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Manager of Server and Storage Infrastructure at a university with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Has a simplified DR failover and the ability to deploy file servers vertically or horizontally
Pros and Cons
  • "Nutanix Unified Storage does a very good job of unifying our organization's block, file, and object storage. It puts it all in one place. From one platform, we can deploy S3-type buckets. We can provide iSCSI-level block storage if we need to. It does a great job with home folders and departmental shares, which is what we mostly use Nutanix Unified Storage for."
  • "The current hardware is not as dense as it could be. In our deployment, we have 2 PB per site, and we have to have 24 nodes. That's a lot of cabling and network ports that we use up. More dense nodes would be better."

What is our primary use case?

Nutanix Unified Storage will mostly be used for home folders and departmental shares. We do a lot of research, and we use this solution for research storage. There are several instruments that generate a lot of data, and we needed a place to store this data during analysis. We needed long-term storage as well.

Our previous system was a large lake of storage, and it worked well for shares and home folders. One of the things the researchers wanted to do once the file sets were placed was to analyze the data. We mounted those volumes on a server to be analyzed, and it wasn't performing enough. It couldn't keep up with it. With Nutanix Unified Storage, however, we can tailor different file servers for different workloads.

How has it helped my organization?

Nutanix Unified Storage will allow us to be more agile when deploying storage for the different use cases that we need. Also, with DR, the failover and failback between the two clusters are very simple in Nutanix Unified Storage compared to most solutions. You click, answer a question, and let it go. In other systems, you have to do a lot of reconfiguring and synchronization, which can take hours or days depending on the length of time that you need to fail back from. However, with Nutanix Unified Storage it's very simple. It makes life a lot easier for us.

What is most valuable?

One of the things that really sold us on Nutanix Unified Storage was File Analytics and Data Lens. We could always tell how much storage we were using, how many files we had, and even the age of the files, but we could never get a good handle on who was doing what with them. This has been a huge issue for us. For example, if someone moved a folder, we would not be able to tell who did it. We did not have a good way of auditing what was going on with the systems. This could become an issue in a ransomware attack. It would make it more difficult to figure out when we got infected and where we need to roll back to in order to recover. Nutanix File Analytics and Data Lens give us that information. In addition, Data Lens has a mechanism built in to prevent a ransomware attack from getting a foothold on the system. It can shut it down before it does a lot of damage.

Nutanix Unified Storage does a very good job of unifying our organization's block, file, and object storage. It puts it all in one place. From one platform, we can deploy S3-type buckets. We can provide iSCSI-level block storage if we need to. It does a great job with home folders and departmental shares, which is what we mostly use Nutanix Unified Storage for.

We can manage and run its storage from any location. Nutanix Unified Storage does a really good job of that, especially with the newest version of Files, 4.3. You can run it on NC2. That opens up a whole new possibility for us down the road when it comes time to do a refresh on the hardware. As our data centers age, it also gives us another option. We would have to decide whether we want to spend millions of dollars updating our data centers or looking at a cloud-based solution. NC2 provides a lot of advantages over just a standard native AWS or Azure deployment.

As part of our organization's ransomware protection strategy, our security department has a number of ransomware appliances that do scanning. We have antivirus running on the various shares and workstations. What's really exciting for us with Nutanix Unified Storage is that we get another tool to help prevent a ransomware attack. In case something gets through the security's appliances or something slides in through the back door, we have an additional tool to look for that ransomware attack and recover from it quickly.

Other than testing Nutanix Data Lens, we haven't gotten into it yet. However, it looks very promising. We're very excited about it, and so is our security team.

In terms of removing silos in our organization, Nutanix Unified Storage does a good job. My team manages the virtual infrastructure, and that was one of the reasons why we went with Nutanix Unified Storage over some of the other competitors. We're familiar with Nutanix and the platform. It's easy to deal with, and it makes managing a large system with a small number of employees a lot easier.

What needs improvement?

