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Check Point CloudGuard CNAPP vs Microsoft Defender for Cloud comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Sep 16, 2024

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Clo...
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud and Data Center Security (5th)
Check Point CloudGuard CNAPP
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud and Data Center Security (8th), Container Management (7th), Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) (4th)
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Container Management (11th), Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) (3rd), Microsoft Security Suite (3rd)

Featured Reviews

Jun 21, 2024
It is user-friendly and helps reduce false positives, but the log search is limited to 14 days
SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security stands out for its user-friendliness compared to competitors like CrowdStrike, FireEye HX, and Microsoft Defender. Unlike these tools, which can be cumbersome for tasks like running queries or searching for logs, Singularity offers intuitive interfaces and delivers results in seconds, even for complex searches across various hash formats, like MD5, SHA256, etc., without needing conversion. Our existing SIEM console allows us to analyze alerts triggered by the SOC team. We can investigate potential false positives or conduct tests directly within the console. Additionally, the console facilitates quick searches for IOCs to identify malicious communications. Furthermore, Singularity Cloud Security offers a central management console for automated machine reboots, containment, and even self-maintenance in response to high-severity security alerts. This eliminates the need for manual intervention. We saw the benefits of SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security within the first two months of transitioning from FireEye HX. Singularity was easy to manage, and we were able to identify vulnerabilities. SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security has helped reduce the false positives we receive by 15 percent compared to FireEye HX. Singularity has helped reduce our mean time to detect. The automatic containment of the infected machine is done within the first ten seconds of detection. Singularity has helped reduce our mean time to remediate.
Ilaria Buonagurio - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 22, 2023
Good monitoring, compliance, and reporting of remediation actions
The service is already top-notch; both on the commercial side and on the technical side. I had the luck to be put in contact with a very talented and skilled technical after-sales team that guided us step by step through the configurations. Also, the commercial team was very comprehensive with our situation and allowed us to create a package that best fit our needs. One feature of the product that I would like to enhance is the possibility to connect to vulnerability management platforms so that the issues that emerge from the scans can then be ingested directly into the vulnerability management process. It would be very nice to provide, on top of API connections, built-in plugins for the major ticketing systems.
Abdulrahman Muhammadi - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 13, 2024
Enhanced security with exceptional threat detection and adaptable AI
We use Microsoft Defender for Cloud security, including endpoint detection and response, and user monitoring. We utilize every feature and functionality that Defender provides The threat detection capabilities of Microsoft Defender for Cloud have positively impacted our overall security posture.…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Cloud Native Security's most valuable features include cloud misconfiguration detection and remediation, compliance monitoring, a robust authentication security engine, and cloud threat detection and response capabilities."
"We're monitoring several cloud accounts with Singularity. It is convenient to identify issues or security failures in any account. It's nice to have all the details we need to solve these issues."
"It is very straightforward. It is not complicated. For the information that it provides, it does a pretty good job."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is its storyline, which helps trace an event back to its source, like an email or someone clicking on a link."
"PingSafe released a new security graph tool that helps us identify the root issue. Other tools give you a pass/fail type of profile on all misconfigurations, and those will run into the thousands. PingSafe's graphing algorithm connects various components together and tries to identify what is severe and what is not. It can correlate various vulnerabilities and datasets to test them on the back end to pinpoint the real issue."
"Cloud Native Security is user-friendly. Everything in the Cloud Native Security tool is straightforward, including detections, integration, reporting, etc. They are constantly improving their UI by adding plugins and other features."
"The user-friendly dashboard offers both convenience and security by providing quick access to solutions and keeping us informed of potential threats."
"PingSafe provides email alerts and ranks issues based on severity, such as high, critical, etc., that help us prioritize issues."
"It provides the most useful tools for protecting our financial account records from hackers."
"The reporting against compliance is an important feature that helps you comply with policies and standards within your organization."
"We know the vulnerability in advance, so we can take some action for that vulnerability."
"Compliance is becoming an important tool for us as well."
"We can monitor each activity from our mobile devices, so there is complete visibility of our cloud traffic flows, with threat intelligence provided by Check Point."
"It has an analytics service that does research for us."
"The solution's main benefit is that it automates all the patching and reporting parts and generates an automated report."
"This product provides a really nice visualization of the infrastructure, including network topology, firewalls, etc."
"Everything is built into Azure, and if we go for cross-cloud development with Azure Arc, we can use most of the features. While it's possible to deploy and convert third-party applications, it is difficult to maintain, whereas Azure deployments to the cloud are always easier. Also, Microsoft is a big company, so they always provide enough support, and we trust the Microsoft brand."
"It's got a lot of great features."
"Good compliance policies."
"The product has given us more insight into potential avenues for attack paths."
"One of the features that I like about the solution is it is both a hybrid cloud and also multi-cloud. We never know what company we're going to buy, and therefore we are ready to go. If they have GCP or AWS, we have support for that as well. It offers a single-panel blast across multiple clouds."
"It isn't a highly complex solution. It's something that a lot of analysts can use. Defender gives you a broad overview of what's happening in your environment, and it's a great solution if you're a Microsoft shop."
"Defender is a robust platform for dealing with many kinds of threats. We're protected from various threats, like viruses. Attacks can be easily minimized with this solution defending our infrastructure."
"The integration with Logic Apps allows for automated responses to incidents."


