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Jobvite pros and cons

Vendor: Jobvite
3.0 out of 5
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Jobvite Pros review quotes

Jan 24, 2021
The feature that I have found most valuable is the interview schedule piece. This allows me to see what interviews are going on. It allows me to put them on my calendar and to track that piece so that I can follow up both with my candidate and with my hiring manager.
Jan 22, 2021
Having an applicant tracking system like Jobvite helps companies get organized.
Jan 5, 2021
The ability to manage and track candidates in one place, and also when you are scheduling is a plus.
Learn what your peers think about Jobvite. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
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Dec 28, 2020
It has a really nice scheduling feature, which is very valuable for scheduling interviews. It is an automated feature and one of my favorite things about Jobvite. The other thing that I like about Jobvite is customer service. Their customer service is amazing, and they're constantly improving it and making it better. Jobvite also integrates with LinkedIn.

Jobvite Cons review quotes

Jan 24, 2021
Sometimes it seems, for whatever reason, that not all of the messaging goes through. I don't know if that's an internal email issue or that's an email issue with them. So I will externally follow up a lot of my communication through Microsoft Outlook as my own redundancy to make sure that my messages get out.
Jan 22, 2021
The user experience can be improved.
Jan 5, 2021
It has very inefficient, integration capabilities with the HRS systems
Learn what your peers think about Jobvite. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Dec 28, 2020
Its reporting feature can be improved. Reporting is currently not user friendly, and it is just complicated. If you want specific reports that aren't available within the system, then you have to pay extra. We don't use Jobvite for onboarding or payroll. They have the option, but we don't use them for onboarding or payroll. We strictly use it just for the recruiting cycle. If we did have a more comprehensive package with them, the reporting might not be so bad. One thing that kind of bothers me is the fact that you can have somebody apply to several different requisitions, and the notes don't merge together because it is requisition-focused. In other words, it is not strictly candidate-focused, which is kind of a pain sometimes. You have to go back and forth with the notes if somebody applies, or you could miss some important information.