The most valuable feature depends on the project. It's great if you need to check to ensure a service is running 24/7. I can use the full solution for free, and it's flexible. If I need to add a dashboard, I can integrate it with Nagios. Cloud synchronization is wonderful.
The most valuable feature of Nagios Core is the ability to check the availability of the server for network connectivity. Additionally, the interface is good.
Sr. System Administrator at Guj Info Petro Limited
Real User
Sep 10, 2021
Other products are good but from the configuration point of view Nagios is really very lightweight. The price is really good in my opinion. Another important thing is that my Nagios engine still works with Dual core 8GB ram for the last 10 years.
It has made the life of the network operations staff more proactive in managing the resources of the infrastructure. It prevents disasters long before they can take place.
What I like about Nagios Core is that it helps me ensure everything is running smoothly by checking the status of hosts and services.
The notifications are definitely one of the most valuable features of Nagios Core. We know what to look for and what to expect when things are down.
We mostly use Nagios Core to integrate with Python and Bash Script.
We use the product to monitor server applications.
Our customers like that Nagios Core is an open source solution. It can be customized to our customers' specific needs.
Alert calls occur anytime a service goes down or a matrix is difficult and that helps us to quickly restore service and transfer work.
Provides timely notifications.
The application performance monitoring feature is valuable.
Nagios Core is very configurable. Whatever you want, you can do it.
The most valuable feature depends on the project. It's great if you need to check to ensure a service is running 24/7. I can use the full solution for free, and it's flexible. If I need to add a dashboard, I can integrate it with Nagios. Cloud synchronization is wonderful.
I like that it's very simple to install, easy to manage and deploy, and easy to use for monitoring.
The most valuable feature of Nagios Core is the ability to check the availability of the server for network connectivity. Additionally, the interface is good.
It is fairly easy to set up, and we can monitor pretty much everything we want to.
Nagios Core is stable.
Dashboard provides monitor of total assets.
Other products are good but from the configuration point of view Nagios is really very lightweight. The price is really good in my opinion. Another important thing is that my Nagios engine still works with Dual core 8GB ram for the last 10 years.
The solution is quite efficient.
The most valuable features are the reports and the way it generates the report in a graphical manner.
The most valuable feature is the performance parameters of the system.
I like the way the solution sends alerts and how it keeps on escalating them.
Nagios monitors our servers, so we know if anything goes wrong and can solve the problem before it happens.
It has made the life of the network operations staff more proactive in managing the resources of the infrastructure. It prevents disasters long before they can take place.
Key features include the GUI interface, its notification capabilities, and the real-time reporting.