Microsoft Azure Stack TP3 Test Drive Preview, Overview, Review
Perhaps you are aware or use Microsoft Azure, how about Azure Stack?
For those who are not aware, Azure Stack is a private on-premise extension of the Azure public cloud environment. Azure Stack now in technical preview three (e.g. TP3), or what you might also refer to as a beta (get the bits here).
In addition to being available via download as a preview, Microsoft is also working with vendors such as Cisco, Dell EMC, HPE, Lenovo and others who have announced Azure Stack support. Vendors such as Dell EMC have also made proof of concept kits available that you can buy including server with storage and software. Microsoft has also indicated that once launched for production versions scaling from a few to many nodes, that a single node proof of concept or development system will also remain available.
Besides being an on-premise, private cloud variant, Azure Stack is also hybrid capable being able to work with public cloud Azure. In addition to working with public cloud Azure, Azure Stack services and in particular workloads can also work with traditional Microsoft, Linux and others. You can use pre built solutions from the Azure marketplace, in addition to developing your applications using Azure services and DevOps tools. Azure Stack enables hybrid deployment into public or private cloud to balance flexibility, control and your needs.
Microsoft Azure Stack is an on premise (e.g. in your own data center) private (or hybrid when connected to Azure) cloud platform. Currently Azure Stack is in Technical Preview 3 (e.g. TP3) and available as a proof of concept (POC) download from Microsoft. You can use Azure Stack TP3 as a POC for learning, demonstrating and trying features among other activities. Here is link to a Microsoft Video providing an overview of Azure Stack, and here is a good summary of roadmap, licensing and related items.
In summary, Microsoft Azure Stack is:
Read and learn more here including planning, preparing, deployment and various other tips as well as useful resources.
Install as much nand flash SSD as possible either SAS, SATA or NVMe to speed deployment time. Using VMware nested gave flexibility, however once you do the initial deploy, then redo the deploy on a bare metal PM. Another tip to save time is if possible and need to nest on VMware, deploy on vSphere 6.5 instead of spinning wheels on earlier versions.
Read and learn more here including planning, preparing, deployment and various other tips as well as useful resources.