As a cloud infrastructure and hosting company, we provide public and private cloud services. We use the A10 technology to protect our customers against DDoS attacks against their hosting instances. The latter could be dedicated servers or virtual servers or data storage platforms.
We have technology in place to detect attacks at the border routers of our networks in all 20 data centers worldwide where we operate. If we detect an attack, we reroute the traffic of the IP addresses that are being attacked to the A10 Thunder systems. They drop the malicious attack traffic and they pass through the legitimate traffic to the servers or the virtual servers that our customers use.
We deploy different types, different sizes of equipment. We use these solutions on-premises.
When we started deploying this and we measured the impact on the number of customer complaints, we saw a significant reduction in the overall number of customer tickets. If customers have an issue with one of our servers, they open a ticket; that could be any outage or a DDoS attack. We saw an overall reduction of 11 percent in support tickets.
But we also saw that we were typically able to mitigate over 98 percent of all the attacks that we detect. That has a two-fold benefit. First of all, customers are happier because their service stays alive even in a situation where they are being attacked. And for us, it has a positive impact on our support team because it has 11 percent fewer tickets it needs to handle. That's especially true since "attack tickets" are not nice tickets to have to handle. It also helped us a little bit in the engagement and the motivation of our support team.
A10 has also definitely reduced the amount of manual intervention required during an attack. Before we had these systems in place, if an IP address or server was attacked above a certain level, we would manually no-route or "black-hole" the traffic, and basically remove that IP address from the internet. That was all manual work, while customers were complaining, and their customers were complaining. People were opening tickets. With this solution in place, all that manual work no longer has to happen. After detection of an attack, the scrubbing is initiated automatically. In the case of a huge attack, we will still null-route the traffic which is going to the IP address under attack, but that process is fully automated. So deploying these systems has reduced a lot of the manual work.
Using this solution we have also, to some extent, detected more small attacks, attacks that we had been missing previously. Before we deployed A10, we did not have any technology in place to detect an attack. Only if a customer opened a ticket did we know there was an attack. But when we started deploying the detection technology and the A10 scrubbing technology, we suddenly saw that we actually have a lot of smaller attacks as well, which were invisible to us previously. That means, most likely, that there were a lot of unhappy customers - or unhappy end-users of our customers' systems - that we were never aware of. That was suddenly fixed by deploying these systems. In all of 2018, we identified about 400 attacks each day, anywhere in our 20 data centers around the world. Many of these attacks were invisible to us before 2016 when we did not have this solution in place.
When it comes to the solution's performance given its form factors, for us, any equipment that takes up space and power is using scarce resources in a data center. The fact that these boxes do have a small form-factor, as only 1RU or 2RU devices, and that the power consumption is relatively low, is very beneficial for us.
We don't deliberately use the solution's machine-learning powered Zero-day Automated Protection (ZAP) but the systems require very little effort to keep them alive and manage them. The automation and the updates that A10 built in result in there being very little work for us to do to keep these systems up to date and efficient in the way they scrub attack traffic. So it's not functionality that we deliberately use, but it's a benefit of these systems, which helps us maintain a low cost of operations and an effective system.
The solution's automation also has the effect that the systems are very low-maintenance. That means that we can free up our people to do other work.