Good monitoring, metrics capabilities and provides ability to design processors with a single clickThe good thing about Apache NiFi is that it has a concept called a flow file, and there's something called a flow file processor. The processor is the building block of your entire job. They have close to 500 processors for each purpose. For example, for reading from Kafka, Ni-Fi has a processor called "consumer Kafka". To write to S3, they have a processor called "put S3". Now, if I read from Kafka and write my own application, I'd need to ensure the library I'm using tracks my messages. I'd also need to handle any failures by rereading messages and ensuring acknowledgment. But all this complexity is already handled by Apache processor. They have around 500 processors, with a community investing significant effort into developing them. I can design your processor with a single click, export the entire workflow, and import it. The format is actionable, so NiFi is immediately set up. It's also distributed in nature so that I can scale it across nodes based on the workload. These nodes share their state. If one node goes down during processing, that data might be lost, but any subsequent data is safe. Such occurrences are rare. In essence, if you want a quick solution, Apache NiFi is a strong contender. There are other solutions like AirFlow and some paid pipeline options. AirFlow is open-source but can be complicated. For ETL or ERT solutions, there are pricier options. But if I need a pipeline that I can monitor step by step, Apache NiFi is a good choice. It integrates with Prometheus metrics, allowing me to embed them in my workflow. There's also a processor for integration with Slack, and I can receive notifications when the workflow is completed or fails. Another feature I appreciate is "back pressure," which NiFi handles automatically. It maintains its own queue and addresses back-pressure issues. If, for instance, an upstream entity isn't fast enough, items get stored in a queue, managed internally by NiFi's back pressure algorithm.