Lightrun is a powerful tool that enables real-time debugging and troubleshooting in production environments. With its easy-to-use interface, developers can insert log statements and metrics into their code, allowing them to identify and fix issues without redeploying.
Lightrun is highly effective in monitoring services, diagnosing errors, and improving overall application performance. Its valuable features include real-time debugging capabilities, instant code observability, and seamless integration with existing development tools.
Users appreciate the ability to debug code in a live environment without impacting performance and the ability to add logging statements without restarting their applications. Lightrun also seamlessly integrates with popular IDEs and CI/CD pipelines, streamlining the debugging and observability process.
1. Airbnb 2. Amazon 3. Atlassian 4. Baidu 5. Cisco 6. Databricks 7. DigitalOcean 8. Dropbox 9. eBay 10. Facebook 11. Google 12. HubSpot 13. IBM 14. Intel 15. JetBrains 16. LinkedIn 17. Lyft 18. Microsoft 19. Netflix 20. Oracle 21. PayPal 22. Pinterest 23. Qualcomm 24. Robinhood 25. Salesforce 26. Spotify 27. Square 28. Stripe 29. Twitter 30. Uber 31. VMware 32. WeWork
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