Nondisruptive, high-speed data replication within any Hitachi storage system or virtualized storage pool is a reality with Hitachi ShadowImage replication software. Use data immediately in modern data protection and copy data management operations.
Get the Data Replication Buyer's Guide and find out what your peers are saying about Hitachi ShadowImage, Hitachi TrueCopy, Hitachi Thin Image Advanced and more!
Hitachi ShadowImage is the #7 ranked solution in top Data Replication solutions. PeerSpot users give Hitachi ShadowImage an average rating of 8.0 out of 10. Hitachi ShadowImage is most commonly compared to Hitachi TrueCopy:
Hitachi ShadowImage vs Hitachi TrueCopy. Hitachi ShadowImage is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 72% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
financial services firm, accounting for 26% of all views.
As of March 2025, the mindshare of Hitachi ShadowImage in the Data Replication category
stands at 6.7%, up from 6.1% compared to the previous year, according to calculations based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Replication
Key learnings from peers
Valuable Features
"The most valuable features are its ability to handle large databases efficiently and the asynchronous replication capability."
"The most valuable feature of Hitachi ShadowImage is high-speed data transfer from one server to another. Other solutions would have problems with transferring 50 TB of data.I also like that Hitachi ShadowImage is easy to use."
Room for Improvement
"We have experienced problems with it, even though Hitachi provides good hardware."
"API and script configuration in Hitachi ShadowImage is sometimes complicated, so this is an area for improvement.Another area for improvement is that the Hitachi ShadowImage interface isn't as user-friendly."
"I don't have pricing information for Hitachi ShadowImage because my manager handled it."
These insights are based on the in-depth reviews provided by peers to help you make a better buying decision.