CAST Application Intelligence Platform (AIP), a result of over $130M in R&D investment over two decades, is an enterprise-grade software measurement and quality analysis solution designed to analyze multi-tiered, multi-technology applications for technical vulnerabilities and adherence to architectural and coding standards and then provide business relevant information to the IT organization through various dashboards and products built with end users in mind.
Streamline your operations to increase predictability, reduce costs and improve the quality of every release.
iloed tools, teams, and processes make it impossible for engineering leaders to translate projects and team operations into quantifiable business outcomes.
Thousands of hours are wasted every year on manual tasks like code reviews when your devs could be spending time fixing bugs and shipping new features.
Businesses rely on developers to deliver solutions that drive revenue and customer satisfaction. Still, engineering leaders can’t accurately measure cost, identify risk early, or communicate with their teams and colleagues.