We use Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers for application servers, storage servers, or some hypervisor servers.
IT Manager at Messer France
We get centralization, remote management, and good customer service with these servers
Pros and Cons
- "The iDRAC feature is valuable. It is for remote handling. If there is a connection issue when we deliver a server to a remote site, we only need to ask them to switch iDRAC on. We then have direct access to the RAID server configuration without having switched it on."
- "Its price could be better."
What is our primary use case?
How has it helped my organization?
By implementing Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers, we wanted centralization, security, and meeting the needs of the job.
The performance of these servers is similar to the servers from another brand, but Dell’s after-sales customer service is better than other brands.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers can be configured depending on our needs. They are adaptable.
In terms of energy consumption, we do not have any way to supervise the energy consumption of our servers. However, I know that there is a possibility to have several power supplies as a backup on the servers. It meets our needs, but I do not know if they consume more energy than the servers from other brands.
With regard to durability, we keep our servers for ten years or so. After that, we call upon a company that recycles them. We have never had any problem with the RSE for these servers.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers can help to reduce unplanned production downtime, but it all depends on the chosen configuration. A simple PowerEdge server with just RAID 5, for example, would function, but if we have a problem with the power supply or two disks, it would not work. It depends on the configuration. We put several of them which helps us to have less production downtime.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have affected the overall flexibility of our operations. As a general rule, we put Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers in racks, or we have them in tower mode for certain production systems. Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are a standard in our company. They are needed. We have to have them. We will soon move. Our server room has been designed with tables that can have PCs in tower mode. In our new buildings, we have reduced the space or rather the surface area for our server room. All that has a great impact on the costs.
What is most valuable?
The iDRAC feature is valuable. It is for remote handling. If there is a connection issue when we deliver a server to a remote site, we only need to ask them to switch iDRAC on. We then have direct access to the RAID server configuration without having switched it on.
What needs improvement?
Its price could be better.
Buyer's Guide
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers
March 2025

Learn what your peers think about Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: March 2025.
842,592 professionals have used our research since 2012.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been using Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers for about 15 years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
The stability is fine. It meets our needs.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
For handling the evolving needs for high-performance workloads, I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers a seven out of ten. The problem is that we are restricted with regard to the equipment. That means that at some point, we will either have to buy an extra component to put it in the SAL mode, for example. So, I have an issue with the restriction on the equipment that we have acquired, and as a result, we are forced to either replace it or upgrade it.
We generally keep a server for more or less ten years. After that, it is no longer compliant and reaches the end of its life cycle. It no longer complies with the standards for our systems, so we are forced to replace it. It is that simple. For example, at the moment, I have a PowerEdge server that I need to replace because, in terms of storage space, it can no longer meet our needs. For operational maintenance, we have chosen to opt for two identical servers with a SAN underneath. It is just evolution. We just need to adapt to the situation, and when it gets to a certain point, we just have to replace them. There is always an option that meets this evolution.
How are customer service and support?
I would rate their support for these servers a solid eight out of ten. We have not encountered many problems, but when we have to renew them, their salesperson informs us and gets in touch with us. The technicians helping out are not necessarily from Dell. Because we have network sites that are fairly sensitive, we are obliged to have the technicians’ usernames in a certain way, and that is a fairly complex matter.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
We had some servers from HPE and Siemens. We replaced them. We changed everything to harmonize our environment. Considering that all of our PCs and screen equipment are from Dell, we thought about adding the servers from Dell in order to have just one sales contact and better prices as we are grouping the equipment.
How was the initial setup?
I was involved in the initial setup. It was rather simple.
We add solutions that allow us to manage them remotely. We can connect them remotely through a port called iDRAC that we need to add. We can then configure them fairly easily.
What about the implementation team?
We buy them from Dell and implement them ourselves.
What was our ROI?
It is quite good. However, in terms of the ROI for the company’s business, I cannot say exactly where we have been saving but we have been able to meet our needs. As a result, the company has been making money.
What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?
The prices increase every year. We bought a few PowerEdge servers just two days ago for 4,300 euros. Previously, we used to buy them for 2,500 euros before tax. The prices are going quite high, but in terms of equipment, we have never had any specific problems. The maintenance is perfect, and when we need a disk replacement, the technicians help fairly rapidly.
What other advice do I have?
I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers a nine out of ten. They do what they need to do.
On a la centralisation, la gestion à distance et un bon service client avec ces serveurs
Foreign Language:(French)
Depuis combien de temps utilisez-vous les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack?
J’utilise les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack depuis environ 15 ans.
Quel est votre cas principal d'utilisation de cette solution? (Décrivez votre environnement.
On utilise les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack pour des serveurs d’application, des serveurs de stockage ou des serveurs hyperviseur.
Veuillez décrire comment les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack ont amélioré votre organisation. Si ça n'a pas été le cas, veuillez expliquer pourquoi.
En implémentant les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack, on voulait de la centralisation, de la sécurité et répondre aux besoins du métier.
La performance de ces serveurs est identique à celle de serveurs d’autres marques mais le service client après-vente de Dell est meilleur que celui d’autres marques.
Les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack sont configurables selon nos besoins. Ils sont adaptables.
En termes de consommation d'énergie, nous n’avons pas de supervision des systèmes de consommation d'énergie sur nos serveurs. Après, je sais qu’il y a la possibilité d’avoir plusieurs alimentations en backup sur des serveurs. Ils correspondent à nos besoins mais je ne sais pas s'ils consomment plus d'énergie que des serveurs d’autres marques.
En ce qui concerne la durabilité, nous, on garde nos serveurs environ dix ans. Au bout de dix ans, on fait appel à une société qui les recycle. On n’a jamais eu de problème avec le RSE de ces serveurs.
Les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers peuvent aider à réduire les temps d'arrêt de production imprévus mais tout dépend de la configuration choisie. Un simple serveur PowerEdge avec juste un RAID,. par exemple, fonctionnerait mais si on a un problème avec une alimentation ou avec deux disques, ça ne marcherait plus. Ça dépend vraiment de la configuration. Le fait d’en mettre plusieurs nous aide à avoir moins de coupures de production.
Les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack ont affecté la flexibilité globale de nos opérations. En règle générale, on met les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack en rack ou en mode tour pour certains systèmes de production. Les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack sont un standard dans notre société. Ils sont indispensables. On en a besoin. On va bientôt déménager et notre salle serveurs a été conçue avec des tables pour mettre des PC en mode tour. Pour nos prochains locaux, on a diminué l’espace ou plutôt, la surface de notre salle de serveurs. Tout cela a un gros impact sur les coûts.
Quelles fonctionnalités avez-vous trouvé les plus utiles et pourquoi?
La fonctionnalité iDRAC est utile pour la gestion à distance. S’il y a un problème de connexion lorsqu’on livre un serveur sur un site distant, on a juste à leur demander de brancher l’iDRAC. Ensuite, on a un accès direct pour la configuration des serveurs RAID sans l’avoir allumé.
Dans quels domaines les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack pourraient-ils être améliorés?
Le coût pourrait être meilleur.
Avez-vous utilisé des solutions différentes auparavant et si c’est le cas, pourquoi avez-vous changé?
On avait du HPE et du Siemens. On les a remplacés. On a tout changé pour harmoniser notre environnement. Vu qu’on est déjà équipé en PCs et écrans de chez Dell, on s’est dit qu’on allait rajouter les serveurs Dell pour avoir un seul contact commercial et avoir des prix plus intéressants, vu qu’on regroupe le matériel.
Que conseillez-vous à d'autres en ce qui concerne les coûts d’installation, les tarifs et/ou les licences?
Les prix augmentent chaque année. On a acheté quelques serveurs PowerEdge il y a deux jours à 4300 euros pièce. A l'époque, on les achetait à 2,500 euros hors-taxe. Les prix commencent à être assez élevés mais en termes de matériel, on n’a jamais eu de problème spécifique. La maintenance est parfaite et quand on a un remplacement de disque, les techniciens interviennent assez rapidement.
Quelles sont vos impressions sur la scalabilité de cette solution?
En ce qui concerne la gestion des besoins évolutifs des charges de travail à haute performance, je donnerais une note de sept sur dix pour les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack. Le problème, c’est qu’on est bridé par rapport au matériel. C'est-à-dire qu'à un moment donné, on va se retrouver à devoir acheter un composant supplémentaire pour le mettre en mode SAL, par exemple. J’ai donc un souci avec la restriction sur le matériel qu’on a acheté et du coup, on est obligé de le remplacer ou de faire des mises à jour.
Généralement, on garde un serveur environ dix ans. Au bout de dix ans, il n’est plus conforme et il est en fin de vie. Il ne respecte plus la normalisation de nos systèmes et on est donc obligés de le remplacer. C’est aussi simple que ça. Par exemple, en ce moment, j’ai un serveur PowerEdge que je dois remplacer parce qu’en termes d’espace de stockage, il ne peut plus répondre à nos besoins. En termes de maintien en condition opérationnelle, on a choisi d’opter pour deux serveurs identiques avec un SAN en dessous. C’est juste de l'évolution. On doit juste s’adapter à la situation et quand on arrive à un certain point, on est juste amené à les remplacer. Il y a toujours une option pour répondre à cette évolution.
Quelles sont vos impressions sur la stabilité de cette solution?
La stabilité est correcte. Ça répond à nos besoins.
Avez-vous remarqué un RSI (Retour Sur Investissement)? Si oui, de quelle manière (p. ex. mesures/points de données)?
Il est assez bon. Après, en termes de RSI pour la société, je ne peux pas vous dire exactement ou est-ce qu’on a gagné mais on a pu répondre à nos besoins. Donc, du coup, la société a forcément gagné de l’argent.
Le déploiement initial était-il simple ou complexe et de quelle manière?
J'étais impliqué dans le déploiement initial. C'était plutôt simple.
On ajoute des solutions qui nous permettent de les gérer à distance. On a la possibilité de pouvoir se connecter à distance à l'aide d’un port qui s’appelle iDRAC qu’on doit rajouter. On peut ensuite, paramétrer assez aisément.
Faites-vous l'implémentation avec une équipe d’un revendeur ou en interne? Si à travers d’un revendeur, comment évalueriez-vous leur niveau d’expertise?
On les achète chez Dell et on les implémente nous-mêmes.
Décrivez-nous votre expérience avec le service client et le support.
Je donnerai un bon huit sur dix pour le support de ces serveurs. On n’a pas rencontré énormément de problèmes et quand on est amené à les renouveler, notre commercial nous contacte et nous informe. Les techniciens qui nous aident ne sont pas d’office de chez Dell. Vu que nous avons des sites assez sensibles, on est obligé d’avoir les identifiants des techniciens et pour nous, tout ça est assez complexe.
Comment évalueriez-vous cette solution sur une échelle de 1 à 10 pour le service et le support?
Sur une échelle de 1 à 10 (1=le pire, 10=le meilleur), comment évalueriez-vous les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack? Veuillez expliquer pourquoi.
Je mettrais un neuf sur dix aux serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack. Ils font ce qu’ils ont à faire.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.

Systems Engineer at Air France KLM
Robust servers for productivity, continuity, and quality of service
Pros and Cons
- "Nowadays, iDRAC is very important. It is one of the features that we use the most because we do not always have physical access to our machines. iDRAC is a tool that we use daily. If we did not have it, it would be very complicated to manage the machines. This is a great feature."
- "The pricing can be better. These are expensive machines."
