Fortify On Demand is a cloud-based service/software-as-a-service model. Fortify On-Prem, which I have implemented, is an on-prem service where the customer provides the server infrastructure, and then Fortify On Demand comes fully implemented out of the box.
But you're still able to connect all of your Git repositories and your build environments like Maven and Gradle and all these different build environments, even like Jenkins that customers are using. It's fully connected either whether it's on-prem or cloud, and then you can do a full scan analysis of your security posture.
SAST and DAST scanning. Dynamic application scanning as well as static application scanning. So that would be websites, and you can do an audit and crawl scan of your web-based or web-facing applications, and then also scan your source code of your static application code.
The source code analyzer is the actual tool. It's the engine that sits behind Fortify. And this engine or this intelligence is within your tools. So, the great thing about Fortify is that you have plugins for your build environment. So when you're building and executing that code, you can scan that code at that interval. You can shift left. The commonality is that you want to shift left. You want to find threats early in production, as early as before it actually goes into production. It saves money that way, so you don't have to recode or reinvent your entire architecture.
We also have plugins for your actual interface. We call them IDEs. It's the interface where the developer will actually code and write programs. So from there, the source analyzer will give an analysis, and the developer can fix the code.
Then the second gateway that we have is our plugins work in both environments. So when the developer has written and remediated and fixed some of the issues, in the build environment, when he's testing his code, when it's actually running the application, the Source Code Analyzer will then analyze it again, and then there can be remediation. The code can be fixed.
We even have a tool called RASP, which is a tool that works in production. So even when your code is now being published, it's now an actual application, it's a live application, we have a RASP tool also in Fortify that also further on, in real-time, will scan and do an analysis of your code to find any zero-day attacks or threats or emerging threats. And then, again, from the dashboard interface, you'll be able to remediate.
And you can also do on-demand, we build AI Audit Assistance 2.0. It's the GEM 2.0 tool that we now have in Fortify that uses artificial intelligence where you can set thresholds. You can set a score to say that if I am sure, or if the system is sure with absolute certainty, with 90% accuracy, there is, in fact, a threat or a high risk; it will find those vulnerabilities and give you a score.
So, what it does is actually reduce the time spent on false positives. When you have false positives, you have to scrutinize all of them. We've got a lot of new technologies and methods within Fortify that allow us to reduce the false-positive rate that you generally find with scanning tools because we're using artificial intelligence as well as the source code analyzer tool. All of this has been built over years and years of development and research, and it actually gives you a better rate of reducing false positives, and you can then remediate actual threats. So, the tool has a lot of value.
The reduction of false positives is in the region of 98% or more. We now have even a new tool or AI product line called Aviator. So Fortify, OpenText Fortify now harnesses the power of artificial intelligence within the architecture, which will reduce your false-positive rate and actually give you scores on actual threats that it finds. Then, the threats and the threshold scores, the threats that are not seen as a low risk or a medium risk, can still be tended to.
So, it doesn't exclude the thresholds. It will still give you a full analysis, but it will, with surety and with the correct analysis, give you the threats that do matter, the threats that you do need to tend to immediately.
By doing this, you also reduce the time to threat response because in cybersecurity, your time to threat response is very important. You need to ensure that you detect the threats early and that your response time is also very quick to reduce any business impact or downtime to a business. So, this is where Fortify really excels with all the new technology and artificial intelligence metrics that we have within our architecture.