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CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security vs Morphisec comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Oct 9, 2024

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Clo...
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (6th), Cloud and Data Center Security (5th), Container Security (3rd), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (4th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (4th), Compliance Management (3rd)
CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Se...
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Reviews Sentiment
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (14th), Container Security (9th), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (8th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (7th), Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) (2nd), Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) (3rd)
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (27th), Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (43rd), Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (24th), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) (32nd), Threat Deception Platforms (10th)

Featured Reviews

Andrew W - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 29, 2024
Tells us about vulnerabilities as well as their impact and helps to focus on real issues
Looking at all the different pieces, it has got everything we need. Some of the pieces we do not even use. For example, we do not have Kubernetes Security. We are not running any K8 clusters, so it is good for us. Overall, we find the solution to be fantastic. There can be additional education components. This may not be truly fair to them because of what the product is going for, but it would be great to see additional education for compliance. It is not a criticism of the tool per se, but anything to help non-development resources understand some of the complexities of the cloud is always appreciated. Any additional educational resources are always helpful for security teams, especially those without a development background.
Jasmin Surani - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 3, 2024
Enhances the overall safety of our company's environment from cyber threats
I use CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security primarily for endpoint protection, including detection and response. It acts like a modern antivirus, automatically detecting and responding to threats based on defined policies. Additionally, it offers a vulnerability management module, highlighting machine…
Islam Shaikh - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 19, 2022
Lightweight, detects everything quickly, and takes corrective action
We sometimes have to depend on the support team to know what action we should take. If the solution for an alert can be built into the report that we are getting, it will save time, and the interaction with support would be less. At times, corrective action is required, but at times, we don't need to take any action. It would be good if we get to know in the report that a particular infection doesn't require any action. It will save us time and effort. Other than that, nothing else is required. They have taken care of everything. We are getting alerts, and we can have multiple admins. We get a good model with this view.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Our previous product took a lot of man hours to manage. Once we got Singularity Cloud Workload Security, it freed up our time to work on other tasks."
"The multi-cloud support is valuable. They are expanding to different clouds. It is not restricted to only AWS. It allows us to have different clouds on one platform."
"All the features we use are equal and get the job done."
"PingSafe released a new security graph tool that helps us identify the root issue. Other tools give you a pass/fail type of profile on all misconfigurations, and those will run into the thousands. PingSafe's graphing algorithm connects various components together and tries to identify what is severe and what is not. It can correlate various vulnerabilities and datasets to test them on the back end to pinpoint the real issue."
"The ease of use of the platform is very nice."
"It's helped free up staff time so that they can work on other projects."
"They're responsive to feature requests. If I suggest a feature for Prisma, I will need to wait until the next release on their roadmap. Cloud Native Security will add it right away."
"We liked the search bar in PingSafe. It is a global search. We were able to get some insights from there."
"The threat intelligence is the most vital feature"
"The scalability of the product has been great."
"There is a lot that it can do, but endpoint protection is the main thing about it. The fact that it uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to monitor and remediate the issues in real-time is probably the bread and butter of the product."
"Cloud security is one valuable feature. Spotlight is the other one. There is also vulnerability management and a couple of more features."
"The solution has login features like multi factor authentication."
"The product's initial setup phase is easy."
"The most valuable feature of CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security is its lightweight sensor, taking minimal space and not impacting server performance."
"The most valuable features of CrowdStrike Falcon include its automation capabilities, efficacy, and lower risk."
"The fact that Morphisec uses deterministic attack prevention that does not require human intervention has affected our security team's operations by making things much simpler. We don't have to really track down various alerts anymore, they've just stopped. At that point, we can go in and we can clean up whatever needs to be cleaned up. There are some things that Morphisec detects that we can't really remove, it's parts of Internet Explorer, but it's being blocked anyway. So we're happy with that."
"Morphisec has absolutely helped save money on our security stack. The ransomware at the end of the day can cost organizations millions upon millions of dollars. Investing in tools like Morphisec is a great reduction in that cost. If I can spend $10,000 in a year to protect assets that could be ransomed for $20,000,000, that's definitely a bet that one should pursue. Morphisec absolutely it's worth the investment."
"Morphisec provides full visibility into security events from Microsoft Defender and Morphisec in one dashboard. Defender and Morphisec are integrated. It's important because it lowers the total cost of maintenance on the engineer's time, more or less. So the administrative time is dramatically reduced in maintaining the product. This saves an engineer around four to five hours a week."
"We don't have to do anything as a user or as an admin. It does everything by default with its coding and inbuilt AI-based intelligence. We don't have to instruct it about what to do. It automatically takes corrective actions and quarantines or deletes a virus, malware, etc. That is the best part that I like about it."
"Morphisec has enabled us to become a lot less paranoid when it comes to staff clicking on things or accessing things that they shouldn't that could infect the whole system. Our original ransomware attack that happened came from someone's Google drive and then just filtered on through that. It has put our minds at ease a lot more in running it. It's also another layer of security that has been proven to be effective for us."
"We have seen it successfully block attacks that a traditional antivirus did not pick up."
"All the alerts are on the dashboard, which is quite simple and useful for us. You can easily check all the alerts that are being blocked or allowed, or whatever the action is. You can easily see that and you can take the necessary actions. You can add a PowerShell extension or any activities for blocking at your network level or for endpoints."
"It provides full visibility into security events and from both solutions in one dashboard. I'm not a big security guy, if I have a threat that looks like there's a problem, I will ask Morphisec to dissect it for me, and tell me what might be happening. Because it tends to be all hash codes, so I can tell what's going on. They've been pretty good with that."