What is our primary use case?
We use Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers for virtualization with VMware products to host ESXi. We also use products such as vCenter and vSphere, and we are now in the process of moving towards the VCF solutions to do our SVDC infrastructure.
By implementing Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers, we are looking to replace some of the old machines with more recent machines. We want to reduce energy consumption and also gain some space in our data rooms and our data centers. We are going to replace several machines with just one machine that is a more recent machine.
How has it helped my organization?
We have always had them. We have always worked with Dell PowerEdge servers. So, I have only known those servers. They have improved our organization in terms of productivity, continuity, and the quality of the service. They are quite robust. We are very happy with the malware incident-product resilience ratio.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have improved a great deal in comparison to the older generations of servers when it comes to energy consumption. I do not have the figures because I am not part of the teams that measure our data centers, but we have easily had 20% or 30% energy savings.
To manage the evolving needs of high-performance workloads, the racks or the machines that we buy have a lot of storage space to add memory or disks if needed. In terms of storage, we are using the PowerEdge servers to make some VMware vSAN. With vSAN, there is a storage layer with disks, flash, etcetera for the cache. We have the option to stretch it by buying more disks for more storage, but we also have the possibility to easily stretch and add memory to our machines, which is good. In terms of evolution, this is very important for us because in the beginning or at the kickoff point of a new project, it can be a bit vague for us and we do not know how our needs will evolve. We might need more over time.
The machines that we have today are the oldest that I know of from the Dell PowerEdge series. For example, they might be 11G. We still have some of them, and they still work. They are robust, resilient, and durable. However, they no longer get any support. If we want any maintenance from them for this hardware, we have to pay for support extensions. This way we get help when we have a supply or hardware breakdown with these models. We must pay for the support because this kind of equipment came out a long time ago, and it has reached its end of life, so the support exists but at an extra cost. That could be an area for improvement, but from a commercial point of view, it is hard to maintain the support and storage for parts and keep a stock of parts for aging machines while knowing that they have been replaced by new-generation machines that are more efficient and less energy-consuming. It is debatable, but commercially, it is understandable. We just live with it.
For all of our Dell products, including PowerEdge servers, we have a ProSupport contract for the data center. We are very pleased with them because any breakdowns are very quickly resolved. We get a technician in less than 24 hours. We can also resolve certain breakdowns quickly because we can simply get connected to the machine. Even when we no longer have access or a connection to the machine, we always have an administration link that allows us to connect to iDRAC and reboot the machine. As a result, this feature is helpful.
We use the OpenManage console. It helps the team and saves a huge amount of time with the lifecycle management and updating BIOS and firmware. It is good for that. Without it, we cannot manage to keep our servers up to date, so it is a very significant gain. It is very important for us.
Using Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers has affected the overall flexibility of our operations. We have gained productivity. To start with, we have gained in terms of performance at the writing level with IOs. In the past, our users used to complain a lot about the waiting time and the slowness. There was some congestion with IOs. Since we have been using the new generation servers, people are happier. We no longer get problems with the slow speed of the IOs writing, etc.
What is most valuable?
Nowadays, iDRAC is very important. It is one of the features that we use the most because we do not always have physical access to our machines. iDRAC is a tool that we use daily. If we did not have it, it would be very complicated to manage the machines. This is a great feature.
What needs improvement?
The pricing can be better. These are expensive machines. Especially since COVID-19, many organizations are trying to reduce costs in various directions, and they often end up challenging the IT services and IT teams to reduce the costs. As a result, the choice made today for IT machines is very much based on the price, especially for the hardware. We are currently working with Dell because when we do an RFP, we put several resellers in competition, and at the moment, Dell is able to produce competitive and interesting prices for our needs. So, the final decision is often based on the price. It is essentially the price that will influence the choice of the hardware.
We order vSAN Ready Nodes, but it can happen that between the moment we order our machines and the moment they get delivered, there are some updates or new versions that may have come out. As a result, when we receive our machines and switch them on, even though they are vSAN Ready Nodes, we still have to patch them and build them with a version to be able to integrate them in a cluster so that they are uniform and with the same version as the others servers. So, there is room for improvement with regard to getting the target version.
There can be a long time gap between the order, the manufacturing, and the delivery or receipt of the machines. After receiving them, we have a process of hardwiring. We still have tasks left, such as racking the machine and hardwiring, before using the machines. It can sometimes take several weeks before we are able to use them, and that is when we notice a difference between the production machines and the new machines. Although the new machines are vSAN Ready Nodes, they are not actually ready.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been using Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers for seven years, but it has been longer for our organization.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
The stability is good.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
They are scalable.
How are customer service and support?
We are very happy with their support because we benefit from ProSupport. It includes the intervention on the data center, the parts, and the technician in less than 24 hours. So, it is working well.
I would rate their support a nine out of ten because sometimes, there are issues. Sometimes, a part might not be available. When a part is not available, it can have an impact. They have several strategic points in France where the parts are stored, and the parts come from those points. When those parts are not in those areas, they widen the search for the parts, and that can be worldwide. As the parts can come from anywhere, they can take longer to get to us. Some service requests might also have gone over the SLAs, but we understand that it cannot be perfect.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
In this organization, I have always worked with Dell servers, but in the past, I have worked with HPE. They are fairly similar. HPE has the iLO card, and Dell has the iDRAC card. I do not have enough insights into HPE servers because I have worked very little with them. I do not have that many elements for comparison. The only elements for comparison that I have are more or less the same.
How was the initial setup?
I was involved with the new infrastructure. It was very simple because the new PowerEdge servers that we ordered were vSAN Ready Nodes. We get our own machines. We do the hardwiring. We switch them on, and we immediately have our ESXi installed. Only the configuration is left to do. We only need to integrate new nodes and new servers in the bay centers and ESXi in our clusters at the bay centers. We then do the configuration. That is the administration part, and then, we link VMware. So, the integration has been hugely simplified by the fact that we have some vSAN Ready Nodes.
What about the implementation team?
We do the implementation ourselves.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
Personally, I find them extremely expensive, but my colleague is a part of the buying team, so he would know better than me.
What other advice do I have?
I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers an eight out of ten. I am not entirely satisfied to rate them a ten.
Foreign Language:(French)
Des serveurs robustes pour la productivité, la continuité et la qualité de service
Depuis combien de temps utilisez-vous les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack?
J’utilise les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack depuis sept ans mais cela fait plus longtemps pour notre société.
Quel est votre cas principal d’utilisation de cette solution? (Décrivez votre environnement).
On utilise les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack pour de la virtualisation avec les produits VMware pour héberger de l’ESXi. On utilise des produits vCenter et vSphere et en ce moment, on est en train de se tourner vers les solutions VCF pour faire notre infrastructure SVDC.
En implémentant les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack, on cherche à remplacer des vieilles machines par des machines plus récentes. On veut réduire la consommation énergétique et gagner de la place en salles serveurs et dans nos data centers. On va remplacer plusieurs machines par une seule machine qui est plus récente.
Comment est-ce que les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack ont amélioré votre organisation? Si ce ne fut pas le cas, veuillez expliquer pourquoi.
On en a toujours eu. On a toujours travaillé avec les serveurs Dell PowerEdge. Donc, je n’ai toujours connu que ces serveurs. Ils ont amélioré notre organisation en termes de productivité, de continuité et de qualité de service. Ils sont robustes. On est très contents du ratio incident malware et résilience du produit.
Les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack se sont beaucoup améliorés par rapport aux anciennes générations de serveurs en ce qui concerne la consommation d'énergie. Je n’ai pas les chiffres en tête parce que je ne fais pas partie des équipes qui mesurent nos data centers mais on est facile à 20% ou 30% de gain en énergie.
Pour gérer les besoins évolutifs des charges de travail à haute performance, on achète des racks, des machines qui ont beaucoup de place pour ajouter de la mémoire ou des disques, si besoin. En termes de stockage, on utilise les serveurs PowerEdge pour faire du VMware vSAN. Avec la vSAN, il y a une couche stockage avec des disques, flash, etcetera, pour le cache. On a la possibilité d'étendre en rachetant des disques pour la partie stockage mais on a aussi la possibilité d'étendre et rajouter de la mémoire dans nos machines assez facilement, ce qui est une bonne chose. En termes d'évolution, cela est très important pour nous parce qu’au début, au moment où on démarre un nouveau projet, on est des fois dans le flou et on ne sait pas comment nos besoins vont évoluer. On peut parfois en avoir besoin de plus.
Les machines qu’on a aujourd’hui des séries Dell PowerEdge sont les plus anciennes que je connaisse. Ce sont des 11G, par exemple. On en a encore quelques-unes et elles fonctionnent toujours. C’est robuste, résistant et durable. Après, ce sont des produits qui n’ont plus de support. Si nous voulons de la maintenance sur ce matériel, on doit payer pour des extensions de support. C’est le seul moyen d’avoir de l’aide si jamais on a une panne d’alimentation ou du matériel sur ces modèles. On doit payer du support parce que c’est du matériel qui est sorti il y a longtemps et qui a atteint sa fin de vie. Le support existe donc bien mais avec un surcoût. Cela pourrait être un point d'amélioration mais d’un point de vue commercial, c’est dur de maintenir du support et de produire et d’avoir du stock de pièces pour des machines qui sont vieillissantes, sachant que c’est remplacé par des nouvelles générations de machines qui sont plus performantes et moins énergivores. Ça se discute mais commercialement, c’est compréhensible. On vit avec.
Pour tous nos produits Dell avec les serveurs PowerEdge inclus, nous avons le contrat ProSupport pour le data center. Nous sommes très satisfaits parce que les pannes sont résolues très rapidement. On a un technicien qui arrive en moins de 24 heures. On peut résoudre certaines pannes rapidement parce qu’on peut tout simplement se connecter à la machine. Même lorsqu’on n’a plus d'accès ou de connectivité avec la machine, on a toujours un lien d’administration qui nous permet de nous connecter à l’iDRAC et relancer la machine. Du coup, cette fonctionnalité est utile.
On utilise la console OpenManage. Elle fait gagner énormément de temps aux équipes sur la gestion du cycle de vie et pour mettre à jour les BIOS et firmware. C’est très bien pour tout ça. Sans cette console, on ne serait pas capable de maintenir nos serveurs à jour donc, c’est un gain très important pour nous. C’est un produit très important pour nous.
L’utilisation des serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack a affecté la flexibilité globale de nos opérations. Nous avons gagné en productivité. Nous avons déjà eu des gains en termes de performance au niveau des écritures des IOs. Par le passé, nos utilisateurs se plaignaient beaucoup de problèmes de latence et de lenteur. Il y avait des congestions au niveau de l'IOS. Depuis qu’on utilise les nouvelles générations de serveurs, les gens sont plus contents. On n’a plus ces problèmes de lenteur d'écriture d'IOS, etc.
Quelles fonctionnalités avez-vous trouvé les plus utiles et pourquoi?
Aujourd’hui, l’iDRAC est très important. C’est une des fonctionnalités qu’on utilise le plus parce qu’on n’a pas toujours accès physiquement à nos machines. L’iDRAC est un outil qu’on utilise quotidiennement. Si on ne l’avait pas, ce serait très compliqué de gérer les machines. C’est une super fonctionnalité.
Dans quels domaines les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack pourraient-ils être améliorés?
