Go beyond basic mocking and stubbing to create a more robust simulation for APIs and services. Deploy a “digital twin” of your test environment to use as a sandbox for partner development or as a virtual endpoint for internal testing. Parasoft's service virtualization tool, Parasoft Virtualize, enables testers and developers to simulate services or data when access is unavailable or unreliable. The virtual assets can be easily integrated with other testing teams and visualized in a...
We primarily use the solution for API virtualization.
Captures and simulates live system behavior from recordings. - Dependency Removal - Not yet completed - Controlled by a third-party or partner - Available for testing only in limited capacity or at inconvenient times - Needed for simultaneous access by different teams with varied test data setup and other requirements