When a hacker, rogue administrator, or operational error take down Active Directory, a full forest recovery can take days or even weeks. And in the case of ransomware or a wiper attack, the malware can be reintroduced in the process. But with Semperis Active Directory Forest Recovery (ADFR), you can get your business back in business in less than an hour.
Full forest recovery is no easy task. The Active Directory experts at Semperis have taken the challenge head-on and built a robust solution that includes:
-Anywhere Recovery: recover to the same or different servers
-Clean Restore: eliminate reintroduction of malware
-Advanced Automation: orchestrate every aspect of forest recovery, such as cleaning up -metadata, rebuilding the Global Catalog, and restructuring site topology
-Self Learning: analyze past backup sets to determine the best way to recover the environment
-Persistent Recovery: adjust to environmental instability during the restore process
-Full Oversight: maintain visibility and control of the restore process
-Easy DR Testing: streamline testing and compliance
-Comprehensive Backup Validation: verify each backup set to ensure recoverability
-Active Directory Independence: recover even if Active Directory is completely down
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