RSA Archer is a solution designed to help your organization manage policies, controls, risks, assessments, and deficiencies across your lines of business. RSA helps you manage your digital risk with a range of capabilities and expertise including integrated risk management, threat detection and response, identity and access management, as well as fraud prevention.
The price of RSA Archer is good. The price isn't too high considering it is a leading tool in the market.
It is not expensive. It is reasonable. We only pay for the licensing.
The price of RSA Archer is good. The price isn't too high considering it is a leading tool in the market.
It is not expensive. It is reasonable. We only pay for the licensing.
Our solutions dynamically connect business transactions, strategy, and operations to the ever-changing regulatory environment, providing highly regulated firms with informed outcomes. Our client groups include compliance, audit, legal and risk functions within the organization. We partner with firms to manage their risk exposure and accelerate their business at every step. In today’s rapidly changing regulatory environment, organizations need to be empowered with tools
Camms.Risk offers an integrated approach to identifying, profiling and assessing risks and developing and implementing mitigating actions - all within combined monitoring and reporting framework.
Camms.Risk will support and streamline enterprise risk management processes through the identification, assessment, evaluation, treatment, and management of all strategic, operational, and project risks within a single system. Camms.Risk provides an integrated, online risk register for all of these levels, with executive snapshot views of risk performance and mitigating controls and treatment plans.
Camms.Risk Capabilities Include:
- Risk Management
- Compliance Management
- Workplace Health and Safety
- Incident Reporting and Monitoring
- Audit Management
- IT Risk Management
- Flexible Registers and Workflows