Le prix pourrait être meilleur. Ce sont des machines qui sont chères. Surtout depuis le COVID-19, beaucoup d’organisations cherchent à réduire leurs coûts dans différentes directions et elles vont souvent challenger les services et les équipes informatiques pour réduire les coûts. Du coup, le choix des machines aujourd’hui est plutôt basé sur le coût, surtout pour le matériel hardware. Nous, aujourd’hui, on travaille avec Dell parce que quand on fait un RFP, on met plusieurs revendeurs en concurrence et pour le moment, Dell est capable de sortir des tarifs qui sont compétitifs et intéressants par rapport à nos besoins. La décision finale est donc souvent basée sur le prix. C’est essentiellement le coût qui va influencer le choix du hardware.
On commande les vSAN Ready Nodes mais entre le moment où on commande nos machines et le moment où elles sont livrées, il se peut qu’il y ait eu des mises à jour ou des nouvelles versions qui soient sorties. Du coup, quand on reçoit nos machines et qu’on les allume, bien qu’elles soient du vSAN Ready Nodes, on doit encore les patcher et les monter en version pour pouvoir les intégrer dans un cluster pour que ce soit uniforme et la même version que les autres serveurs. Il y a donc un point d'amélioration sur le fait d’avoir une version cible.
Il peut se passer beaucoup de temps entre la commande, la fabrication et la livraison ou la réception des machines. Et après les avoir reçues, nous avons encore un autre processus de câblage. On a encore toute la main-d’œuvre derrière pour mettre les machines en rack et faire le câblage avant de pouvoir les utiliser. Cela peut parfois prendre plusieurs semaines, avant de pouvoir s’en servir et c’est là où on constate une différence entre la production des machines et les nouvelles machines. Bien que les nouvelles machines soient vSAN Ready Nodes, elles ne sont pas vraiment ‘ready’ (prêtes à être utilisées).
Avez-vous utilisé une solution différente auparavant et le cas échéant, pourquoi avez-vous changé?
Dans cette société, j’ai toujours travaillé avec des serveurs Dell mais par le passé, j’ai travaillé avec du HPE. Ils sont assez similaires. HPE a la carte iLO et Dell a la carte iDRAC. Je n’ai pas assez de recul sur les serveurs HPE parce que j’ai très peu travaillé avec eux. Je n’ai pas beaucoup d'éléments de comparaison. D'après les seuls éléments de comparaison que je puisse avoir, c’est plus ou moins identique.
Que conseillez-vous à d'autres sur les coûts d’installation, les tarifs et/ou les licences?
Personnellement, je les trouve extrêmement chers mais mon collègue qui fait partie de l'équipe des achats en sait plus que moi.
Quelles sont vos impressions sur la scalabilité de cette solution?
Ils sont scalables.
Quelles sont vos impressions sur la stabilité de cette solution?
La stabilité est bonne.
La configuration initiale était-elle simple ou complexe et de quelle manière?
J'étais impliqué sur la nouvelle infrastructure. C'était très simple parce que les nouveaux serveurs PowerEdge que nous avions commandés étaient des vSAN Ready Nodes. On a nos propres machines. On fait le câblage. On les allume et on a déjà directement notre ESXi d’installé. Il reste juste la configuration à faire. Il nous reste juste à intégrer les nouveaux nœuds et les nouveaux serveurs dans nos centres de baies et les ESXi dans nos clusters dans les centres de baies. Après, on passe à la configuration. Et ensuite, c’est la partie administration pour lier le VMware. L'intégration a donc été grandement simplifiée du fait d’avoir des vSAN Ready Nodes.
Avez-vous fait l'implémentation avec une équipe d’un revendeur ou en interne? Si à travers un revendeur, comment évalueriez-vous leur niveau d’expertise?
Nous la faisons nous-mêmes.
Décrivez-nous votre expérience avec le service client et le support.
On est très content avec leur support parce qu’on bénéficie du ProSupport. Cela inclut l’intervention sur le data center, les pièces et le technicien en moins de 24 heures. Donc, ça marche bien.
Je donnerais un neuf sur 10 pour leur support parce que des fois, il y a des problèmes. Il arrive parfois qu’une pièce ne soit pas disponible. Lorsqu’une pièce n’est pas disponible, cela peut avoir un impact. Ils ont plusieurs points stratégiques en France où les pièces sont en stock et elles viennent de ces points-là. Lorsque ces pièces ne sont pas stockées dans ces points-là, ils élargissent pour trouver la pièce et des fois, ça peut venir du monde entier. Comme les pièces peuvent venir de n'importe où, elles mettent plus de temps à arriver chez nous. Certaines demandes de service ont pu dépasser les CNS mais on comprend que cela ne peut pas être parfait.
Comment évalueriez-vous cette solution sur une échelle de 1 à 10 pour le service et le support?
Sur une échelle de 1 à 10 (1=le pire, 10=le meilleur), comment évalueriez-vous les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack? Veuillez expliquer pourquoi.
Je donnerais une note de huit sur dix aux serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack. Je ne suis pas entièrement satisfait pour leur donner un dix.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Buyer's Guide
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers
March 2025

Learn what your peers think about Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: March 2025.
842,592 professionals have used our research since 2012.
IT Manager at a hospitality company with 10,001+ employees
Easy to use and works without any downtime
Pros and Cons
- "It operates without any downtime. It runs 24 hours and 365 days. The downtime is there for an hour or two only when I do an upgrade, but it is within the SLA."
- "Overall, I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers a ten out of ten."
- "I do not have any input. My servers are quite old. Newer systems are more sustainable in terms of energy consumption. I need to consider more power-saving and sustainable options."
- "Newer systems are more sustainable in terms of energy consumption. I need to consider more power-saving and sustainable options."
What is our primary use case?
We have created Hyper-V virtual machines. We have multiple virtual machines running on this system. Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are good for handling diverse applications. We have not faced any issues so far. It is good. It is doing well.
How has it helped my organization?
We are using Dell PowerEdge R730 Server, and it meets our needs for handling high-performance workloads. We are extremely satisfied.
They are good at firmware upgrades and other things. So far, we have not faced any issues with them. Earlier, I used some other brands. As compared to those, I am satisfied with Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers.
We did not experience any security incidents with Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers.
What is most valuable?
The advantages include ease of use. The rack accessibility, BIOS settings, and everything else are easy. Its configuration is straightforward. I do not have any difficulties working with it.
It operates without any downtime. It runs 24 hours and 365 days. The downtime is there for an hour or two only when I do an upgrade, but it is within the SLA.
What needs improvement?
I do not have any input. My servers are quite old. Newer systems are more sustainable in terms of energy consumption. I need to consider more power-saving and sustainable options.
For how long have I used the solution?
We have been using Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers since 2018. It has been almost five years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
It has been good. I have not faced any issues so far, and it is performing well. For the last five years, I have been using it and am extremely satisfied. I hope it will continue like that.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
We have not done any expansion. We are planning but have not implemented any expansion yet.
How are customer service and support?
When I had an incident, the support was good. I would rate it a nine out of ten.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
We have used other brands previously, but we had issues related to firmware and slowness. We are satisfied with Dell PowerEdge servers.
How was the initial setup?
It was not difficult. Based on my previous experience, it was easy to implement.
What about the implementation team?
I worked with Dell Professional Services to plan, implement, and adopt the solution in the beginning. They supported me with the RAID configuration and other types of setups.
What was our ROI?
We reduced costs by purchasing one or two servers instead of multiple. We are using a single server for our workload.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
I don't remember the model, but we evaluated HPE.
What other advice do I have?
We have not run any AI workloads on these servers. We have multiple software and platforms. It is not easy to integrate AI. We are planning to do it but so far, nothing has been done when it comes to AI integration.
Overall, I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers a ten out of ten. It has been working well for the last five years. I am satisfied with it.
Which deployment model are you using for this solution?
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Last updated: Jan 23, 2025
Flag as inappropriateSystems Engineer at BnF
Offers remote management and makes administration easy with workload and consumption indicators
Pros and Cons
- "These web servers were easily manageable from as early as 2003. We have a very large building, and it was possible to manage them remotely in a simple way from as early as 2003."
- "All of the marketing terminologies from Dell are very complicated as they have names that sometimes involve the same technology."
What is our primary use case?
We use them for everything—from infrastructure services to virtualization, as well as storage.
By implementing these servers, we wanted to meet our needs regarding office automation. I work for a national library, so it was essentially about being able to distribute digital books and being able to create applications and a digital library.
How has it helped my organization?
At the time, they were the only ones to offer a remote management system, and that is a very important feature for us, especially bearing in mind that we have only two people for hundreds of servers. It is indeed very important.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have the PowerEdge Cyber Resilient Architecture approach to security, but I do not believe in that. We put the security in place well in advance and early on the servers as well as the networks in order to filter everything, so we have minimal exposure to the servers. Once it is on the servers, it is too late. They must be stopped well in advance.
In terms of energy consumption, it depends on what you are doing with the machine. If it is to manage AIs or other similar things, they consume far too much energy. If it is for the purpose of heritage conservation, then it is consuming what it needs to. It depends on what you are using it for. If you leave the light on in a room and everyone has their eyes closed and nobody is doing anything, then it is excess energy consumption. Even if it is barely a fraction of any watt being used, it is already too much. However, if it is for reading and learning about things, it can be justified. The justification does not take place at the server level but at the level of how we use that server. Certain servers are very energy-consuming because there are certain projects that have no purpose at all, and there are projects, such as the digital library, that are very useful, and I do not find them very energy-consuming.
They have very good indicators on them that allow us to follow the workloads as well as consumptions. That is very good. One good thing about those servers is that we are remotely warned. There is a follow-up, and the administration is much easier for us.
In terms of their impact on our sustainability goals, we do not have much money in the public sector, so we make them last for a very long time. I have some servers that are more than ten years old, so the maintenance or support no longer exists for those models. This equipment is well-manufactured and reliable, and it works very well.
For the last 20 years, there have been far fewer breakdowns. The servers function much better and the OS too. For sure, we are getting a much better quality product than we used to about 20 or 25 years ago. That is for sure. The machines no longer stop. We now only stop them for some safety updates or something similar, but that is it.
The OpenManage console does allow us to combine everything, but we had that system well before it was a VM. At the time, it was still an application.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have affected the overall flexibility of our operations. The fact that they are easily manageable is an essential aspect.
What is most valuable?
These web servers were easily manageable from as early as 2003. We have a very large building, and it was possible to manage them remotely in a simple way from as early as 2003.
What needs improvement?
All of the marketing terminologies from Dell are very complicated as they have names that sometimes involve the same technology. It is something very complex for me as well as for many people who are not that familiar with Dell’s catalog. Apart from that, from a technical aspect, Dell is following the technical progression of the motherboards and processors from other manufacturers, and as a result, they are always up to date.
Their price could be better.
For how long have I used the solution?
The first one was in 2003, so we have been using them for about 20 years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
They are very stable. They last a very long time.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
We never make any changes. We buy the equipment. Sometimes, we even buy a lot of identical equipment, and according to the lifespan, we add server disks from an obsolete server to make another server more powerful. That is the only thing that we do. We do not make any changes to processors or anything else. We buy the servers based on necessity.
How are customer service and support?
Their support is always very good. It is always a ten out of ten. They have very competent people. There is no need to negotiate something or explain it ten times when a server strip is faulty and needs to be returned. There is no problem regarding this, and it is very good.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
We have some Lenovo servers, and we have some HPE servers. Dell does not always offer the best prices, and the competitors are also offering products at a good price. That is what the competitive game is about, and sometimes, it is the competitor who wins.
