Hello community members,
We have implemented the 3scale API Gateway and we've been trying to use the 3Scale API Management tool. However, we found a lot of issues with customizing that tool. One of the options we've been considering is to use a different management tool. Is it possible?
For example, can we use 3 SCALE API Gateway and Mulesoft Anypoint API Manager for 3scale API management? Any additional alternatives or suggestions?
I appreciate your help.
We strongly recommend looking at next generation API management. Here there is a central control mechanism or API repository. This is where everything is managed, provisioned and secured across the enterprise. Independence from the underlying gateway technology, which should be selected according to specific aspects. Business to Business, IoT, etc.
So strict separation in Control Plane and Data Plane!
Hi @Niki Shetty,
We know this very well. Every so-called API runtime, i.e. an API gateway, is fixed to its own technology. In other words, API integration is the new vendor lock-in.
What we have learned is that there is an urgent need for a higher-level API control plane. So you separate the API management from the so-called runtime. You can also call this API Master Management. This dramatically reduces complexity, creates friendly API developers and increases security.
If you need something - we're there for you.
Hi @Niki Shetty,
Usually, all these API Mgmt platforms are built with a proprietary integration in mind. I doubt such cross-product integration is possible.
However, can you elaborate more on the below:
1. What customizations you were into that are causing pain?
3Scale is not best vis-a-vis that activity. The best tool here could be WSO2 which allows a lot of customizations.
2. What management activity you are looking into, to offload to another tool like Mulesoft AAPIM?
3. What type of deployments are you into? Stand-alone? Kubernetes? etc?