The current hardware is not as dense as it could be. In our deployment, we have 2 PB per site, and we have to have 24 nodes. That's a lot of cabling and network ports that we use up. More dense nodes would be better.

Buyer's Guide
Nutanix Unified Storage (NUS)
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about Nutanix Unified Storage (NUS). Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

We tested Nutanix Unified Storage for a couple of months before we purchased it. Last week, we spun up the clusters, and we're starting to deploy the file servers in the shares right now. We're in the very early stages of deployment.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The solution scales pretty well. Once it gets denser nodes, it'll scale better. There are options when you hit limits, especially using objects. You can scale that out, and they have excellent tiering options as well. I'm pleased with it.

How are customer service and support?

Nutanix's technical support is excellent. That was one of the drivers in picking Nutanix. I would rate their support a nine out of ten.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used a large lake of storage, and it did well for us. However, as technology moved on, we found that it wasn't meeting all of our needs. Nutanix Unified Storage gives us more flexibility to provide better solutions for our users. We evaluated other solutions and went with Nutanix Unified Storage because of the analytics that it provides and Data Lens. The simplified DR failover was a big factor as well.

With Nutanix Unified Storage, you can deploy file servers either vertically or horizontally. For a large departmental share, we can size it, scale it out, and have a large number of servers so that you can have thousands of users on it. If we're doing an export or a share that's going to run on an analysis server and more speed is needed, we can scale vertically and add more CPUs to add more memory to the file server. This is something we couldn't do with our previous system.

How was the initial setup?

Once we had Nutanix Unified Storage racked, stacked, and everything cabled up, the actual deployment went very smoothly. We deployed 24-node clusters in about three days. We were ready to start building file servers and sharing on them. I was really pleased with how well it went.

What about the implementation team?

Our partner, Choice Solutions, helped us with the deployment.

What was our ROI?

At this point, it's too early to tell, but I think we will see an ROI. We will probably see a reduction in support costs. We will be able to provide better resources for our researchers, which is the main driver. They're the primary users of the storage.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

It's not the cheapest solution. It's in line with other solutions, but it offers features that the competitors don't have at any price point, especially with regard to analytics and ransomware prevention. No one else has any sort of object-based storage available. Nutanix Unified Storage is a lot more feature-rich. This is a situation where you get what you pay for.

What other advice do I have?

My advice, if you're looking into Nutanix Unified Storage, is to definitely do the test drives. Do the research, and compare Nutanix Unified Storage with some others. Look at File Analytics and Data Lens, and compare how well DR works. Take a look at the various options that Nutanix Unified Storage provides and compare them to those offered by other solutions.

I haven't had enough time to really get a good feel for it, but from what I've seen so far, I'm pleased with Nutanix Unified Storage. Thus, I would rate it a nine out of ten. 

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Infrastructure Principal at a healthcare company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Top 20
Easier to scale a node than with traditional storage
Pros and Cons
  • "The reliability and availability are the most valuable features. Reliability is important because it can run my workloads. I need to be able to take advantage of the VMs that are executing on the storage. It has to be reliable. It's also important to have the storage available for scaling VMs on demand."
  • "We have had to deal with some infrastructure and general cluster issues but these issues don't impact storage."

What is our primary use case?

Our primary use case is for running an EMR through Citrix.

What is most valuable?

The reliability and availability are the most valuable features. Reliability is important because it can run my workloads. I need to be able to take advantage of the VMs that are executing on the storage. It has to be reliable. It's also important to have the storage available for scaling VMs on demand. 

We size them accordingly but there's unexpected demand. It's much easier to scale a Nutanix node. Traditional storage doesn't scale so well but Nutanix aggregates it all into one single layer. 

A lot of times we use Golden Images through Citrix and the ability to make those Golden Images available through that entire storage stack is important to us. 

In terms of its ability to remove silos in our company storage, we still need traditional storage but NUS provides availability and single unification. You can scale much more easily versus traditional storage.