How was the initial setup?
I was involved in the initial setup. It is extremely simple.
In terms of the implementation strategy, we had two delivered. We watched how they were cabled up, how they were built up, and we put the others. We had ordered together with a guide, and there were no problems.
What about the implementation team?
We did the implementation with a guide. We always do this, but while telling him what to do. We made our own terms and conditions. We were the ones in charge.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
Dell’s licensing is perfect. In comparison to the competitors, it is perfect. It is simple and well done. It is working for us.
What other advice do I have?
I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers a ten out of ten. Out of all the brands that I know, they are the best together with HPE, but there is something that I do not like about HPE, and that is the licensing. I find their licensing absolutely unbearable.
Foreign Language:(French)
Offre une gestion à distance, une administration facile et des indicateurs de charges de travail et de consommation
Depuis combien de temps utilisez-vous les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack?
Le premier était en 2003, cela fait donc environ 20 ans.
Quel est votre cas d’utilisation principal de cette solution? (Décrivez votre environnement).
On s’en sert pour tout — autant pour les services d’infrastructure que pour la virtualisation et le stockage.
En implémentant ces serveurs, on voulait répondre à nos besoins en bureautique. Je travaille pour la bibliothèque nationale. C’est donc essentiellement pour distribuer des ouvrages numérisés et d'être capable de concevoir des applications et une bibliothèque numérique.
Veuillez décrire comment les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack ont amélioré votre organisation. Si ce ne fut pas le cas, veuillez expliquer pourquoi.
C'était les seuls à l'époque qui proposaient un système de gestion à distance et ça, c’est un aspect très important pour nous, sachant que nous sommes que deux pour plusieurs centaines de serveurs. C’est vraiment très important.
Les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack ont l’approche de l’architecture PowerEdge Cyber-Résiliente mais je n’y crois pas trop. On met la sécurité bien avant et bien en amont des serveurs, ainsi que sur les réseaux afin de tout filtrer et donc, on expose un minimum les serveurs. Une fois qu’ils sont sur les serveurs, c’est trop tard. Il faut les arrêter bien avant.
En termes de consommation d'énergie, ça dépend de ce qu’on fait avec la machine. Si c’est pour gérer des IAs ou autre chose de semblable, ça consomme beaucoup trop d'énergie. Si c’est pour la conservation patrimoniale, alors ça consomme ce que cela doit consommer. Ça dépend de ce qu’on fait dessus. Si on laisse une lumière allumée dans une pièce et que tout le monde ferme les yeux et que personne ne fait rien, c’est une consommation d'énergie en trop. Même si ce n’est qu’une fraction de watt qui est utilisée, c’est déjà trop. Par contre, si c’est pour lire et apprendre des choses, ça se justifie. La justification ne se passe pas au niveau du serveur mais au niveau de l’utilisation qu’on en fait. Certains serveurs sont très énergivores parce qu’il y a des projets qui ne servent à rien et il y a des projets comme la bibliothèque numérique qui sont très utiles et je ne les trouve pas très énergivores.
Ils ont de très bons indicateurs dessus qui nous permettent de suivre les charges ainsi que les consommations. Ça, c’est très bien. Une bonne chose au sujet de ces serveurs, c’est qu’on est averti à distance. Il y a un suivi et l’administration est beaucoup plus facile pour nous.
En termes de leur impact sur nos objectifs de durabilité, on n’a pas beaucoup d’argent dans la fonction publique et on les fait donc durer très longtemps. J’ai des serveurs qui ont plus de dix ans donc, la maintenance et le support n’existent plus sur ces modèles. C’est du matériel bien conçu, fiable et qui marche très bien.
Il y a beaucoup moins de pannes depuis 20 ans. Les serveurs fonctionnent beaucoup mieux et les OS aussi. C’est sûr qu’on arrive à une meilleure qualité de produit qu'il y a environ 20 ou 25 ans. Ça, c’est sûr. Les machines ne s'arrêtent plus. On les arrête uniquement pour faire des mises à jour de sécurité ou des choses comme ça mais c’est tout.
La console OpenManage permet de tout regrouper mais on avait ce système bien avant que ce soit une VM. A l'époque c'était encore une application.
Les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack ont affecté la flexibilité globale de nos opérations. Le fait qu’ils soient faciles à gérer est un élément essentiel.
Quelles fonctionnalités avez-vous trouvé le plus utile et pourquoi?
Ces serveurs web étaient faciles à gérer dès 2003. On a un bâtiment qui est très grand et c'était possible de les gérer à distance et de manière simple et dès 2003.
Dans quels domaines les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack pourraient-ils être améliorés?
Toutes les terminologies marketing de Dell sont très compliquées car ils ont des noms qui regroupent des fois, la même technologie. C’est très complexe pour moi et pour beaucoup de personnes qui ne sont pas tout le temps sur le catalogue Dell. Sinon, techniquement, Dell suit la progression technique des processeurs, des cartes mères d’autres constructeurs et ils sont donc, toujours à la pointe de l’innovation.
Leur prix pourrait être meilleur.
Avez-vous utilisé une solution différente auparavant et le cas échéant, pourquoi avez-vous changé?
On a des serveurs Lenovo et des serveurs HPE. Dell ne fait pas tout le temps les meilleurs prix et les concurrents offrent également des produits à des prix intéressants. C’est tout le jeu de la concurrence et parfois, c’est le concurrent qui gagne.
Que conseillez-vous à d'autres au sujet des coûts d’installation, des tarifs et/ou du licensing?
Le licensing Dell est parfait. Par rapport aux concurrents, c’est parfait. C’est simple et bien fait. Ça fonctionne pour nous.
Quelles sont vos impressions sur la scalabilité de cette solution?
On ne fait jamais de changements. On achète le matériel. Parfois, on achète plusieurs matériels identiques et en fonction de la durée de vie, on ajoute du disque de vieux serveurs qu’on a de-commissionné pour en faire un serveur plus puissant. C’est uniquement ce que l’on fait. On ne fait pas de changements de processeurs ni d’autre chose. On achète des serveurs pour un besoin.
Quelles sont vos impressions sur la stabilité de cette solution?
Ils sont très stables. Ils durent très longtemps.
Le déploiement initial était-il simple ou complexe et de quelle manière?
J'étais impliqué dans le déploiement initial. C’est extrêmement simple.
En termes de stratégie d'implémentation, on en a fait livrer deux. On a regardé comment ça se câblait, comment ça se montait et on a fait les autres. On avait commandé un guide et il n’y a pas eu de soucis.
Avez-vous fait l'implémentation avec l'équipe d’un revendeur ou en interne? Si avec l'équipe d’un revendeur, comment évalueriez-vous leur niveau d’expertise?
On l’a fait avec un guide. On fait toujours comme ça mais en lui indiquant ce qu’il faut faire. Nous faisons le cahier des charges nous-mêmes. Nous menons la tâche.
Décrivez-nous votre expérience avec le service client et le support.
Leur support est toujours très bien. C’est toujours dix sur dix. Ils ont des gens compétents. Il n’y a pas besoin de négocier pour quelque chose ou expliquer dix fois lorsqu’une barrette de serveur tombe en panne et qu’il faut la renvoyer. Il n'y a pas de soucis là-dessus. C’est très bien.
Comment évalueriez-vous cette solution sur une échelle de 1 à 10 pour le service et le support?
Sur une échelle de 1 a10 (1=le pire, 10=le meilleur), les serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack? Veuillez expliquer pourquoi.
Je donnerais un dix sur dix aux serveurs Dell PowerEdge Rack. Parmi toutes les marques que je connais, ce sont les meilleurs avec HPE, mais il y a des choses que je n’aime pas chez HPE, comme leur licensing. Je trouve leur licensing absolument insupportable.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Service Owner Basic Infrastructure at Goldfish IT solutions
Is versatile, energy efficient, and simplifies our IT process
Pros and Cons
- "The defining characteristic of the Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers lies in their ability to function as the pivotal nexus of the server infrastructure."
- "Enriching the operational efficiency of Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers could be achieved through the strategic implementation of a central management console hosted in the cloud."
What is our primary use case?
Our primary server solution is the Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers, which we leverage for a variety of purposes. Its robust capabilities enable us to deploy it as a hypervisor platform, most notably utilizing VMware or for secure data backup operations. Additionally, it excels in handling large-scale storage needs and can accommodate bare-metal installations of the Windows operating system.
Recognizing the need for a more streamlined and uniform server ecosystem, we made the decisive move to incorporate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers, effectively resolving the longstanding challenges associated with disparate server configurations.
How has it helped my organization?
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have demonstrably simplified a multitude of IT processes, transforming what could be intricate configurations into exercises of remarkable expediency. This newfound ease is further amplified by the seamless integration between PowerEdge and VMware, fostering a user experience characterized by intuitive clarity and straightforward execution.
The Dell EMC PowerEdge Rack Server's robust Cyber Resilient Architecture framework has demonstrably bolstered our organization's cybersecurity posture, proving itself an effective solution for mitigating and recovering from cyber threats.
The Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers shine in terms of energy efficiency, dynamically adapting their power draw to match workload demands. However, my current data pool for comparative analysis is somewhat limited.
Managing the ever-shifting demands of high-performance workloads isn't an insurmountable challenge with Dell PowerEdge servers. The true differentiator lies in the scale of operation: from compact, nimble servers to robust, expansive workhorses, the PowerEdge portfolio offers adaptability across the entire spectrum. This comprehensive array ensures that, regardless of our needs, we'll find the ideal configuration for our specific processing tasks. Moreover, Dell operates as an invaluable partner, readily equipped to identify and deliver the perfect PowerEdge solution to seamlessly tackle our evolving computational requirements.
By leveraging the advanced capabilities of Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers, I am empowered to meticulously track and analyze their energy consumption. This oversight allows me to generate detailed reports and actionable insights, readily available to be disseminated to the sustainability department, or any other stakeholder requesting such data.
Thanks to our robust high availability architecture, meticulously crafted with VMware's leading virtualization capabilities and the unparalleled reliability of Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers, we've experienced an immaculate track record of zero production downtime. This means our critical operations consistently run like clockwork, uninterrupted by unexpected outages, ensuring seamless service delivery for our valued customers and fostering an environment of uninterrupted productivity.
The implementation of the Open Management Console has demonstrably enhanced the operational efficiency of our IT team by streamlining and reducing the volume of administrative tasks they previously undertook. This has resulted in a significant optimization of their workflow, freeing up valuable resources for them to focus on more strategic initiatives.
What is most valuable?
The defining characteristic of the Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers lies in their ability to function as the pivotal nexus of the server infrastructure. This central platform orchestrates the flow of data and facilitates seamless operation across all interconnected components.
What needs improvement?
Enriching the operational efficiency of Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers could be achieved through the strategic implementation of a central management console hosted in the cloud. Such a cloud-resident platform would empower administrators with enhanced visibility and granular control over the entire server fleet, fostering agility and optimizing performance.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been using Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers for about 15 years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
In terms of rock-solid stability, Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are a near-perfect ten out of ten. However, even the most robust machinery is susceptible to the occasional gremlin, and we've encountered instances where an SSD might unexpectedly conk out, a RAID controller hiccups, or a battery throws a tantrum. It's the nature of the beast; these are, after all, intricate marvels of engineering comprised of numerous, hardworking mechanical components. It's like that saying... even the sturdiest oak can shed a leaf or two now and then.
