We use Fortify SCA or SAST for scanning the source code, and we use Sonatype Nexus to scan libraries for any vulnerabilities. We get secure code and libraries by combining these two solutions. If we find any issues, we can fix them.
We use Fortify SAST to scan our code. It is used for the static code and not the running code. It finds vulnerabilities, and it finds bad practices. If you are using something that can be exploited in the code, it highlights that and gives you recommendations on that. It gives you ideas on how to fix that.
We have a more secure code because it is based on top security standards. Before we moved to Fortify SAST, we already had code running in production. When we moved to Fortify SAST, we had to rescan our code running in production. We got more and more vulnerabilities, which made people upset, but overall, our security was enhanced. It also enhanced the knowledge of our developers. Our developers are learning more. Many developers were frustrated in the beginning because there were many vulnerabilities, but as time went on, they liked its features. They find it straightforward now. They read about it, and they can fix their code easily. Without any back-and-forth communication, they can find the line, the recommendation, and what to do about it in one place. That is awesome.
Fortify Software Security Center gives a good overview of how the application is implemented, but it is not a 360-degree view. Sometimes we have false positives, and sometimes, it does not catch the design flows. It will mark something as vulnerable because it does not have the full picture. The highlighted code might be a part of another module, so it cannot see the full picture, but it is a very good tool. It is better than the ones we had before.
I have not yet used Fortify Software Security Center for managing and tracking risks associated with the open-source components used in our software project. We recently started to use Fortify SAST and are still exploring and discovering things. We usually do that through Sonatype Nexus, but I have seen it catching vulnerabilities. Some users have scanned the library by mistake, and I have seen it catching vulnerable code in the library. It points out why we wrote the code this way, and the code should have been that way. If there is a variable that has a sensitive name, such as a key, password, or something else, it catches that. After we have integrated it with Sonatype, we will have more exposure, but we are not yet at that stage.
I really like Fortify Software Security Center. We can scan the code and push the results. I can also see all the applications. I know the portfolio of the applications that we have. I can see all the information about the organizations, the code, and the developers in one spot. It is good for the management and also for the development teams. If their supervisors want to know the security status of their applications, they can go there straight away and check that information. It is very good in this aspect.
Fortify SAST has helped in the remediation of potential vulnerabilities by using accurate and reliable results. I like that they use standards such as OWASP Top 10 or SANS Top 25. They are very good at this. When it finds any vulnerabilities, it shows you by the rank. You can filter by so many standards. It gives you a description of the vulnerability as well as recommendations on how to fix it. It also gives you some references if you want to read more. It is very good.
Fortify SAST has helped a lot to enable developers to build secure code from the start. We have many developers. They have the development skills, but they do not have security skills. Now, there is something that tells them how to write the code properly. For instance, they use a function, and then they get the recommendation to use another function. They do not know the other function. They go ahead and use it, and the code still runs as before, but it is safer. With time, people avoid these issues. It is like a spelling checker. You get recommendations while writing the code.
Fortify and Sonatype solutions help to maintain compliance with applicable regulations. Fortify SAST is built on top of very high standards such as OWASP Top 10, SANS Top 25, PCI DSS, etc. These are very repeatable security standards. It includes over a thousand vulnerability categories. It covers a lot of vulnerabilities.
Fortify SAST helps us reduce our risk exposure on applications through the discovery of vulnerabilities and weaknesses. They have something called rulepacks that are the guidelines. There are rulepacks for different languages. They are the security standards that the code will follow. These rulepacks are updated frequently by the Fortify team themselves, and we just have to feed them into Fortify Software Security Center so that it has updated information about vulnerabilities, and it can discover more. The more you discover and fix, the more secure and resilient code you will have.
Fortify SAST provides real-time feedback on security issues. When you scan, you get the results instantly. Sometimes, for certain code languages, it takes a little more time to scan, which can be frustrating, but it provides real-time feedback. You get a small description, and you also have the details. There is one tab for recommendations, and there is also a tab for references.
We recently had this activity where we wanted to integrate the tool with a pipeline. We are using Azure DevOps, and we managed to integrate that. It was straightforward. You get a plugin or an extension, and the code is pushed and scanned, and you get the results. It is straightforward. I can see it functional for such deployments. We are ready for the cloud and automation, but we are still in the testing phase.
Fortify SAST has helped free up our staff for other projects or tasks. Because it is very informative and clear, we have a lot fewer issues for which people come back to us. They come back to us if they think it is a false positive or if they need a waiver because they cannot fix it due to some limitations, but in the majority of cases, they can control and learn, and they can do it on their own. It helped us a lot in this aspect, but I do not have the metrics. We have been using it only for a few months, and we have a shortage of people. It has saved the communication time that we were spending on emails and reporting. We now have less of that. We all go to one place. Instead of sending me an email or having a phone call, developers now go to Fortify Software Security Center and put in what they think. For example, they will say that it is a false positive because of this and that. They will send it to me, and I will go to Fortify Software Security Center. I will read it and review it, and if I find it okay, I will give the go-ahead to get rid of it. Otherwise, we would need more discussion. It improves communication big time for me.