I think Nutanix does a very good job with unified storage and they continue to innovate. As they innovate it, there are new features that you can take advantage of. There was something called Shadow Clones that didn't exist with other storages. This feature is relevant for me with what I do with Citrix using the Shadow Clones. It accelerates and makes things more efficient for me.

What needs improvement?

We don't have issues with the storage. We have had to deal with some infrastructure and general cluster issues but these issues don't impact storage. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Nutanix Unified Storage for seven years.

How are customer service and support?

Their support is excellent. They are still engaged even when something isn't their problem. That's one of the biggest asks from a support perspective. I would rate them a ten out of ten. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


What other advice do I have?

I would rate Nutanix Unified Storage a ten out of ten. We haven't had any problems with them. 

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
Nutanix Unified Storage (NUS)
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about Nutanix Unified Storage (NUS). Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Sales Engineer at a tech consulting company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Enables us to reduce the amount of nodes but should be more user-friendly
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature is the storage density of the nodes. We went with the HP's low-density nodes."
  • "It could be more user-friendly."

How has it helped my organization?

The price was unmatched for us. We got the pricing down. We had an issue where we already had two copies of the data, but we needed to get the third to be compliant. We were looking at alternatives with a backup vendor, but we couldn't get the pricing to that level. They had an archiving function to S3 or NFS, if you wanted to use it. In this case, we went with S3.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature is the storage density of the nodes. We went with the HP's low-density nodes. 

The installation is set and forget. We didn't really have the personnel staffing to be able to handle more storage systems, we were already running in Nutanix as a primary driver for a virtualization platform. It was just a matter of setting up another cluster.

Nutanix enables us to reduce the amount of nodes. We had the coding and data reduction features. We had the larger, hard-density nodes and we were able to decrease the amount quite a bit. Had we built it another way, we would have ended up with larger traditional storage vendors. Nutanix is really perfect.

We just installed it, set it up, and then we forgot about it. We do quarterly patching. We just set up the alerting and it just works. That's the benefit that we want all IT systems to have.

What needs improvement?

It could be more user-friendly. You can abstract the technical details. If you look at the IP plans and the services running underneath it, it's quite a simple product. As a customer, you get exposed to a lot of the decisions, which is not always necessary. That should be able to exist for some customers who have special needs but in general, the complexity could be lower. It looks scarier than it is.

For how long have I used the solution?

At my last place, we used it for two years. It's still running. We used it as a secondary target for data security backups. We were using S3 buckets which were exported to the primary backup cluster.

How are customer service and support?

Support is excellent. It has a fixed delivery value. We know we're going to get good people.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We also use VMware to protect unstructured data. Unstructured data is a horrible mess. You need to ship it and you need to ship it fast. We're very happy with the tools we have in place to protect it. 

We used to use an old Dell system which was fine in terms of data reduction, but we had issues when we needed to rehydrate the data and get it back into production. The RTOs and RPOs just didn't work for us anymore. Nutanix is so much faster in comparison. 

We switched to Nutanix as part of a lifecycle management. We noticed that even if the data reduction was good with the Dell system, we couldn't get the data out fast enough. That's the primary reason why we ended up going with Nutanix.

How was the initial setup?

The deployment was easy. It took two days for us to be up and running. 

What other advice do I have?

We looked at the Data Lens in our POC but we didn't end up putting it into production.

I would rate Nutanix Unified Storage a seven out of ten. They could simplify the user experience. Technically it's a ten, but there's still some work we have to do for it.  

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
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Infrastructure Manager at a financial services firm with 501-1,000 employees
Real User
Top 20
Provides flexibility and replication power
Pros and Cons
  • "DR and the replication power are valuable."
  • "Pricing can always be better."

What is our primary use case?

We are mainly using it for VDI profile and business continuity for that area.

The HCI concept was relevant for us while going for Nutanix Unified Storage.

How has it helped my organization?

