There are 3 industry leading GRC software and they are IBM OpenPages, MetricStream and RSA Archer. In the areas of Operational Risk, Regulatory Management, Policy Management, Operational Resilience MetricStream is rated very high by the likes of Gartner.
Whether MetricStream is suited for your needs can be answered only based on the requirements/use cases you have. You can cover the above areas within your organization with just 1 system and that way will prevent you from following a siloed and fragmented approach.
We have aligned with MetricStream only. We will recommend it, but we have seen comparisons between MetricStream and RSA Archer from when we have come across those customers. We have been head to head in those comparisons. My advice is to be sure to have your use cases very clear in what you want to achieve, be it risk management or just relations management. If it's an audit, you have to be very precise and clear as to what your needs are. Based on that only, you should be evaluating it, because it is all modularized. There are more than 15 or 16 modules of MetricStream solutions available. The customer has to be very clear as to which module they are interested in and what they want to implement. I would rate MetricStream an eight out of ten.
CEO & President at a tech services company with 1-10 employees
Real User
May 16, 2018
I would rate it a nine out of 10 because it's a very good and scalable solution that can be configured to our needs. The only issue is in terms of support within the local language. Evaluate it, do a proforma proof of concept before deciding. In this proof of concept be sure to test your use cases and evaluate how easy it is to configure a solution to handle your use cases.
There are 3 industry leading GRC software and they are IBM OpenPages, MetricStream and RSA Archer. In the areas of Operational Risk, Regulatory Management, Policy Management, Operational Resilience MetricStream is rated very high by the likes of Gartner.
Whether MetricStream is suited for your needs can be answered only based on the requirements/use cases you have. You can cover the above areas within your organization with just 1 system and that way will prevent you from following a siloed and fragmented approach.
We have aligned with MetricStream only. We will recommend it, but we have seen comparisons between MetricStream and RSA Archer from when we have come across those customers. We have been head to head in those comparisons. My advice is to be sure to have your use cases very clear in what you want to achieve, be it risk management or just relations management. If it's an audit, you have to be very precise and clear as to what your needs are. Based on that only, you should be evaluating it, because it is all modularized. There are more than 15 or 16 modules of MetricStream solutions available. The customer has to be very clear as to which module they are interested in and what they want to implement. I would rate MetricStream an eight out of ten.
I would rate it a nine out of 10 because it's a very good and scalable solution that can be configured to our needs. The only issue is in terms of support within the local language. Evaluate it, do a proforma proof of concept before deciding. In this proof of concept be sure to test your use cases and evaluate how easy it is to configure a solution to handle your use cases.