* Stability is sometimes lacking in updates. * Search/replace across multiple files is not ideal. * The debugger often has problems determining where to map files to local projects, as well as setting breakpoints, which often are ignored depending on your configuration. * The product requires a subscription to Zend Server Developer, which used to be free and now has an annual fee, but it is still worth the money.
.NET Development Services provide a robust framework for building scalable and high-performance applications. They cater to businesses of all sizes, offering seamless integration with various third-party tools and services.
Microsoft's .NET framework supports a wide range of programming languages, allowing developers to create versatile applications that cater to diverse business needs. It enables the development of web, mobile, desktop, and IoT applications, ensuring a unified...
* Stability is sometimes lacking in updates. * Search/replace across multiple files is not ideal. * The debugger often has problems determining where to map files to local projects, as well as setting breakpoints, which often are ignored depending on your configuration. * The product requires a subscription to Zend Server Developer, which used to be free and now has an annual fee, but it is still worth the money.