Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect is an enterprise solution that helps streamline, accelerate, and integrate software, system, and business development. With this intuitive modeling and design solution, enterprises can stay in control of their workplaces, enable collaboration, support their teams and colleagues, and manage complex projects. Software architects, business analysts, project managers, developers, support staff, and testers can unite under a single repository. Through numerous view points and potential sub-systems, users are offered a unified view in a complex environment.
Use floating licenses strategically.
The Corporate Edition, or one of the bundles, is the way to go.
Use floating licenses strategically.
The Corporate Edition, or one of the bundles, is the way to go.
iServer is a unified software platform and enterprise modeling environment that extends and enhances the familiar, market leading Microsoft Visio and Office products. Core capabilities provided by iServer include an enhanced Microsoft Visio diagramming interface, a powerful central repository for all enterprise architecture or business process models and documentation, and a range of tools for visualization, analysis and decision making.
Aim for the exact number of people who shall define/review approve and view the processes, as it will impact the cost.
The price of this product is moderate.
Aim for the exact number of people who shall define/review approve and view the processes, as it will impact the cost.
The price of this product is moderate.