"I would like PingSafe's detections to be openly available online instead of only accessible through their portal. Other tools have detections that are openly available without going through the tool."
"We had a glitch in PingSafe where it fed us false positives in the past."
"The recommended actions aren't always specific, so it might suggest recommendations that don't apply to the particular infrastructure code I'm reviewing."
"There can be a specific type of alert showing that a new type of risk has been identified."
"The Kubernetes scanning on the Oracle Cloud needs to be improved. It's on the roadmap. AWS has this capability, but it's unavailable for Oracle Cloud."
"A two-month grace period for extended searches would be a valuable improvement."
"SentinelOne currently lacks a break glass account feature, which is critical for implementing Single Sign-On."
"In some cases, the rules are strictly enforced but do not align with real-world use cases."
"There were some integration issues with this product."
"The tool is expensive."
"The only challenge lies in token verification."
"The threat intelligence and user behavioral analysis could be more comprehensive."
"It gets the work done, but the main problem with the solution is that if you remediate anything, it takes 45 days for you to get any of the features displayed on the dashboard. This is the real weakness of CrowdStrike. Their customer support is also not ready to help with it. If you remediate any cloud vulnerability that they are giving you, such as removing a host from your organization, it takes around 45 days for them to remove it from their console."
"It would be more convenient if there was an easier way to install CrowdStrike, perhaps through better integration with Active Directory."
"There should be cloud storage scanning. We would like to have cloud storage vulnerability and threat management on any cloud storage."
"The tool's scalability is low."
"We wanted to have multi-tenants in their cloud platform, so every entity can look into their own systems and not see other systems in other entities. I have a beta version on that now. I would like them to incorporate that in the cloud solution."
"We have only had four attacks in the last year, "attacks" being some benign PDF from a vendor that, for some reason, were triggered. There were no actual attacks. They were just four false positives, or something lowly like adware. There have been false positives with both the on-premises solution and the cloud solution."
"It would be useful for them if they had some kind of network discovery. That kind of functionality I think would give IT administrators a little bit more confidence that they have 100 percent coverage, and it gives them something to audit against. Network discovery would be one area I would definitely suggest that they put some effort into."
"If anything, tech support might be their weakest link. The process of getting someone involved sometimes takes a little time. It seems to me that they should have all the data they need to let me know whether an alert is legitimate or not, but they tend to need a lot of information from me to get to the bottom of something. It usually takes a little longer than I would expect."
"The weakest point of this product is how difficult it is to understand the reasons for an alert. This is a problem because it is hard to determine whether an attack is real or not."
"Those are some of the features that I was looking for on my on-prem platform that they've already instituted in the cloud and that I'm sure will be instituting on their on-prem platform as well. Having to have an on-prem server required a lot of administration. Being able to push that to the cloud and have it managed up there for us is a real nice addition."
"Sometimes it generates false positive alerts. They need to continue working on that. They have provided solutions for it and have fixed issues with updated versions. The service is quite good but they need to work on it more so that there are no false positive alerts."
"Automating reports needs improvement. I would like to have better reporting capabilities within it or automated reporting to be a little bit more dynamic. That's something I know they're working on. We literally are in the process. We started the process a week and a half ago of going to their latest version, so I've not seen their latest one up and running yet."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"PingSafe is cost-effective for the amount of infrastructure we have. It's reasonable for what they offer compared to our previous solution. It's at least 25 percent to 30 percent less."
"I am not involved in the pricing, but it is cost-effective."
"Its pricing was a little less than other providers."
"PingSafe falls within the typical price range for cloud security platforms."
"Singularity Cloud Security by SentinelOne is cost-efficient."
