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SwiftStack [EOL] pros and cons

Vendor: NVIDIA
4.3 out of 5
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Prominent pros & cons


Scalable and flexible architecture that adapts to various storage needs
Robust support for both object and file storage, ensuring versatility
Excellent performance and reliability in handling large data volumes
Seamless integration with existing infrastructure and cloud environments
Comprehensive API for easy management and automation


Lacks comprehensive support for complex network topologies.
Insufficient API documentation causes integration hassles.
Performance issues under heavy workloads.
Limited compatibility with certain legacy systems.
High learning curve for new users with limited tutorials available.

SwiftStack [EOL] Pros review quotes

Jan 2, 2019
The biggest feature, the biggest reason we went with SwiftStack, rather than deploying our own model with OpenStack Swift, was their deployment model. That was really the primary point in our purchase decision, back when we initially deployed. It took my installation time from days to hours, for deployment in our environment, versus deploying OpenStack Swift ourselves, manually.
Jul 10, 2019
It has helped us with the ability to distribute data to different data centers. As part of our DR strategy, we have nodes automatically replicating data from one data center to the other. This makes it easier for us to not have to shift tapes around.
Feb 22, 2021
The SwiftStack Controller, which is the web UI, provides out of band management. This has been one of the best features of it. It allows us to be able to do upgrades and look at performance metrics. It is a top feature and reason to choose the product.
Learn what your peers think about SwiftStack [EOL]. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
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Jul 29, 2019
The most valuable feature is its versatility. We use 1space and we can use it for almost anything: for our cloud service, for backups of VMs.
Apr 8, 2019
The scalability is phenomenal. It seems infinite, as long as you put enough storage in place, add enough nodes.
Mar 31, 2019
The performance is good. It is a secondary storage platform designed for archive and backup, so performance for the right use cases is very good. We have been pretty happy in that regard.
Jan 12, 2022
The graphs are most valuable. They have a lot of graphs and reports that you can run to see what's happening in the background to configure OpenStack Swift.

SwiftStack [EOL] Cons review quotes

Jan 2, 2019
[One] thing that I've been looking for, for years as an end user and customer, for any object store, including SwiftStack, is some type of automated method for data archiving. Something where you would have a metadata tagging policy engine and a data mover all built into a single system that would automatically be able to take your data off your primary and put it into an object store in a non-proprietary way - which is key.
Jul 10, 2019
On the controller features, there needs to be a bit more clean up of the user interface. There are a lot of options available on the GUI which might be better organized or compartmentalized. There are times when you are going through the user interface and you have to look around for where the setting may be. A little bit more attention to the organization of the user interface would be helpful.
Feb 22, 2021
The file access needs improvement. The NFS was rolled out as a single service. It needs to be fully integrated into the proxy in a highly available fashion, like the regular proxy access is. I know it's on the roadmap.
Learn what your peers think about SwiftStack [EOL]. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
802,829 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jul 29, 2019
At the moment we are using Erasure coding in an 8+4 setting. What would be nice is if, for some standard configurations like 15+4 and 8+4, there were more versatility so we could, for example, select 8+6, or the like.
Apr 8, 2019
I would like to see better client integrations, support for a broader client library. SwiftStack could be a little bit more involved in the client side: Python, Java, C, etc.
Mar 31, 2019
The biggest room for improvement is the maturity of the proxyFS solution. That piece of code is relatively new, so most of our issues have been around the proxyFS.
Jan 12, 2022
It's very well done for what it's supposed to do, and I don't have anything to add, but I would like them to keep it available to the public. SwiftStack is going out of the market. NVIDIA purchased SwiftStack a couple of years ago, and they won't be making it available to the public anymore. Our license is up to March 31st.