XDR offers threat detection and response that go beyond what is offered by endpoint protection solutions by collecting threat data from a range of independent security tools in your organization's stack, including from endpoints, cloud, network, and email (among others). It then correlates the data to detect threats (generally using AI/ML these days) and uses analytics to prioritize alerts.
The following solutions XDR solutions include endpoint protection:
* Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR
* SentinelOne XDR
* McAfee (Trellix) MVISION XDR
* Trend Micro XDR
Microsoft 365 Defender provides endpoint protection with XDR for the Microsoft 365 environment.
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, SentinelOne, CrowdStrike and others in Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP). Updated: December 2024.
A business endpoint is any device (such as mobile phone, desktop, laptop, tablet, server, or any virtual environment) that is physically an endpoint on a business’s enterprise computer network.
XDR offers threat detection and response that go beyond what is offered by endpoint protection solutions by collecting threat data from a range of independent security tools in your organization's stack, including from endpoints, cloud, network, and email (among others). It then correlates the data to detect threats (generally using AI/ML these days) and uses analytics to prioritize alerts.
The following solutions XDR solutions include endpoint protection:
* Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR
* SentinelOne XDR
* McAfee (Trellix) MVISION XDR
* Trend Micro XDR
Microsoft 365 Defender provides endpoint protection with XDR for the Microsoft 365 environment.