For DR and VCP purposes, we have two sides where the storage resides, and the replication feature is very nice for these kinds of scenarios.

It gives us the flexibility and the agility to work from both sides.

What is most valuable?

DR and the replication power are valuable.

What needs improvement?

We are using it in a very narrow area. I am not sure if there are a lot of enhancements for that. Pricing can always be better.

For how long have I used the solution?

We have been using Nutanix Unified Storage for more than two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We did not use their technical support, so I guess its stability is okay.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It scales well.

How are customer service and support?

We have not used their support a lot.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We are using another NAS solution for different use cases. We are using both solutions. We went for Nutanix Unified Storage because, for VDI purposes, everything is in the same box. There is a shorter distance for the IOs to go out from the nodes and everything. It is all in the same box.

What was our ROI?

We see an ROI, but that is not from using this particular solution because it is a very narrow use case. It is a combination of the UC solution.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

It is not too high for what we are using.

What other advice do I have?

We are currently utilizing some tools to protect unstructured data in our organization. These tools are very important because we are a regulated company and a bank.

I cannot assess Nutanix Unified Storage for detecting and blocking ransomware threats. It is only for the user profile. We are not using it as a fully blown NAS solution. We have other solutions for that.

Overall, I would rate Nutanix Unified Storage an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Security and Infrastructure Practice manager at a computer software company with 51-200 employees
Top 20
Useful single unified interface, streamlined experience, and highly versatile
Pros and Cons
  • "The inclusion of it in the Nutanix Objects Storage platform simplifies my process as I am no longer required to acquire a separate platform. Instead, I can simply purchase additional licenses as needed. All management can be performed from a single unified interface, making it a convenient and streamlined experience."
  • "The solution should keep adding new features to be competitive in the market."

What is our primary use case?

Our organization is utilizing Nutanix Objects Storage for backup purposes, but it has a variety of applications, such as video recordings, database systems, and other backup needs.

What is most valuable?

The inclusion of it in the Nutanix Objects Storage platform simplifies my process as I am no longer required to acquire a separate platform. Instead, I can simply purchase additional licenses as needed. All management can be performed from a single unified interface, making it a convenient and streamlined experience.

Nutanix Objects Storage added the cluster on Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure recently, which was a large improvement. The fact that we're constantly making enhancements and improvements is a large benefit.

What needs improvement?

The solution should keep adding new features to be competitive in the market.

For how long have I used the solution?

I used Nutanix Objects Storage within the last 12 months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability of the system is remarkable. No disruptions have occurred and the upgrades are carried out smoothly. The process is automated, allowing us to initiate the upgrade and let it proceed on its own, one note at a time.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The ability to easily add another node as your business grows is a major advantage. Nutanix Objects Storage allows for flexibility in the type of nodes added, whether it be for more object storage or increased compute power for databases. This mix-and-match capability, combined with the ease of scaling, makes the solution highly scalable solution.

I rate the scalability of Nutanix Objects Storage a ten out of ten.

How are customer service and support?

I have not personally dealt with Nutanix technical support, but from what I have heard, it is highly rated. The support team is said to be efficient and knowledgeable, allowing for quick resolution of issues. The process of reaching the right person is reportedly smooth and avoids the need for multiple escalations. Nutanix Objects Storage tech support is said to be good and effective in resolving problems.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was extremely straightforward. The process involved simply activating the license and enabling the feature, and it took mere minutes to complete. Hence, it was a hassle-free deployment and easy to manage.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

If we compare the cost of Nutanix Objects Storage to other solutions, such as VMware licenses, our current choice is Nutanix Objects Storage. This solution is more cost-effective. However, adding VMware to Nutanix would not be a cost-efficient decision, which is why we do not use it anymore.

What other advice do I have?

Nutanix Objects Storage is fantastic. It offers excellent value for money and has the ability to scale up seamlessly. Nutanix is a top-notch company to work with. Their platform is highly scalable, and stable, and offers greater flexibility than any of its competitors.

