IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON Performance Management Suite for z/OS is designed to provide real-time and historical performance and availability management. It offers these capabilities for IBM z/OS operating system, networks, storage subsystems, Java runtimes, IBM DB2, IBM CICS, IBM IMS, IBM MQ for z/OS and IBM WebSphere Application Server for z/OS in a single package. Optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of managing z/OS environments with a powerful, integrated tool set.
To keep your business running smoothly, you need mainframe management that does more than just monitor and display. BMC MainView gives you the power to diagnose problems, minimize risk, and cut costs.
If you already use other products from BMC, you might be able to get a package deal from BMC's sales department.
If you already use other products from BMC, you might be able to get a package deal from BMC's sales department.
Leading the way with a sort, copy and join utility that uses cutting-edge mainframe technology to slash CPU costs and increase your mainframe’s overall efficiency.