The orchestration SOAX product is software that allows you to control, manage and administer all Mono-Cloud and Multi-Cloud services, both public and private, as well as Exo-Cloud and DCIM.
Our SOAX Supraorchestrator is an HDISM (Hybrid Digital Infrastructure & Services Management) application developed from holistic orchestration models, which allows comprehensive management of the complete Stack of necessary technologies, from generation to services, passing through the different layers, DCIM, Computing, Storage, Network, and Security, to be fully implemented as defined by the software.
The federated cloud management is carried out from the HDISM tool, especially taking into account the variables of energy efficiency and user data security. It is built on four pillars:
- Federated Identity Trust,
- Cloud intelligence
- InterCloud Workload Distribution
- High capacity redundant communication network
Department of Defense of Spain, Government of Ceará (Brasil), Lithoformas (Banking - Mexico), Adam (Public cloud provider- Spain), Chiptele (Telco-Brasil), Gofone (Telco - Spain), Indra (Government), Thomas Greg&Sons (Finance services - Colombia)