I use the solution in my company as a PAM tool. For privileged access management, there are tools like senhasegura SaaS, BeyondTrust, One Identity, and CyberArk. CyberArk is the greatest tool from the aforementioned list. PAM is a component of CyberArk. In senhasegura, the tool is made to be in an all-in-one way. In One Identity, there was a separate component. I didn't do my full research on BeyondTrust.
What is Privileged Access Management? Privileged access management (PAM) oversees requirements of critical, private accounts living in an enterprise’s IT infrastructure.
I use the solution in my company as a PAM tool. For privileged access management, there are tools like senhasegura SaaS, BeyondTrust, One Identity, and CyberArk. CyberArk is the greatest tool from the aforementioned list. PAM is a component of CyberArk. In senhasegura, the tool is made to be in an all-in-one way. In One Identity, there was a separate component. I didn't do my full research on BeyondTrust.