But here's the beauty of Dell's proactive approach: when one of these hiccups does occur, their automated error reporting system ensures we're promptly notified. It's happened before – we'd stroll into the office on a Monday morning, greeted by a chipper receptionist with, "Guess what? A taxi dropped off a replacement hard drive at 3 AM on Saturday!" "Which hard drive?" we'd gasp, scrambling to review the security footage. And there it was, undeniable evidence of a fallen comrade. Turns out, Dell had pre-emptively dispatched the cavalry, delivering the fresh drive two days prior - all without us even missing a beat.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
At its core, the capacity to scale Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers gracefully is unquestionably advantageous. However, the notion of swapping out central processing units, the brains of the operation, is rarely entertained. Instead, augmenting the system's memory or storage capacity reigns supreme. This approach proves particularly fruitful when we have the foresight to anticipate the system's potential demands three or even five years down the line. For instance, neglecting to incorporate hard drives during the initial configuration renders their subsequent addition impossible, creating a technical hurdle and, undoubtedly, impacting the financial equation.
How are customer service and support?
Awarding Dell's technical support a perfect ten would be bordering on the realm of unreality, where glitches and hiccups cease to exist, a near-impeccable nine feels eminently fitting. This singular point of contact, often an initial call center interaction, serves as a well-oiled gateway to a seamless resolution. Problems are promptly absorbed, swiftly escalating to the realms of L2 and L3 technicians, where collaboration blossoms. Imagine: we launch a ticket about storage woes, and the designated expert confidently identifies the issue as server-related. Instead of bouncing us back and forth, they seamlessly hand us off to a competent server specialist, keeping us firmly anchored in the loop. The beauty lies in their proactive approach, tirelessly seeking solutions with minimal disruption to our workflow. Of course, access needs might necessitate contacting us, but Dell's arsenal of innovative techniques, both current and yet-to-come, are poised to further streamline and standardize the entire process, promising an even smoother sailing experience in the future.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
Prior to our current configuration, Hewlett Packard Enterprise servers were entrusted with managing our critical operations. However, after thorough evaluation, we embarked on a strategic shift towards Dell's PowerEdge Rack Servers. This decisive action has demonstrably enriched our organization by fostering a more stable and robust technological environment.
How was the initial setup?
The initial deployment unfolded with unexpected simplicity. The seamless integration and pre-configuration of the server components, coupled with the foresight of ordering my VMware directly from the factory, streamlined the process to a handful of minor configurations. As a result, the system sprang to life effortlessly. It truly was a plug-and-play experience – unpack, install, power on, and everything runs.
Our deployment strategy generally revolved around the substitution of aged server units. The process essentially amounted to a seamless sequence of insertion, installation, network attachment, activation, and rudimentary baseline configuration. This enabled the initial decommissioning of the legacy servers, facilitated by the meticulous pre-configuration undertaken in collaboration with Dell. Essentially, they delivered the system precisely as per our specifications.
What about the implementation team?
Due to limitations in both personnel resources and physical proximity, collaborating with a partner emerged as the optimal solution for facilitating the implementation process. The on-site presence of certain team members proved impracticable, necessitating the valuable expertise and capabilities offered by our external counterpart.
What was our ROI?
I understand the frustration of wanting to quantify the value of our work in concrete terms like monetary return on investment, but sometimes the intangible benefits are just as, if not more, important. It's fantastic that managing these servers now demands significantly less attention from us, freeing up precious bandwidth for other endeavors that were previously shackled by the complexities of their administration. This palpable reduction in workload has demonstrably translated into enhanced satisfaction among our colleagues, which in itself speaks volumes about the success of our efforts. While a meticulously calculated ROI figure might be absent, the liberated resources and elevated morale constitute a powerful testament to the value Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers undoubtedly deliver.
What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?
Pricing appears to be comparatively favorable, particularly within the project's scope. However, the licensing terms can occasionally be somewhat opaque, making it difficult for me to fully grasp them. I often rely on my partner's expertise in this area for clarification. It would be more agreeable if the licensing could be streamlined a little, potentially by providing more transparent and concise language.
Furthermore, the current nomenclature for different tiers, e.g., Enterprise, Super Enterprise can be confusing and uninformative. It would be much more beneficial if the functionality of each tier were simply described in plain language, allowing for easier understanding and comparison. Additionally, the process of requesting clarification or support could be improved. Having to ask multiple times can be cumbersome and inefficient. Ideally, there would be a more streamlined and efficient system for obtaining assistance.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
During our initial search, established industry giants like Lenovo, HP, and Fujitsu were naturally under consideration. However, after thorough evaluation, the team arrived at a conclusion: Dell, with its comprehensive and compelling value proposition, emerged as the clear frontrunner in meeting our stringent requirements. Dell's distinct advantage lies in its ability to function as a one-stop shop, a convenience often lacking when dealing with multiple manufacturers. By consolidating our needs under the Dell umbrella, we eliminate the complexities of juggling various vendors and establish a single point of contact for all product-related matters. This streamlined approach translates to seamless communication and eliminates the dreaded "ping-pong effect" that can often plague collaborations involving multiple manufacturers. Dell's commitment to holistic solutions ensures a frictionless experience, allowing us to focus on our core objectives with unhindered clarity.
What other advice do I have?
While I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers an eight out of ten, the intricacies involved in pre-configuring the system leave me yearning for a touch more user-friendliness. The sheer breadth of its capabilities necessitates a certain complexity, a sprawling landscape of options that, at times, can feel overwhelming. It's almost as if the system strives to be a one-size-fits-all solution, encompassing every conceivable need under the sun – an admirable ambition, yet one that occasionally comes at the cost of streamlined user interaction. Ideally, I'd prefer a configuration process that guides the user along a predetermined path, gently navigating through key decisions rather than presenting a daunting open expanse. However, I readily acknowledge that this is largely a matter of personal preference, and the inherent power and flexibility offered by the current system are undeniable. In the grand scheme of things, the configuration complexity isn't a deal-breaker, merely a minor bump in an otherwise smooth and rewarding experience.
The standardization inherent in Dell PowerEdge rack servers significantly enhances the overall operational malleability of our organization. This is primarily due to their ubiquitous compatibility, allowing for unimpeded deployment across diverse locations, as we've already successfully demonstrated. However, while this standardization excels in initial placement, it hasn't been fully tested in terms of intra-operational adaptability. Granted, component failure mitigation remains straightforward, with replacement parts readily dispatched and swiftly configured, ensuring rapid service resumption. Nonetheless, the internal flexibility facilitated by these servers hasn't been extensively explored.
Foreign Language:(German)
Ist Vielseitig, Energiesparend und Macht Unsere IT-Prozesse Einfacher
Was ist unser Hauptanwendungsfall?
Unsere wichtigste Serverlösung sind die Dell PowerEdge Rack Server, die wir für verschiedene Zwecke verwenden. Dank ihrer robusten Funktionen können wir sie als Hypervisor-Plattform einsetzen, vor allem für VMware oder für sichere Datensicherungsvorgänge. Darüber hinaus eignet sich der Server hervorragend zur Bewältigung umfangreicher Speicheranforderungen und kann Bare-Metal-Installationen des Windows-Betriebssystems verarbeiten.
Da wir die Notwendigkeit eines rationalisierten und standardisierten Server-Ökosystems feststellten, entschieden wir uns für die Integration von Dell PowerEdge Rack-Servern und lösten damit die langjährigen Herausforderungen, die mit unterschiedlichen Serverkonfigurationen verbunden sind.
Wie hat es meiner Organisation geholfen?
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servern haben zahlreiche IT-Prozesse deutlich vereinfacht und damit komplizierte Konfigurationen in besonders einfache Abläufe verwandelt. Die nahtlose Integration von PowerEdge und VMware trägt zu dieser Vereinfachung bei und fördert eine Benutzererfahrung, die sich durch intuitive Klarheit und unkomplizierte Ausführung auszeichnet.
Das robuste Cyber Resilient Architecture-Framework des Dell EMC PowerEdge Rack Servern hat die Cybersicherheitslage unseres Unternehmens nachweislich gestärkt und sich als effektive Lösung für die Eindämmung von und die Wiederherstellung nach Cyberbedrohungen erwiesen.
Die Dell PowerEdge Rack Servern zeichnen sich durch ihre Energieeffizienz aus, da sie ihre Leistungsaufnahme dynamisch an die Arbeitslastanforderungen anpassen. Dennoch ist mein aktueller Datenpool für eine vergleichende Analyse etwas begrenzt.
Mit Dell PowerEdge-Servern stellt die Verwaltung der sich ständig ändernden Anforderungen von Hochleistungs-Workloads keine unüberwindbare Herausforderung dar. Das wahre Unterscheidungsmerkmal liegt in der Betriebsskala: Von kompakten, wendigen Servern bis hin zu robusten, umfangreichen Arbeitspferden bietet das PowerEdge-Portfolio Anpassungsfähigkeit über das gesamte Spektrum hinweg. Dieses umfassende Angebot stellt sicher, dass wir unabhängig von unseren Bedürfnissen die ideale Konfiguration für unsere spezifischen Verarbeitungsaufgaben finden. Darüber hinaus agiert Dell als unschätzbarer Partner, der in der Lage ist, die perfekte PowerEdge-Lösung zu finden und zu liefern, um unsere sich entwickelnden Rechenanforderungen nahtlos zu bewältigen.
Durch die Nutzung der fortschrittlichen Funktionen von Dell PowerEdge Rack Servern bin ich in der Lage, den Energieverbrauch genau zu verfolgen und zu analysieren. Diese Übersicht ermöglicht es mir, detaillierte Berichte und umsetzbare Erkenntnisse zu erstellen, die der Nachhaltigkeitsabteilung oder anderen Interessengruppen, die solche Daten anfordern, zur Verfügung gestellt werden können.
Dank unserer robusten Hochverfügbarkeitsarchitektur, die sorgfältig mit den führenden Virtualisierungsfunktionen von VMware und der unvergleichlichen Zuverlässigkeit der Dell PowerEdge Rack Servern entwickelt wurde, haben wir eine makellose Erfolgsbilanz von null Produktionsausfällen erreicht. Das bedeutet, dass unsere kritischen Abläufe stets wie ein Uhrwerk laufen und nicht durch unerwartete Ausfälle unterbrochen werden, was eine nahtlose Servicebereitstellung für unsere geschätzten Kunden gewährleistet und eine Umgebung mit ununterbrochener Produktivität fördert.
Die Implementierung der Open Management Console hat die betriebliche Effizienz unseres IT-Teams nachweislich verbessert, indem sie den Umfang der zuvor durchgeführten Verwaltungsaufgaben rationalisiert und reduziert hat. Dies hat zu einer erheblichen Optimierung ihrer Arbeitsabläufe geführt, wodurch wertvolle Ressourcen freigesetzt wurden, die sie für strategischere Aufgaben einsetzen können.
Was ist am wertvollsten?
Das Hauptmerkmal der Dell PowerEdge Rack Server liegt in ihrer Fähigkeit, als zentraler Mittelpunkt der Serverinfrastruktur zu fungieren. Diese zentrale Plattform orchestriert den Datenfluss und ermöglicht einen nahtlosen Betrieb über alle miteinander verbundenen Komponenten hinweg.
Was muss verbessert werden?
Die Verbesserung der betrieblichen Effizienz von Dell PowerEdge Rack Servern könnte durch die strategische Implementierung einer zentralen, in der Cloud gehosteten Verwaltungskonsole erreicht werden. Eine solche in der Cloud gehostete Plattform würde den Administratoren eine verbesserte Sichtbarkeit und granulare Kontrolle über die gesamte Serverflotte ermöglichen und so die Agilität fördern und die Leistung optimieren.