I rate Nutanix Objects Storage a ten out of ten.

I rate the solution a ten out of ten because of the versatility it offers. The ability to choose from a range of nodes with varying CPU and storage capabilities allows me to have flexibility in my operations. Additionally, the expandability is great as I can grow according to my needs without having to waste resources.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Infrastructure engineering at a financial services firm with 201-500 employees
Real User
Top 20
Provides high availability and synchronization, but pricing could be cheaper
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable features of the solution are high availability and synchronization to another location."
  • "There are still some gaps in the solution's synchronization that could be improved."

What is our primary use case?

We use the solution to replace the Microsoft file server. The solution ensures that the Microsoft file server is reachable and you always have your infrastructure in place. With Nutanix Unified Storage, you can synchronize the other locations.

How has it helped my organization?

Nutanix Unified Storage is quite easy to manage and back up everything.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features of the solution are high availability and synchronization to another location. Just in case it goes down, then you always have your data. Nutanix Unified Storage is easy to implement, and the way the architecture is built is very good.

The solution has already improved a lot. The first time we used it, we ran into boundaries. Since then, the solution has become more mature.

The throughput or latency of Nutanix Unified Storage for data-intensive workloads is one of the better things we see. It's like expanding storage and two times doing nothing. If you have to do that in other systems, it takes more work and care. The storage in Nutanix is better organized and more flexible.

We have used the demo version of Nutanix Data Lens, which is okay from what we saw. Our organization is considering using Data Lens because it gives insights into what's happening with our data, which is interesting.

We have several security measures in place that are very important for our organization.

What needs improvement?

There are still some gaps in the solution's synchronization that could be improved.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Nutanix Unified Storage for two years and three months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Nutanix Unified Storage has been a stable solution in the past.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Nutanix Unified Storage is a scalable solution.

How are customer service and support?

The solution's technical support was horrible in the past. We addressed it to Nutanix, and they took it seriously, created an action plan, and adapted it. Afterward, the support improved, and now we have a direct channel to them. The engineers are also good.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We previously used the Microsoft file server. We switched to Nutanix Unified Storage because the business had a requirement for heavy availability. That was one of the biggest reasons we wanted a different solution, as it was not easy with Microsoft.

How was the initial setup?

The solution’s initial setup was not easy.

What about the implementation team?

We implemented the solution through an in-house team. We found errors in the guide provided by Nutanix, so the information that went out to us was wrong. We found the issue, experimented, and found a solution. Nutanix wasn't aware of the issue and rewrote its manual. Each time we went back to Nutanix, we found out what was wrong and correctly deployed the solution the second time.

What was our ROI?

The biggest return on investment with the solution is high availability because it costs a lot of money if the tool goes down.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The solution’s pricing could be cheaper.

What other advice do I have?

Overall, I rate the solution a seven out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Pre-Sales Specialist at a tech services company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Top 20
The capacity is very good; they use fewer nodes than before
Pros and Cons
  • "The capacity is very good. They use fewer nodes than before. Each node is isolated with the CPU with the performance. It is a cluster node but works separately, so the performance will be tripled."

    What is our primary use case?

    Our customer is in a POC for NUS for three nodes. They're using it as a backup target for Commvault. They have 120 TBs. This is what makes NUS very special. You can use it as a storage for backup or for any production storage. You can also use it for file sharing. These were our customer's needs and instead of giving them multiple products, we recommended NUS.

    They will use it on Airgap with Commvault. 

    How has it helped my organization?

    Nutanix was fast and good. They have Commvault as a backup target, you can scale it as much as you want. You can add disks. Later on, you can reuse it as a production environment. So the customer was very happy with that. With Commvault, the restore and backup operations are really good.

    What is most valuable?

    You can also separate the networks. You can use it for production from the same appliances and another network for the DMZ. It's better than buying two storage systems or two backup targets for each one.

