Valuable features of SonicWall NSv include strong security with IPS and IDS, customizable firewall rules, and easy management of logs and reporting. Users appreciate the Advanced Gateway Security Suite, easy configuration, and connectivity options for remote work. It offers excellent threat prevention and simplifies security operations. Flexibility is evident in customizable security controls and bandwidth allocation, catering to diverse customer needs. Its simplicity in creating rules enhances user experience.
- "I would rate the overall product a nine out of ten."
- "SonicWall excelled in threat management, evident in how users handled it effectively."
- "Out of ten, I would rate the solution at an eight."
Users see pricing as high, especially for smaller entities, and reporting features as limited. SonicWall NSv struggles with slow GUI post-update and complex initial setup. Authentication aligns poorly with some users’ needs, and there are issues with bandwidth management, user level authentication, and browser support. Exporting and importing settings need improvement. Upgrading VMs is cumbersome, customer support in some regions is inadequate, and subscription-only availability is unfavorably compared to perpetual licensing options.
- "The engine provided initially was quite heavy, creating a trade-off between software and hardware-based threat management."
- "The engine provided initially was quite heavy, creating a trade-off between software and hardware-based threat management."
- "The price is a significant factor. Mostly in India, the customer service has many hurdles to get real support."