I use the solution in my company since the front end of my application is deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Service. The back end of the application was deployed on Amazon EC2 for microservices. The front-end and microservices, like shipments, inventories, and a few other areas, are deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Service.
First and foremost, my company uses AWS Fargate, which is easy to handle considering that it is taken care of by AWS, especially in areas like troubleshooting. Triggering a deployment manually is very simple with Amazon Elastic Container Service since, in our company, we have to go to the particular service, update the service manually, and check the box called force a new deployment, which would trigger a deployment on all the services. Even if the deployment has to be done manually, it is not a tedious task as it is easy. The product has a concept called task definition, which makes it easy to handle environment variables.
Though not an issue in the product, one of the areas of concern that I have noticed is related to how the tool works. After the load balancer gets attached to Amazon Elastic Container Service clusters, I can't modify, remove, or replace it later. The tool would have been better if there was an option to replace a load balancer. If anyone attaches a wrong load balancer during the creation phase, it has to be brought down and created once again from scratch.
I have been using Amazon Elastic Container Service for two and a half to three years. My company is a customer of Amazon.
It is a highly stable solution. Stability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten.
In terms of scalability, the product has autoscaling features along with Amazon EKS, which helps scale up the resources in an organization. Scalability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten.
It is difficult for me to keep track of the number of users of the solution in my company because we have multiple groups in our organization who use it for integration purposes.
Earlier, the support team had some issues. Once or twice, I found a delay in the response time from the technical support's end due to a lack of resources or some other issues. Lately, I haven't experienced any issues with the product's support team since they have been very responsive.
I rate the technical support a ten out of ten.
The product's initial setup phase requires some level of understanding. I can vouch for the fact that AWS provides good and detailed documentation. Users don't have to go anywhere to understand any concept related to the product, and all they need to do is follow AWS documentation line-by-line to become professional at whatever services they want to use.
Although AWS has successfully captured over 60 percent of the market in the cloud part, the tool is competitively way cheaper for the resources it provides compared to the other solutions.
The tool's scheduler enhances your application's scalability and reliability since, with AWS Fargate, during the scale-up process, if my company runs 50 or 70 tasks or services and in case of failures or any problems during the runtime, AWS responsibly takes care of the problematic area. All I need to do is to push the code while managing the application side. At an infrastructure level, things are managed by Amazon with AWS Fargate. I am very confident about the performance and reliability that the product offers since the infrastructure part is taken care of by AWS.
The security measures in the product that are the most effective stems from the fact that it provides separate policies to be attached to your clusters at a task execution role level, and if it is not made manually, then you won't be able to access ECS tasks through a command line, making it a highly secure area.
Amazon Elastic Container Service, with other AWS services, streamlines our company's workload since during the creation of a task definition, you need to mention the task execution role, which is nothing but an IAM role, which will provide the privileges and the permissions as to what is required at your end.
I recommend the product to those who plan to use it.
To understand the initial stages can be easily understood by the user, it is good to go through its documentation and learn about the solution before buying the product. The struggle would be with the learning part and not the implementation part.
I rate the overall product a nine out of ten.