Depicting the real user experience using an emulation rather than a simulation, that's one of the key points. The second is, we were able to reduce a lot of hardware calls where we used to have load generators across the globe.
Micro Focus Network Virtualization (NV) software enables you to capture and emulate real-world network conditions, so you can use real production data into your performance testing, and along with its powerful NV Analytics, it allows you to quickly detect and resolve performance bottlenecks before deployment. Or simply said, NV empowers you to release high quality apps by accurately testing and optimizing them for all network conditions. First, NV will discover and capture live network performance conditions, such as latency, packet loss, bandwidth and jitter and then it will test the application against the captured conditions to see how various networks affect the application's performance. Then NV will analyze results and gain insight into the root cause of the performance bottlenecks to ensure that the rolled out application is optimized for target network performance.