Wie lange nutze ich die Lösung schon?
Ich habe Dell PowerEdge Rack Server seit etwa 15 Jahren im Einsatz.
Was halte ich von der Stabilität der Lösung?
Wenn es um solide Stabilität geht, sind die Dell PowerEdge Rack Servern eine nahezu perfekte Zehn von Zehn. Doch selbst die robustesten Geräte sind anfällig für gelegentliche Probleme, und wir haben Fälle erlebt, in denen eine SSD unerwartet ausfällt, ein RAID-Controller nicht richtig funktioniert oder ein Akku einen Ausbruch erleidet. Das liegt in der Natur der Sache, schließlich handelt es sich um komplizierte technische Lösungen, die aus zahlreichen, hart arbeitenden mechanischen Komponenten bestehen. Es ist wie mit dem Sprichwort: Selbst die stärkste Eiche verliert ab und zu ein oder zwei Blätter.
Aber das Schöne an Dells proaktivem Ansatz ist, dass das automatische Fehlermeldesystem von Dell sicherstellt, dass wir sofort benachrichtigt werden, wenn eines dieser Probleme auftritt. Es ist schon vorgekommen, dass wir an einem Montagmorgen ins Büro kamen und von einer fröhlichen Mitarbeiterin an der Rezeption mit den Worten begrüßt wurden: "Wissen Sie was? Ein Taxi hat am Samstag um 3 Uhr morgens eine Ersatzfestplatte geliefert!" "Welche Festplatte?", stöhnten wir und sahen uns krampfhaft die Sicherheitsaufzeichnungen an. Wie sich herausstellte, hatte Dell vorsorglich die neue Festplatte bereits zwei Tage zuvor geliefert, ohne dass wir überhaupt etwas mitbekommen hatten.
Was denke ich über die Skalierbarkeit der Lösung?
Die Fähigkeit, Dell PowerEdge Rack Server problemlos zu skalieren, ist zweifellos von großem Vorteil. Der Gedanke an einen Austausch der zentralen Recheneinheiten, dem Herzstück des Systems, wird jedoch nur selten in Erwägung gezogen. Stattdessen steht die Erweiterung des Arbeitsspeichers oder der Speicherkapazität des Systems im Vordergrund. Dieser Ansatz erweist sich als besonders nützlich, wenn wir die Voraussicht haben, die potenziellen Anforderungen des Systems in drei oder sogar fünf Jahren vorauszusehen. Wenn beispielsweise bei der Erstkonfiguration keine Festplatten eingebaut werden, ist eine spätere Erweiterung unmöglich, was eine technische Belastung darstellt und sich sicherlich auch auf die finanzielle Belastung auswirkt.
Wie sind Kundenservice und Support?
Es wäre an der Grenze zur Unwirklichkeit, den technischen Support von Dell mit einer perfekten Zehn zu bewerten, denn dort, wo es keine Ausfälle und Störungen mehr gibt, ist eine nahezu tadellose Neun durchaus angemessen. Die einzige Ansprechstelle, oft ein Callcenter, dient als gut funktionierendes Tor zu einer nahtlosen Lösung. Probleme werden umgehend aufgegriffen und eskalieren schnell in die Bereiche der L2- und L3-Techniker, wo die Zusammenarbeit besonders gut funktioniert. Stellen Sie sich vor: Wir stellen ein Ticket über Speicherprobleme aus, und der zuständige Experte identifiziert das Problem sicher als Serverproblem. Anstatt uns hin und her zu schieben, werden wir nahtlos an einen kompetenten Serverspezialisten weitergeleitet, so dass wir immer auf dem Laufenden bleiben. Das Schöne daran ist, dass sie proaktiv vorgehen und unermüdlich nach Lösungen suchen, ohne unseren Arbeitsablauf zu stören. Natürlich kann es sein, dass wir bei Zugriffsbedarf kontaktiert werden müssen, aber Dells innovative Techniken, sowohl die aktuellen als auch die zukünftigen, sind darauf ausgerichtet, den gesamten Prozess weiter zu rationalisieren und zu standardisieren, was in Zukunft eine noch reibungslosere Abwicklung verspricht.
Wie bewerten Sie den Kundenservice und -support?
Welche Lösung habe ich vorher verwendet und warum habe ich gewechselt?
Bevor wir unsere aktuelle Konfiguration vorgenommen haben, haben wir unsere wichtigsten Prozesse mit Servern von Hewlett Packard Enterprise verwaltet. Nach einer gründlichen Evaluierung haben wir jedoch eine strategische Umstellung auf PowerEdge-Rack-Servern von Dell vorgenommen. Diese entschlossene Maßnahme hat unsere Organisation nachweislich verbessert, indem sie eine stabilere und robustere technologische Umgebung geschaffen hat.
Wie war die Ersteinrichtung?
Die anfängliche Bereitstellung verlief unerwartet einfach. Die nahtlose Integration und Vorkonfiguration der Serverkomponenten sowie die vorausschauende Bestellung von VMware direkt beim Hersteller reduzierten den Prozess auf eine Handvoll kleinerer Konfigurationen. Das Ergebnis war, dass das System mühelos zum Leben erwachte. Es war wirklich ein Plug-and-Play-Erlebnis - auspacken, installieren, einschalten, und alles läuft.
Unsere Implementierungsstrategie konzentrierte sich im Allgemeinen auf den Austausch veralteter Servereinheiten. Der Prozess bestand im Wesentlichen aus einer nahtlosen Abfolge von Einsetzen, Installation, Netzwerkanbindung, Aktivierung und einer rudimentären Basiskonfiguration. Dies ermöglichte die anfängliche Außerbetriebnahme der Altserver, die durch die sorgfältige Vorkonfiguration in Zusammenarbeit mit Dell erleichtert wurde. Grundsätzlich lieferten sie das System genau nach unseren Anforderungen.
Wie sieht es mit dem Implementierungsteam aus?
Aufgrund begrenzter Personalressourcen und räumlicher Nähe erwies sich die Zusammenarbeit mit einem Partner als optimale Lösung zur Erleichterung des Implementierungsprozesses. Die Anwesenheit bestimmter Teammitglieder vor Ort war nicht möglich, so dass wir auf das wertvolle Fachwissen und die Fähigkeiten unseres externen Partners nicht verzichten konnten.
Was war unser ROI?
Ich verstehe, dass es frustrierend ist, den Wert unserer Arbeit in konkreten Begriffen wie der monetären Kapitalrendite messen zu wollen, aber manchmal sind die immateriellen Vorteile genauso wichtig, wenn nicht sogar noch wichtiger. Es ist fantastisch, dass die Verwaltung dieser Servern nun deutlich weniger Konzentration von uns verlangt, wodurch wertvolle Zeit für andere Aufgaben freigesetzt wird, die zuvor durch die Komplexität ihrer Verwaltung eingeschränkt waren. Diese spürbare Arbeitserleichterung hat sich nachweislich in einer höheren Zufriedenheit unserer Kollegen niedergeschlagen, was an sich schon für den Erfolg unserer Bemühungen spricht. Auch wenn eine exakt berechnete ROI-Zahl fehlen mag, sind die freigesetzten Ressourcen und die gestiegene Motivation ein eindrucksvoller Beweis für den Wert, den Dell PowerEdge Rack Servern ohne Zweifel bringen.
Welche Erfahrungen habe ich mit den Preisen, den Einrichtungskosten und der Lizenzierung gemacht?
Die Preisgestaltung scheint vergleichsweise günstig zu sein, insbesondere im Rahmen des Projekts. Allerdings sind die Lizenzbedingungen gelegentlich etwas undurchsichtig, so dass ich sie nur schwer nachvollziehen kann. Zur Klärung bin ich oft auf das Fachwissen meines Partners in diesem Bereich angewiesen. Es wäre angenehmer, wenn die Lizenzierung ein wenig vereinfacht werden könnte, möglicherweise durch eine transparentere und präzisere Sprache.
Außerdem kann die derzeitige Nomenklatur für die verschiedenen Stufen, z. B. Enterprise, Super Enterprise, verwirrend und wenig informativ sein. Es wäre sehr viel vorteilhafter, wenn die Funktionen der einzelnen Stufen einfach in klarer Sprache beschrieben würden, was das Verständnis und den Vergleich erleichtern würde. Auch das Verfahren zur Anforderung von Klarstellungen oder Support könnte verbessert werden. Mehrmaliges Nachfragen kann umständlich und ineffizient sein. Wünschenswert wäre ein einfacheres und effizienteres System für den Erhalt von Unterstützung.
Welche anderen Lösungen habe ich bewertet?
Bei unserer anfänglichen Suche kamen natürlich auch etablierte Marktgrößen wie Lenovo, HP und Fujitsu in Betracht. Nach einer gründlichen Bewertung kam das Team jedoch zu einem Ergebnis: Dell hat sich mit seinem umfassenden und überzeugenden Leistungsangebot als klarer Spitzenreiter bei der Erfüllung unserer strengen Anforderungen erwiesen. Der eindeutige Vorteil von Dell liegt in seiner Fähigkeit, als One-Stop-Shop zu agieren - ein Komfort, der bei der Zusammenarbeit mit mehreren Herstellern oft fehlt. Durch die Konsolidierung unserer Bedürfnisse bei Dell entfällt die Komplexität des Jonglierens mit verschiedenen Anbietern, und wir haben einen einzigen Ansprechpartner für alle produktbezogenen Fragen. Dieser rationalisierte Ansatz führt zu einer nahtlosen Kommunikation und verhindert den gefürchteten Pingpong-Effekt, der bei der Zusammenarbeit mit mehreren Herstellern häufig auftritt. Dells Engagement für ganzheitliche Lösungen sorgt für eine reibungslose Erfahrung, die es uns ermöglicht, uns mit ungehinderter Klarheit auf unsere Kernziele zu konzentrieren.
Welche anderen Ratschläge kann ich geben?
Ich würde die Dell PowerEdge Rack Servern zwar mit acht von zehn Punkten bewerten, aber die komplizierte Vorkonfiguration des Systems lässt mich mit dem Wunsch nach etwas mehr Benutzerfreundlichkeit zurück. Die enorme Bandbreite der Funktionen erfordert eine gewisse Komplexität, eine ausufernde Landschaft von Optionen, die manchmal überwältigend wirken kann. Es scheint fast so, als ob das System danach strebt, eine Einheitslösung zu sein, die alle denkbaren Bedürfnisse abdeckt - ein bewundernswertes Ziel, das jedoch gelegentlich auf Kosten einer optimierten Benutzerinteraktion geht. Idealerweise würde ich einen Konfigurationsprozess bevorzugen, der den Benutzer entlang eines vorgegebenen Pfades führt und ihn sanft durch wichtige Entscheidungen navigiert, anstatt ihm eine entmutigende offene Fläche zu präsentieren. Ich gebe jedoch gerne zu, dass dies größtenteils eine Frage der persönlichen Präferenzen ist, und die dem aktuellen System innewohnende Leistung und Flexibilität sind unbestreitbar. Im Großen und Ganzen ist die Komplexität der Konfiguration kein Hindernis, sondern lediglich ein kleiner Störfaktor in einer ansonsten reibungslosen und lohnenden Erfahrung.
