Juniper MX Series Universal Routing Platforms could improve by having a graphical interface. A lot of the younger generation tend to be used to graphical interfaces, command line tends to scare them.
What is data center networking? Data center networking is the process of integrating the various elements that comprise data centers - such as routing, switching, analytics, load balancing, etc. - in order to facilitate data storage and processing. It takes disparate components and joins them in a way that leverages the individual strengths of each element in the interest of maximizing the security that can be offered to and the utility of an organization’s data. Data center networking...
Juniper MX Series Universal Routing Platforms should incorporate gen AI features.
Juniper MX Series Universal Routing Platforms could improve by having a graphical interface. A lot of the younger generation tend to be used to graphical interfaces, command line tends to scare them.
Juniper MX Series Universal Routing Platforms should improve by being more agile with new technology that sits on top of the router.
Although the support for this solution is good, there is still room for improvement.
I'd like it to be better in the PTP environment. It needs to be more multifunctional for enterprises. The solution can be a bit expensive.