"A few YouTube videos could be helpful. There isn't a lot of information out there to look at."
"There is no break-glass account feature. They should implement this as soon as possible because we can't implement SSO without a break-glass feature."
"The cost has the potential for improvement."
"There should be more documentation about the product."
"One of the issues with the product stems from the fact that it clubs different resources under one ticket."
"There's an array of upcoming versions with numerous features to be incorporated into the roadmap. Customers particularly appreciate the service's emphasis on intensive security, especially the secret scanning aspect. During the proof of concept (POC) phase, the system is required to gather logs from the customer's environment. This process entails obtaining specific permissions, especially in terms of gateway access. While most permissions for POC are manageable, the need for various permissions may need improvement, especially in the context of security."
"PingSafe takes four to five hours to detect and highlight an issue, and that time should be reduced."
"It does not bring much threat intel from the outside world. All it does is scan. If it can also correlate things, it will be better."
"The setup can be better. With every other Check Point product, the setup is scripted. You just approve versions, and then you are off. The setup for this solution is still very much manual. I would like to see that transition to more of a scripted setup."
"I would like to see tighter integration with other compliance tools, like Chef Compliance, in addition to Inspector."
"The solution could be improved with a greater analysis of its Microsoft Security score."
"The platform would be significantly enhanced by incorporating data security management capabilities."
"We have had some issues with the performance. In some cases, the performance of CloudGuard CNAPP is impacted. Particularly during the intensive security scans in high-traffic environments, there has been a performance impact."
"The biggest thing is the documentation aspect of Dome9 is a little lacking. They were purchased by Check Point about a year and a half to two years ago. When they integrated into Check Point's support system, a lot of the documentation that they had previously got mangled in the transition, e.g., linking to stuff on the Dome9 website that no longer exists. There are still a lot of spaces with incomplete links and stuff that is not as fully explained as it could be."
"I would like to see some AI on the back-end, just to assist with doing analysis and making recommendations."
"The performance can be better. Sometimes, the performance is not up to the mark. There is also integration complexity with third-party software and tools."
"Microsoft can improve the pricing by offering a plan that is more cost-effective for small and medium organizations."
"Another thing is that Defender for Cloud uses more resources than CrowdStrike, which my current company uses. Defender for Cloud has two or three processes running simultaneously that consume memory and processor time. I had the chance to compare that with CrowdStrike a few days ago, which was significantly less. It would be nice if Defender were a little lighter. It's a relatively large installation that consumes more resources than competitors do."
"When you work with it, the only problem that we're struggling with is that we have 21 different subscriptions we're trying to apply security to. It's impossible to keep everything organized."
"Another thing that could be improved was that they could recommend processes on how to react to alerts, or recommend best practices based on how other organizations do things if they receive an alert about XYZ."
"Microsoft Defender could be more centralized. For example, I still need to go to another console to do policy management."
"Features like code scanning and pipeline scanning are not included in the solution."
"The solution could extend its capabilities to other cloud providers. Right now, if you want to monitor a virtual machine on another cloud, you can do that. However, this cannot be done with other cloud platform services. I hope once that is available then Defender for Cloud will be a unified solution for all cloud platform services."
"There is no perfect product in the world and there are always features that can be added."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"PingSafe is priced reasonably for our workload."
"Their pricing appears to be based simply on the number of accounts we have, which is common for cloud-based products."
"Singularity Cloud Workload Security's licensing and price were cheaper than the other solutions we looked at."
"PingSafe is affordable."