Durch die Standardisierung von Dell PowerEdge-Rack-Servern lässt sich die gesamte betriebliche Flexibilität unserer Organisation erheblich verbessern. Dies ist in erster Linie auf ihre allgegenwärtige Kompatibilität zurückzuführen, die einen ungehinderten Einsatz an verschiedenen Standorten ermöglicht, wie wir bereits erfolgreich unter Beweis gestellt haben. Während sich diese Standardisierung jedoch bei der Erstplatzierung auszeichnet, wurde sie im Hinblick auf die Anpassungsfähigkeit innerhalb des Betriebs noch nicht vollständig getestet. Zugegeben, die Behebung von Komponentenausfällen ist nach wie vor einfach, da Ersatzteile schnell versandt und schnell konfiguriert werden können, um eine schnelle Wiederaufnahme des Betriebs zu gewährleisten. Dennoch wurde die interne Flexibilität, die diese Server ermöglichen, noch nicht umfassend erforscht.
Welches Modell nutzen Sie für die Entwicklung dieser Lösung?
Im Hause.
Which deployment model are you using for this solution?
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Responsable it at Fresenius Medical Care Holdings Inc
A robust server that integrates well and consumes less energy
Pros and Cons
- "The way it integrates with other brands and its manageability are valuable. It is easy to use."
- "The price is acceptable but could be improved."
What is our primary use case?
The entire company’s infrastructure is incorporated. We are 100% Dell.
By implementing Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers, we wanted robustness. We have also tested other solutions, but in terms of time and the peaks of work, they did not give the same manageability that the Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers provide.
How has it helped my organization?
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have helped us improve in terms of ecology. Energy expenditure is an important part of our company's philosophy. We have changed to a more clean mindset, so now, we have to be eco-friendly, and it was one of the best things we chose to do.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have the PowerEdge Cyber Resilient Architecture approach to security. I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers a nine out of ten in terms of security. I never give a ten because there is always room for improvement, but Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have truly been very effective.
They are very good in terms of energy consumption.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are agile for handling the evolving needs of high-performance workloads.
They are perfectly aligned with our sustainability goals. We were looking for the company's line to be all eco-friendly, and therefore, they aligned with our decisions and needs.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers have helped to reduce everything. We had to make a change when we suffered a cyber attack, and after we changed the solution, it became 100% effective. In other words, we have not had any service outages at any time, and the truth is that we are very happy.
We use the OpenManage console. We are happy, and we do feel that our company has improved, but our productivity has always been at a very high level.
In terms of the effect of using PowerEdge Rack Servers on the overall flexibility of our operations or business, the thing is that we implemented it while our company was dealing with a change of mentality. It has affected us for the best because it has accompanied us in that change of mentality.
What is most valuable?
The way it integrates with other brands and its manageability are valuable. It is easy to use.
What needs improvement?
They gave us a satisfaction survey, and we did not go below nine, so we are very happy with the solution. We are loyal customers. Obviously, the price could be lower.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been using Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers for three years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are very stable. I would rate them a ten out of ten in terms of stability.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are very scalable. I would rate them a ten out of ten in terms of scalability.
How are customer service and support?
We work with the servers through an intermediary, so we do not deal with Dell's support in terms of help. It is difficult to evaluate them, but it seems to be very good because this third party has never complained about their support, so I am guessing it is great.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
We had HPE. We suffered a cyber attack, which left us a little unsure about its ability to provide viable protection.
How was the initial setup?
We used an intermediary company, and it was very comfortable and easy to implement in our company.
It simply included a pre-installation session to see what we had to do exactly. The rest was very easy. The implementation was nothing out of the ordinary. It was a piece of cake.
Our environment is all private. We have it divided between Azure and AWS cloud. We use Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers at a single location.
What about the implementation team?
The company that helped us implement them is called DISIOTEC.
What was our ROI?
I am convinced that if we had another solution that belonged to another brand, we would have changed things or fixed them. With this solution, we do not have any sort of issue with managing or updating it.
What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?
The price is acceptable but could be improved.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
We did not evaluate other solutions.
What other advice do I have?
I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers a nine out of ten.
Foreign Language:(Spanish)
Un servidor robusto que se integra bien y consume menos energía
¿Durante cuánto tiempo utiliza los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge?
He estado usando servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge durante tres años.
¿Cuál es su principal caso de uso de esta solución? (Incluya detalles sobre su entorno).
Se incorpora toda la infraestructura de la empresa. Somos 100% Dell.
Al implementar los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge, buscábamos solidez. También hemos probado otras soluciones, pero en términos de tiempo y picos de trabajo, no brindaban la misma capacidad de administración que brindan los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge.
Comparta cómo los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge han mejorado su infraestructura de TI. Si no fue así, explique por qué.
Los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge nos han ayudado a mejorar en términos ecológicos. El gasto energético es una parte importante de la filosofía de nuestra empresa. Hemos cambiado a una mentalidad más limpia, por lo que ahora tenemos que ser ecológicos y fue una de las mejores cosas que elegimos hacer.
Los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge tienen un enfoque de seguridad a través de PowerEdge Cyber Resilient Architecture. Calificaría los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge con un nueve de diez en términos de seguridad. Nunca doy un diez porque siempre hay margen de mejora, pero los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge han sido realmente muy efectivos.
Los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge son muy buenos en términos de consumo de energía.
Los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge son ágiles para manejar las necesidades cambiantes de las cargas de trabajo de alto rendimiento.
Los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge están perfectamente alineados con nuestros objetivos de sostenibilidad. Buscábamos que la línea de la empresa fuera toda eco-amigable y por eso se alinearon con nuestras decisiones y necesidades.
Los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge han ayudado a reducirlo todo. Tuvimos que hacer un cambio cuando sufrimos un ciberataque y después de que cambiamos de solución, hemos sentido un cambio a 100% de eficacia. Es decir, no hemos tenido ninguna caída del servicio en ningún momento y la verdad es que estamos muy contentos.
Usamos la consola OpenManage. Estamos contentos y sentimos que nuestra empresa ha mejorado, pero nuestra productividad siempre ha estado en un nivel muy alto.
En términos del efecto del uso de servidores en rack PowerEdge en la flexibilidad general de nuestras operaciones o negocios, la cuestión es que lo implementamos mientras nuestra empresa afrontaba un cambio de mentalidad. Nos ha afectado para bien porque nos ha acompañado en ese cambio de mentalidad.
¿Qué características le han parecido más valiosas y por qué?
La forma en que se integra con otras marcas y su manejabilidad son valiosas. Es fácil de usar.
¿En qué áreas se podrían mejorar los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge?
Nos hicieron una encuesta de satisfacción y no bajamos de nueve en cuanto a la calificación que le dimos, realmente estamos muy contentos con la solución. Somos clientes leales. Evidentemente, el precio podría ser menor.
¿Utilizó anteriormente una solución diferente? De ser así, ¿por qué la cambió?
Teníamos HPE. Sufrimos un ciberataque que nos dejó un poco inseguros sobre su capacidad para brindar una protección viable.
Antes de elegir, ¿evaluaste otras opciones? ¿De ser asi, cuales?
No evaluamos otras soluciones.
¿Qué aconseja a otros sobre el costo de instalación, el precio y/o la licencia?
El precio es aceptable pero podría mejorarse.
¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la escalabilidad de esta solución?
Los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge son muy escalables. Les daría un diez de diez en términos de escalabilidad.
¿Cuáles son sus impresiones sobre la estabilidad de esta solución?
Los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge son muy estables. Yo les daría un diez de diez en términos de estabilidad.
¿Has visto el ROI (Retorno de la Inversión)? En caso afirmativo, ¿de qué manera (es decir, métricas/puntos de datos)?
Estoy convencido de que si tuviéramos otra solución que fuera de otra marca ya hubiéramos hecho cambios radicales. Gracias a esta solución, no tenemos ningún tipo de problema para administrar o actualizarla.
¿La configuración inicial fue sencilla o compleja y de qué manera?
Utilizamos una empresa intermediaria y fue muy cómodo y fácil de implementar en nuestra empresa.
Simplemente incluía una sesión de preinstalación para ver qué teníamos que hacer exactamente. El resto fue muy fácil. La implementación no fue nada fuera de lo común. Fue un juego de niños.
Nuestro entorno es todo privado. Lo tenemos dividido entre la nube de Azure y AWS. Utilizamos los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge en una única ubicación.
¿Lo implementó a través de un equipo de proveedores o uno interno? Si se trata de un equipo de proveedores, ¿cómo calificaría su nivel de experiencia?
La empresa que nos ayudó a implementarlos se llama DISIOTEC.
Cuéntanos tu experiencia con el servicio y soporte al cliente.
Trabajamos con los servidores a través de un intermediario, por lo que no contamos con el soporte de Dell en términos de ayuda. Es difícil evaluarlos, pero parece muy bueno porque este tercero nunca se ha quejado de su soporte, así que supongo que es genial.
¿Cómo calificaría esta solución en una escala del 1 al 10 en cuanto a servicio y soporte?
En una escala del 1 al 10 (1=peor, 10=mejor), ¿cómo calificaría los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge? Por favor explique por qué.
Calificaría los servidores en rack Dell PowerEdge con un nueve de diez.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Service Manager at a educational organization with 1,001-5,000 employees
Enables us to go down in power consumption while at the same time provide more computing power to users
Pros and Cons
- "This means that if you would scale up linearly, one person could take care of 3000 Servers. That's quite impactful. Google published three people for 1000. We are doing one person for 3000. That allows us to free human resources for other tasks."
- "There are new FPGA cards available on the market but they are not in the portfolio."
What is our primary use case?
We started full-scale deployment in 2013 exclusively with Dell PowerEdge. We have the fourth generation of servers. We went from 720, 730, 740, and now 760. I have all the models.
We use PowerEdge to connect directly to electronics and readout systems so it is all deployed on-prem, on a private network with no connection to the outside.
I work in a research environment. We use these 400 huge clusters to connect to the electronics of readout detectors to read the data out of the homemade front-end electronics and then assemble the data files to be analyzed. It's moving data between electronics and the IT world of storage grid analysis, etcetera. I'm the service manager only for the readout part and that is already enough of a job.
How has it helped my organization?
Our servers are on the private network completely disconnected from the outside world. It's less of an issue than it would be for a front-end server to the Wild West. The whole firmware handling what Dell is doing through OAK Management Enterprise or other tools from the iDRAC is also important so that we get signed from the packages we can trust that were tested and don't render our server into a brick. When I get a maintenance window, it's once every four, or five months for four hours. I don't have time to do something, figure out if it doesn't work, and undo it. It has to work with the first job. Resilience in total globally is also important. I can install firmware and updates and have trust that it will work.
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are good for power consumption compared to other brands. When we buy our Servers, we always take platinum, it's the best quality power supply. Maybe the others consume more power but I can certainly compare them to other platforms or vendors, and they are absolutely on the low side. Now with the 16th generation that came out, there's another huge step in the positive direction compared to the previous generations. In general, every time there's a new generation, I see that we get the same computing power for less electrical power. It moves in a good direction. We cut our energy consumption by half. This has saved us costs because we are running 300 days a year 24/7 on a full load. Thanks to PowerEdge we can lower our energy consumption lower than the competitors.
