At the time when we tried this product (six months ago), there was lack of technical depth within IBM to support with queries. The service was used from the Bluemix platform and that was also undergoing several changes by the day. We had issues of lockout, service had to be re-configured etc which was more a problem of Bluemix platform stabilizing I think. We were trying to use the IBM Accelerator for Social Data Analytics that came as part of BigInsights. Initially we tried this with a trial version in our local environment but later for customer POC wanted to move to Bluemix platform. Bluemix at that time offered BigInsights as a service. The interface did not have much of documentation to configure and debug. Later we used a combination of JAQL scripts and BigSheets to do some basic analysis. The Bluemix platform was changing with new services getting added every day and the site also changing. We used to get mails asking us to back up the data else we could lose it as services were re-published. In essence, the approach IBM took to simplify social media analytics through accelerators was brilliant. Unfortunately the stability of the platform was an issue. Haven't worked on Bluemix recently but presume things will be more stable now. I did see lot more documentation when I searched for this accelerator few days ago.