    The capacity is very good. They use fewer nodes than before. Each node is isolated with the CPU with the performance. It is a cluster node but works separately, so the performance will be tripled.

    What needs improvement?

    We haven't gotten any bad feedback. 

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using NUS for three to four months. 

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    It's very good, it's very stable. The high availability feature works so that even if one node is down, you still can survive. 

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    Scalability is based on the nodes. You can scale as much as you want.

    How are customer service and support?

    The support team is amazing. Our customer had one failure where it was not powering on at all. I opened the case and within two weeks, they replaced it with a new one. The customer is very happy with the help. They are wonderful.

    How would you rate customer service and support?


    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    My client was using Data Domain by Dell. Nutanix has better pricing, features, and cloud, and they're agnostic to any hardware.

    How was the initial setup?

    The POC was very good. The implementation went smoothly. The customer still has a Dell environment so we gave him NUS to POC.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The pricing is very good. Compared to Dell and VMware, it's very good. VMware cost has doubled. 

    What other advice do I have?

    I don't use it for AI purposes. I use it as a backup and storage system. The performance is for a backup. It's much better than compared to other appliances.

    I would rate it a nine out of ten. Everything has been okay until now. The integrations are very good. Nutanix works well with Commvault. The customer is now finishing their POC.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Champion Partner
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    PeerSpot user
    Cloud System Engineer at a consultancy with 1-10 employees
    Real User
    Top 5
    Is flexible, resilient, and protects against threats
    Pros and Cons
    • "The most valuable feature is the unified dashboard, as it allows us to easily observe everything from a single location."
    • "The GUI is not user-friendly for new users and has room for improvement."

    What is our primary use case?

    Nutanix Unified Storage is our primary storage solution for file sharing. Our users can access files based on the assigned policies.

    We implemented Nutanix Unified Storage because we were seeking a low-maintenance solution. 

    How has it helped my organization?

    Nutanix Unified Storage is a flexible product.

    Nutanix Unified Storage is resilient, allowing for adaptability.

    Nutanix Data Lens is a sophisticated feature that contributes to the enhancement of our security posture.

    We can easily identify and protect against unknown threats with Nutanix Unified Storage.

    We have reduced the manual work and maintenance required for our storage with Nutanix, while also increasing performance.

    It empowers administrators to manage and run storage from any location. 

    What is most valuable?

    The most valuable feature is the unified dashboard, as it allows us to easily observe everything from a single location.

    What needs improvement?

    The GUI is not user-friendly for new users and has room for improvement.

    Nutanix Unified Storage could benefit from additional safeguards to enhance security and prevent data leaks.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using Nutanix Unified Storage for one year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    I would rate the stability of Nutanix Unified Storage ten out of ten.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    Nutanix Unified Storage is scalable and there is no downtime involved in scaling the solution.

    How are customer service and support?

    The technical support staff has consistently provided efficient and helpful assistance to us.

    How would you rate customer service and support?


    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    Before adopting Nutanix, we used traditional file server storage solutions. However, with over a million files, we lacked any analytics capabilities.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial deployment was straightforward and took around two months to complete. Our team of four worked with a team of three from Nutanix for the deployment. 

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The cost of Nutanix Unified Storage can be prohibitive for some small and medium-sized businesses, making it challenging for them to adopt the product.

    What other advice do I have?

    I rate Nutanix Unified Storage an eight out of ten.

    When evaluating security features, Nutanix Unified Storage stands out among comparable software-defined storage options.

    We have around 60 users and the solution is deployed in multiple regions.

    Maintenance is required for uploads and updates.

    I highly recommend Nutanix Unified Storage due to its robust security and low maintenance requirements.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Hybrid Cloud
    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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    Buyer's Guide
    Download our free Nutanix Unified Storage (NUS) Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
    Updated: August 2024
    Buyer's Guide
    Download our free Nutanix Unified Storage (NUS) Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.