Senior Risk Advisory Manager at Aligne Technologies
Jan 2, 2025
RSA Archer, IBM OpenPages and MetricStream are the top GRC software solutions in the market today. Out of the 3, IBM OpenPages has a slightly upper hand as IBM has come up with powerful Artificial Intelligence capabilities called Watsonx. OpenPages can be easily integrated with Watsonx. Also the integration with Cognos provides intuitive and user-friendly reports and dashboards and also paves the way for business teams to engage in self service reporting. RSA Archer and MetricStream have also come up with some AI capabilities although not as powerful as IBM OpenPages.
GRC stands for governance, risk, and compliance. GRC solutions help organizations with IT operations, business objectives, managing risks effectively, and complying with all applicable regulations.
RSA Archer, IBM OpenPages and MetricStream are the top GRC software solutions in the market today. Out of the 3, IBM OpenPages has a slightly upper hand as IBM has come up with powerful Artificial Intelligence capabilities called Watsonx. OpenPages can be easily integrated with Watsonx. Also the integration with Cognos provides intuitive and user-friendly reports and dashboards and also paves the way for business teams to engage in self service reporting. RSA Archer and MetricStream have also come up with some AI capabilities although not as powerful as IBM OpenPages.