My company is using Bonitasoft as a BPM tool. Now we would like to switch over to some other BPM tool. We are having some budget issues with Bonitasoft, so our company decided to drop the idea of using it. SME's suggested Camunda would be of better choice.
Can anyone suggest how Camunda is different from Bonitasoft and why to go with Camunda?
Both Camunda and Bizagi are powerful BPM solutions, but they address
to different audiences. Camunda stands out for its flexibility and
developer-focused approach, while Bizagi offers a more user-friendly,
model-driven platform aimed at business analysts.
For companies looking for an open-source low-code BPMN alternative, Imixs Office Workflow might be worth a look.
Imixs Office Workflow is an open-source BPM solution designed
specifically to support document-based business processes. It provides a
robust foundation for workflow management without the need for
expensive licensing models.
What makes it particularly appealing is its adherence to standards
like BPMN 2.0 and its ability to integrate seamlessly with existing
systems. Organizations seeking a cost-effective and adaptable solution
should definitely take a closer look at this alternative.
Hi Miya,
Our company uses Kofax TotalAgility. This is BPM suite specifically called Smart Process Applications. We have been using this BPM suite for over 7 years and have had very successful BPM implementations. Some of our applications we have developed are large scale and complex. What we love about this suite is that you do not write code.
I personally have worked with several BPM platforms and I can with full confidence that TotalAgility has been a winner for me. It has solved all of my business problems.
If you need further information please feel free to contact me at: 609 529-3339 or email me at:
Hi, I am not a Camunda expert, but worked with several BPM Suites in the past. If you consider Camunda, it is also worth having a look at Alfresco Activiti ==> Camundas process engine is a fork of the original Activiti code. While Camunda requires extensive coding and is more focused on automated processes and developers, Alfresco Activiti also comes with a low code approach and is also a perfect fit for LoB users.
What are your use cases? Do you require any repository integration for Case Management? Or are you focusing on highly automated processes? This might help to give a better advice.
I have no experience with BPM per se. I have been involved with a component of the IBM BPM tool suite called Stewardship Center. This was a great tool for developing highly effective and customised workflow solutions. In my project's case it was used to create workflow tools for changes to data in another IBM tool, Information Governance Catalog.
I would recommend that you include the IBM BPM tool in any product evaluation process you perform.
I am using Bizagi BPM suite, and I am more than satisfied. I will not shange bizagi, for any other BPM.
Hi, as a personal opinion if you want something similar to Bonitasoft for usage and design you could get Nintex. Camunda needs the use of code and makes it harder to use. Hope this helps you. Anyway if you need help using Nintex you could call Ti-M. +52 818 865 8460 They were nominated as Nintex Americas partner of the year.
I'm unable to answer your question directly as I have no experience with Camunda. So, I'll answer your question with a question -- why limit your alternatives to Camunda? If you're looking for something that has many of the features the BonitaSoft provides and some that it does not, there are other choices. I'll use BizAgi as an example. Can be cloud-based, can be very inexpensive, does mobile, etc. But there's both the cost of the software and the quality, availability and level of support that needs to be factored in. In BizAgi's case, their support is superb, responsive and competent. To me, this is just as important as initial cost. And especially important when you're shopping "down market."
I haven't used Camunda so can't comment on that, but we use Bonita Community for quite extensive workflows with > 100 users, and web services integration. We built our own user portal for viewing tasks (.net wpf app integrated to the Bonita Rest API). This works pretty well for us: we use Bonita as the workflow engine, but everything else (portal, management, reports, analysis) is done using our standard tools.
We know Bonita premium editions can be costly (as all BPM solutions can!) What " feature need " was it that caused you to upgrade from Community ?
You might consider reading the report produced by IT Central. But ultimately in addition to all the good advice you have already been given (e.g., minimum dependence on IT, business user friendly, BPMN2 support, as little as possible Java development, CASE support, Composite Development, etc.,) you need to develop a business case (Cost/Benefit analysis) and a tool selection criteria that suits your company's needs (include your business process owners in the specification of reauirements and features.) Also, make sure you clearly understand the switching cost and the time and effort required to transition to a new tool. This may have higher impact on your budget.
My colleague and myself have been monitoring various BPM / BPMS products over the last 5 years for SME type organsiations. We think that the biggest challenges you face in selecting a BPM product is the level of IT development investment you are looking to commit to. Products such as Bonitasoft and Camunda are both Java based products that require a reasonable level of Java development to deliver the outcomes most organiations are looking to achieve. My colleague has experienced this on an industrial platform such as Oracle's BPM product.
However, from the experiences of my colleague and myself, key key to success is getting the processes right and having a BPM product that is strongly process driven, but supports data and integration. The product I would strongly recommend that you look at is Bizagi.
However, if your organisation has signicantly invested in Bonitasoft and is keen to be able to re-use that investment, then I would suggest looking at both Camunda's BPM product and other products derived from Activiti, such as Signavio Workflow.
Good luck!
I suggest you Bizagi Modeler (mapping) or Bizagi Studio to automate ypur business process.
Hi Miya,
In regards to your post. Bpm’online is well-known on the market for merging CRM with BPM and I would recommend you looking for a custom solution to your business needs to check the system out ( ). For example, the bpm’online newly updated platform includes user wizard for quick process modelling, which enables users with no technical knowledge of BPMN to design business processes. All they need to do is to indicate the sequence and owners of actions, and bpm’online will automatically build relevant process diagram according to BPMN 2.0.
Bpm’online CRM is completely scalable, easy to use and what is more, all products include out-of-the-box best practice processes to guide users through the most effective actions.
Well, you will find your desired information here:
But I think that the best solution in openSource arena is Redhat JBPM. Outside open source the options are multiple and better.
And the second thought is that open source is not the same than 0 money.
Camunda is a new good idea but it is in the initial times. who knows the progression?
Guillermo López
I've been working with some BPM tools for the last year or more. While I don't know Camunda from experience, I can give my opinion based on the time I've spent consulting with a company called KiSSFLOW.
In regards to pricing, Bonitasoft is on the high end. Camunda doesn't list their pricing publicly, which generally means it's a bit high, but you can fill out the form to know more. KiSSFLOW's pricing is up front at $5/user/month.
Camunda is open-source software which means you can adapt it to your purposes if you have some good engineers on call. However, most open-source workflow products require a decent amount of technical knowledge to use it, even right out of the box. KiSSFLOW isn't open-source and is designed more for a regular business user to handle it right away.
Camunda is based on BPMN, which is standard among BPM folks, but might be foreign to the average business leader. It also incorporates decision management software which can help automate decisions.
KiSSFLOW is more of a human-centric BPM approach that avoids a lot of the complex notation and diagrams workflows as business leaders think about it.
If you have a team of developers and are looking for a heavily automated workflow, then Camunda looks like a good option to try. If you need something more lightweight for regular business managers to handle, then KiSSFLOW might be a better solution. Though, at KiSSFLOW's price, I think it would be worth trying out first to see if it works for you before trying out a more expensive solution.
Check out
Hi Miya, Have you considered AuraPortal. If you have 15 or more users Aurazure could be a good option for you: