One of the most popular comparisons on IT Central Station is Nagios Core vs Nagios XI.
People like you are trying to decide which one is best for their company. Can you help them out?
What is the biggest difference between Nagios Core and Nagios XI? Which of these two solutions would you recommend to a colleague evaluating IT infrastructure monitoring and network monitoring software and why?
Thanks for helping your peers make the best decision!
I installed it in my AWS and Google cloud computing environments. Following the documentation explicitly, logs all indicated successful results yet neither environment was able to open up the GUI to confirm it was functional. I opened a support case which I've done with almost every product I have ever installed and was informed that I needed to have a licensed product before support could answer my questions. I just finished a project where I installed crushftp and I had a similar problem and I hadn't purchased the product. They asked me for logs and supplied a solution in short order. I couldn't suggest the product with support like that as I've spent years apologizing for HP support that was almost nonexistent.
Ultimately NagiosXI is the better solution than Core but shortlisting NagiosXI also definitely depends on the infra landscape, technology, network devices, and other scopes of activities in monitoring.
The biggest difference I see between Nagios Core and XI is the user interface, reporting, and onboarding any element for monitoring, and that onboarding is much easier in NagiosXI than Core. Nagios Core is little complicated where you have to use console called Nconf or editing conf files in Linux needs more technical knowledge than using NagiosXI.