It’s for switches. One of the reasons that the customers get ExtremeSwitching is that the technology is good. The product has relatively advanced technology.
Also, the price is affordable.
We have different industries. We have a telco. We have utilities, particularly water supply. And then we also have manufacturing, which covers one of the largest conglomerates in the Philippines, which also owns San Miguel Brewery, known for San Miguel beer. And we also have a university as a customer in the education industry.
One of the features of using AI for analytics is part of the Pilot IQ. There are different IQs. That’s Pilot and Copilot, and more. But essentially, this is the cloud management platform of Extreme Networks. What it does is, if you get that portion through subscription, the highest model allows you to predict when a switch should be replaced before it breaks down. They call it eleven nines [11 9s], which is 99.999999% reliability. The old standard was five nines [5 9s], meaning 99.999% reliability. In this case, it’s eleven nines.
That’s how it works. Based on their worldwide database, they monitor your switch and provide information similar to other switches in other locations. They can predict when it will break down and give you an alarm, so you can replace the switch before it breaks down. This way, you have the possibility of not having any breakdown on your switch because you replace it before it breaks down.
You replace it before it breaks down. Such a feature saves business costs. In this case, you avoid downtime, which is actually a business cost. So, if you do not have any downtime, then you potentially save a lot for your business.