"Its pricing is okay. It is in line with what other providers were providing. It is not cheap. It is not expensive."
"The tool is cost-effective."
"The tool is cost-effective."
"I wasn't sure what to expect from the pricing, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a little less than I thought."
"The pricing is extremely competitive."
"The tool's pricing is moderate. Its licensing costs are yearly."
"From a pricing perspective, they are pretty expensive."
"The license for CloudGuard Posture Management is about $80 a year, and it's based on your cloud footprint, not the number of users. So you could have a million users, and it doesn't matter."
"Its pricing is competitive."
"​They support either annual licensing or hourly. At the time of our last negotiation, it was either one or the other, you could not mix or match. I would have liked to mix/match. ​"
"The pricing of Check Point is very reasonable. Cisco is a very big brand, so the pricing is quite high. We want a solution that fits into our pocket and has all the features. They can improve the licensing model for small and mid-sized organizations. It suits large companies but not small and mid-sized organizations."
"CloudGuard is fairly priced."
"The pricing is very difficult because every type of Defender for Cloud has its own metrics and pricing. If you have Cloud for Key Vault, the pricing is different than it is for storage. Every type has its own pricing list and rules."
"We are using the free version of the Azure Security Center."
"There are improvements that have to be made to the licensing. Currently, for servers, it has to be done by grouping the servers on a single subscription... We don't have an option whereby, if all those resources are in one subscription, we can have each of the individual servers subject to different planning."
"The solution is expensive, and I rate it a five to six out of ten."
"Azure Defender is a bit pricey. The price could be lower."
"Pricing depends on your workload size, but it is very cheap. If you're talking about virtual machines, it is $5 or something for each machine, which is minimal. If you go for some agent-based solution for every virtual machine, then you need to pay the same thing or more than that. For an on-premises solution like this, we were paying around $30 to $50 based on size. With Defender, Microsoft doesn't bother about the size. You pay based on the number of machines. So, if you have 10 virtual machines, and 10 virtual machines are being monitored, you are paying based on that rather than the size of the virtual machine. Thus, you are paying for the number of units rather than paying for the size of your units."
"Defender for Cloud is pretty costly for a single line. It's incredibly high to pay monthly for security per server. The cost is considerable for an enterprise with 500-plus virtual machines, and the monthly bill can spike."
"It is bundled with our enterprise subscription, which makes it easy to go for it. It is available by default, and there is no extra cost for using the standard features."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Security Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about PingSafe?
The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best featu...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for PingSafe?
I am personally not taking care of the pricing part, but when we moved from CrowdStrike to Singularity Cloud Native S...
What needs improvement with PingSafe?
They can provide some kind of alert when a new type of risk is there. There can be a specific type of alert showing t...
How is Prisma Cloud vs Azure Security Center for security?
Azure Security Center is very easy to use, integrates well, and gives very good visibility on what is happening acros...
What do you like most about Microsoft Defender for Cloud?
The entire Defender Suite is tightly coupled, integrated, and collaborative.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Defender for Cloud?
The solution is expensive, and I rate it a five to six out of ten.

Also Known As

Check Point CloudGuard Posture Management, Dome9, Check Point CloudGuard Workload Protection, Check Point CloudGuard Intelligence
Microsoft Azure Security Center, Azure Security Center, Microsoft ASC, Azure Defender

Interactive Demo

Demo not available



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Symantec, Citrix, Car and Driver, Virgin, Cloud Technology Partners
Microsoft Defender for Cloud is trusted by companies such as ASOS, Vatenfall, SWC Technology Partners, and more.
Find out what your peers are saying about Check Point CloudGuard CNAPP vs. Microsoft Defender for Cloud and other solutions. Updated: August 2024.
802,829 professionals have used our research since 2012.