The three major features of Infoblox DDI are very good. Artificial intelligence is one of the areas in the solution where there are some shortcomings. When dealing with URLs, Infoblox needs a good team that takes care of the recategorizations. Zscaler is good since it can recategorize the website. Every day, millions of websites are newly launched, which may or may not be malicious. Malicious websites will get blocked if a company goes for recategorization. If the recategorization part is not taken care of properly, with millions of websites being launched every day, then the malicious websites will not get blocked. Zscaler has a good team to take care of the recategorization part within twenty-four hours, while Infoblox does not have such a team. Symantec and Palo Alto have good teams to take care of the recategorization part, while Infoblox does not have such types of teams. The aforementioned area can be considered for improvement in the solution. The recategorization part takes longer with Infoblox DDI compared to other companies like Symantec, Zscaler, and Palo Alto.