The Zimperium Mobile Threat Defense platform delivers real-time on-device threat detection and remediation for Android and iOS devices, the networks they connect to, and the apps running on them, with an underlying console and integration to leading MDM/EMM mobility management solutions and SIEM dashboards.
There could be more clarity regarding the pricing.
There could be more clarity regarding the pricing.
Wandera Threat Defense helps businesses ensure a productive workforce, by defending both managed and unmanaged devices against the full spectrum of mobile threats. The solution includes security protections on the device and in the network, allowing for effective and targeted policy actions against even the most sophisticated attacks. Wandera Threat Defense is powered by MI:RIAM, a leading threat intelligence engine that learns in real-time through signals from 425 million sensors around the globe.
It's relatively inexpensive.
The solution's price is reasonable.
It's relatively inexpensive.
The solution's price is reasonable.