In our case, we figured out how much computing power we needed and bought more from the start. However, I'm spending my days buying memory and plugging additional memory. The change increases network bandwidth by changing onboarding functions. The memory capacity you can plug in is absolutely impressive for the bigger form factor. We can go through terabytes of memory without a problem. This is something impressive for me as we can open the chassis, and see how it's engineered inside so that we can easily access all the components, and change components without hours and hours of dismantling it. It is a bottom-up engineered product.
PowerEdge Rack Servers' impact on our sustainability goals is important but hidden. Based in Switzerland, we have to abide by the Swiss sustainability laws, which now forbid heat waste. If we build a data center now, we have to recuperate the heating and do something with it. We're no longer allowed to blow out the energy.
For example, we are building new data centers now that are collecting it, and there's a residential area around it, and we heat the houses through hot water heating. We are legally obliged to do that. The times when we put a chiller outside and blow energy out are gone. That's the core context. If, when we started with the PowerEdge already at the time, we were 100 kilowatts for one room, we moved the junk out and put the first PowerEdge Servers in, and the power consumption went down to 80. So we recovered 20 percent for more computing. That was already more than ten years ago. by now, we have gone down to less than 50 with the latest generation of PowerEdge. So we are going down in power consumption while at the same time providing more computing power to the users. This is very important because the infrastructure to recuperate the heat costs money as well. The less I consume, the less I have to pay to recuperate it afterward.
What is most valuable?
There are two valuable features for me. Number one, we are always at the edge of technology, Dell is a great partner, so going to Austin to the HBC Lab, so we can test machines and platforms before they go commercial so we can adapt our developments because we plug homemade cards into the Servers. We have to make sure they're compatible. That's the development side.
On the operations side, the value of service is always underestimated in terms of debugging, availability of spare parts, and the fact that they don't explode weekly. The quality of the products, the monitoring, the managed enterprise, pro support, TechDirect, self-dispatch of spare parts, etcetera, all of this allows us to run in the order of 500 servers if you take other clusters together. It is a tenth of a human host of a full-time equivalent. This means that if you would scale up linearly, one person could take care of 3000 Servers. That's quite impactful. Google published three people for 1000. We are doing one person for 3000. That allows us to free human resources for other tasks. The last time somebody had to go to the data center for support was five months ago. We could do many functions remotely, so there was no hardware fault. We could do daily maintenance remotely through iDRAC. Its remote management capabilities are one in a lifetime. I don't know any other platforms that offer the same level of manageability.
What needs improvement?
The world market for CPUs is excited. We have new ideas popping up left and right like new accelerator cards because there are GPUs. Dell is already working with Kalray, for example, that builds accelerator cards. There are new FPGA cards available on the market that are not in the portfolio. The last time I looked was when buying the new 760 Servers because it changes every couple of months, and not all Intel CPUs were certified. The adoption speed of new CPU and GPU technologies has room for improvement.
However, I know coming from the technical side this is a lot of work, and it's difficult. I know they are working on it and it's not something you do in five minutes. We have to stay fair. It would be nice but I know that now Intel and AMD come up with new CPUs twice a year. In the past, there was a new CPU generation every two years and now it's every six months. So the developers of servers and all the devices and programs are running to keep up with the speed itself.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been using Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers for 11 years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are stable.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers are scalable.
How are customer service and support?
The support is efficient. We have access to the spare parts catalog, We can diagnose a file and send it to them, and within two hours we have somebody on the phone. They are reactive and the problems were solved in the first attempt. This allows us to pay a little bit more for the initial investment but over the lifetime of the equipment, we have zero manpower costs to keep them running. The total cost over the lifetime of the equipment, we are largely positive compared to other brands where we have to pay a team of ten people to manage the equipment.
How was the initial setup?
During the deployment, the amount of rails turned out to be a disaster. We asked for two fewer rails and I had the whole team come over and install the rails for PowerEdge. I had a colleague, who did the Rack all by himself, he was so fascinated with it. From the mechanical aspect, it's extremely easy and solid.
There is also the engineering of the chassis down to the rail and how to put it in was well thought out. It was not some rails that were purchased out of a catalog from Taiwan.
I use OAK Management Enterprise to control the whole cluster. Once we plug in the cable, the service tag is realized, and the server is deployed by itself. From plugging in a new machine to installation ready if there are not too many firmware updates, it's ten minutes. It's easy, requires little manpower, and is fast.
When we had to install five hundred servers in the rack, there was a discussion about whether we should call on the professional deployment services from Dell to do that, and then we decided not to. Because we are two people, we could install 25 servers in two hours. It was done in two weeks.
What about the implementation team?
We do the implementation in-house.
What was our ROI?
We have the equipment itself, but Dell also provides the full software framework infrastructure around it. That is crucial in monitoring in terms of what's going on and also that one allows for example one person to have a view over thousands of machines. I have CloudIQ on my phone so I can see what my servers are doing. I can predict its failure so we can react before something explodes. We can react before things fail. That, of course, reduces downtime, and increases happiness, on the customer side.
As scientists, we want as much data as possible. In the experiment equipment running, there are no official numbers, but we are in millions per hour. Therefore, half an hour of downtime is costly. Not everything will be down, but if the data is unusable because there's one piece missing, it's as if everything will be lost.
What other advice do I have?
I would rate Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers ten out of ten. We never have problems and if there is an issue we get help, and the issue is resolved quickly. I never found myself sitting around, not knowing what to do or not getting help. With other full-brand vendors, I couldn't get a support person to look at an issue. These vendors always underestimated support and the follow-up with the customer afterward. In my experience, Dell is the best.
I also spend a lot of time on the advisory board for the Dell HPC Community. I spent time with the developers in most of the service. Ten years ago, the Servers had two power supplies and they were both on the same side. Now on the new ones, one of the power supplies has moved to the other side. That was something we injected seven years ago into the development process because it makes installations in the Rack much more efficient.
Which deployment model are you using for this solution?
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Senior Network System Engineer at a tech services company with 11-50 employees
Good performance, small footprint, flexible, and has a quick support team
Pros and Cons
- "The MX7000 gives us the most concentrated amount of compute in the smallest area possible."
- "On the MX7000 platform, they should continue to release better and faster blades."
What is our primary use case?
We use PowerEdge for the virtualization of servers, and it gives us the ability to move server images on and off of the platform very quickly.
How has it helped my organization?
The PowerEdge Rack Servers are a go-to for handling high-performance workloads. I've had positive experiences with the amount of computing that it can provide per blade. Currently, the blade that I'm familiar with is the MX740c, which has dual processors and a total of 24 core processors. There are eight of these blades in the MX7000.
It also provides the ability for networking on the backside, which connects to the mezzanine. I currently use the MX5108, which provides four 25 gigabits-per-second connections to each blade. Each 5108 can provide you with a 100 gig uplink to your core. I currently have the MX5108 connected in two fabrics, A fabric, and B fabric. Both A fabric and B fabric are peered using a VLTI.
Then, I have the VLTI from the two blades connecting and uplinking to our distribution core. The distribution core is using a leaf spine. With that, it gives me 400 gigabits of uplink and downlink onto the chassis.
You can't have computed performance without using more power. That said, when I consider the power consumption and performance of the MX740c, depending on how much memory I install on each blade, I get the best bang for my buck. I'm not going to say that it's inexpensive or that it's sufficient. It depends on how hard I am processing, what I am running, how much memory I use, and again, what blades I purchase with the chassis. Overall, it's very flexible, and it depends on what I want to make of it.
With respect to its performance when it comes to running the latest high-demand applications, depending on my selection of hardware, it should be able to run nearly anything I would want. If I want to run Oracle servers on the PowerEdge blades, for example, then I can do that. They'll run it.
Recently, I've seen my use case migrate from the M1000 chassis to the MX7000 chassis. The improvement that I saw was increasing the uplink bandwidth from the M1000, which I was able to get a maximum of 160 gigabits a second, and now my maximum is 400 gigabits a second. I could have selected different switches, but the MX5108 is adequate to provide the uplink bandwidth that I need from the chassis.
Overall, I've seen an improvement in the network bandwidth, as well as an improvement in the speed of the blades and the processors.
The PowerEdge has also helped to reduce data processing time in the company, which makes things run better because it's faster to move data onto the blades. It is also faster when it comes to the deployment of computed images. It's hard to pinpoint how much time we have saved because it also depends on the network infrastructure that's in place. In my experience over the last couple of years, migrating from the M1000 to the MX7000 has moved the deployment of images from a few minutes to several seconds.
What is most valuable?
The MX7000 gives us the most concentrated amount of computing in the smallest area possible. It also has the ability to provide a large amount of bandwidth to the blades. This is important because it gives the user the ability to move as much data on and off of the blade platforms as quickly as possible.
The iDRAC telemetry is very useful for monitoring the system and providing analytics. You can use commands from the CLI, you can use scripting, you can use the REST interface, or you can use the point-and-click GUI. It's very flexible. I prefer using scripts because I monitor many blades and many chassis. I can script a lot of my monitoring requirements.
The accelerated GPU feature helps to support demanding workloads that we run. For instance, they provide better performance for remote desktop sessions.
The blades are hot-swappable and in a virtual environment, being able to upgrade your hardware platform easily to better and faster hardware is a benefit.
What needs improvement?
On the MX7000 platform, they should continue to release better and faster blades.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been working with Dell PowerEdge Rack Servers for the past couple of years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
Stability-wise, this product is solid. We have very little downtime.
I need to make sure that the images that are running on the blades are reliable, and it provides that. Beyond that, I'm happy with the performance.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
Scalability is up to the engineer. It is easily scalable depending on what native architecture you use to connect it all together.
How are customer service and support?
I have been in contact with technical support a lot. Sometimes I run into little anomalies that I need an explanation or workaround or fix for, and by bringing it to their attention, they usually get their developers on it and come back with a solution rather quickly.
I would rate the technical support a ten out of ten. We have really good Dell support.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
I have worked with other solutions from other vendors, and I like Dell Power Solutions. I worked with them years ago and then went to a different vendor, on a different job course, and in this particular job I've come back to Dell.
I've got to say that Dell hardware and support are very good, and I'm happy with it.
How was the initial setup?
The initial setup is straightforward. For somebody with experience with Dell products, to begin with, it's simple. It's no more complicated than deploying the M1000, which was the predecessor chassis to the MX7000.
I can deploy and network an MX7000 chassis and have all the blades loaded with ESXi within a day. I make use of a lot of my own scripts and usually, I employ a script to mount the ISO images that'll be installed on all the blades through a shell script, and then the script also reboots the blades, and the blades mount the ISO image and install VMware. All of that happens quickly.
After that, I simply put in the network parameters for the ESXi hosts, add the host to the V-center, and then they're ready to go. I already have some predetermined configurations that I use for the network blades, the MX5108s. I use those as a template for all four blades on the back of the MX7000, and simply paste them in. I can usually have all four blades configured within 30 minutes to an hour.
What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?
The pricing is very competitive.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
When you compare against public cloud solutions, having the compute onsite is always going to be faster. However, that really depends on how big of a pipe your institution or your data center has to the cloud. If you have more bandwidth to the cloud and back, perhaps latency will be less but I don't see how it can be faster than having the compute on site.
What other advice do I have?
This product has built-in security features, although that's up to the system engineers and network engineers to properly upgrade their firmware. They need to follow Dell's baseline release for the chassis to ensure that the firmware and software for the baseline of the blades and the network cards meet the baseline requirements. If you can match those requirements then the security will follow. It's easier to manage when you're baseline is all matched.
Overall, this is a good product but there is always room for improvement.
I would rate this solution an eight out of ten.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.

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Updated: March 2025
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