The product's aesthetic quality could be improved, specifically in the design and casing. Additionally, the cloud features need enhancement, as the current offerings are still adapting and could benefit from more development.
To enhance H3C switches for the next release, improving the user interface is crucial. Currently, they lack a web-based configuration mode, only offering a command-line interface.
The only improvement needed is a significantly better lead time for delivery compared to other American products. In terms of technology, there isn't much difference, especially since X3 is a subsidiary of XP, and they use the same technology. However, the delivery time is notably better.
H3C Ethernet Switches could be improved from the support point of view because it's a Chinese brand, and they don't have public tools for service and support. If they want to improve their product, there should be more public tools for configuration and comparing products.
Ethernet Switches are essential networking tools that connect devices within a local area network. They manage the data flow, ensure seamless communication, and enhance network performance.Advancements in Ethernet Switch technology provide networking professionals with numerous benefits such as increased bandwidth capacity, improved management interfaces, and enhanced security features. Ethernet Switches can be found in data centers, enterprise networks, and even small businesses, offering...
There is room for improvement in Wi-Fi solutions, which are not optimized.
The product's aesthetic quality could be improved, specifically in the design and casing. Additionally, the cloud features need enhancement, as the current offerings are still adapting and could benefit from more development.
To enhance H3C switches for the next release, improving the user interface is crucial. Currently, they lack a web-based configuration mode, only offering a command-line interface.
The solution’s stability could be improved.
The only improvement needed is a significantly better lead time for delivery compared to other American products. In terms of technology, there isn't much difference, especially since X3 is a subsidiary of XP, and they use the same technology. However, the delivery time is notably better.
H3C Ethernet Switches could be improved from the support point of view because it's a Chinese brand, and they don't have public tools for service and support. If they want to improve their product, there should be more public tools for configuration and comparing products.
GUI needs to merge with CLI.
H3C Ethernet Switches could improve by widening their product range to include products like 16 port LT switches and industrial switches.
I'd like to see better cloud management.