"We found it to be fine for us. Its price was competitive. It was something we were happy with. We are not a Fortune 500 company, so I do not know how pricing scales at the top end, but for our cloud environment, it works very well."
"Singularity Cloud Workload Security's licensing and price were cheaper than the other solutions we looked at."
"I understand that SentinelOne is a market leader, but the bill we received was astronomical."
"Its price is moderate."
"The pricing is reasonable, neither overly expensive nor excessively cheap, making it competitive compared to other market options."
"The pricing is fair for what you get. I'd rate them a solid nine out of ten in terms of pricing."
"It's an expensive product"
"I am not the one who handled the pricing. A different team worked on it, but it is pretty expensive."
"It's an expensive package but does what it says it will do."
"CrowdStrike Falcon is very expensive."
"The price is not too high, it is okay."
"The pricing is definitely fair for what it does."
"It is an annual subscription basis per device. For the devices that we have in scope right now, it is about $25,000 a year."
"Morphisec is reasonably priced because our parent company's other subsidiaries use different products like CrowdStrike. CrowdStrike is four or five times more expensive than Morphisec. The competitive pricing saves us money in our overall security stack."
"It is a little bit more expensive than other security products that we use, but it does provide us good protection. So, it is a trade-off."
"Licenses are per endpoint, and that's true for the cloud version as well. The only difference is that there is a little extra charge for the cloud version."
"Our licensing is tied into our contract. Because we have a long-term contract, our pricing is a little bit lower. It is per year, so we don't get charged per endpoint, but we do have a cap. Our cap is 80 endpoints. If we were to go over 80, when we renewed our contract, which is not until three years are over. Then, they would reevaluate, and say, "Well, you have more than 80 devices active right now. This is going to be the price change." They know that we are installing and replacing computers, so the numbers will be all over the place depending on whether you archive or don't archive, which is the reason why we just have to keep up on that stuff."
"We are still using a separate tool. I know for our 600 or I think we're actually licensed for up to 700 users, it runs me 23 or $24,000 a year. When you're talking to that many users plus servers being protected, that's well worth the investment for that dollar amount."
"Compared to their competitors, the price of Morphisec is not that high. You can easily deploy it on a large-scale or small-scale network."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Outsourcing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about PingSafe?
The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best featu...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for PingSafe?
I am personally not taking care of the pricing part, but when we moved from CrowdStrike to Singularity Cloud Native S...
What needs improvement with PingSafe?
They can provide some kind of alert when a new type of risk is there. There can be a specific type of alert showing t...
What do you like most about CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security?
It's easy to gather insights and conduct analysis about existing threats.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security?
It's an expensive product. The solution costs around $60 for a single user on a yearly basis. I would rate the pricin...
What needs improvement with CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security?
I am not part of the current monitoring team, so I do not know how they feel about the tool. I am sharing information...
What do you like most about Morphisec Unified Threat Prevention Platform?
Morphisec's in-memory protection is probably the most valuable feature because it stops malicious activity from occur...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Morphisec Unified Threat Prevention Platform?
Morphisec is reasonably priced because our parent company's other subsidiaries use different products like CrowdStrik...
What needs improvement with Morphisec Unified Threat Prevention Platform?
We have discovered some bugs in the new releases that they've had to fix, so I would like to see more testing and QA ...

Also Known As

CrowdStrike Falcon ASPM
Morphisec, Morphisec Moving Target Defense



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Information Not Available
Lenovo/Motorola, TruGreen, Covenant Health, Citizens Medical Center
Find out what your peers are saying about CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security vs. Morphisec and other solutions. Updated: October 2024.
813,418 professionals have used our research since 2012.