We're an MSSP, so we put FireMon on our customer sites to monitor their security devices.
It's so quick at finding redundant and shadowed rules. I used to have to do that and I would have to yell at people to stop bothering me because I needed my complete concentration to do it. And there was still human error. FireMon saves all that time and eliminates that human error.
Also, in terms of our compliance reporting process, they would give us a week and we'd pull all the configurations of all the firewalls and send them off to someone like me who would go through them and say, "Hey, this is not good. Take a close look at this. Why is it any-any?" People would have to go back and look at the firewalls to see if that was a business risk or not and, if it was, have the company sign off on it as a business risk. That would actually take up to about six months of going back and forth, giving people weeks at a time to respond.
With FireMon Security Manager, I can create a report and send it off to the customer and say, "Here are the 98 rules that put you at high risk. Are these needed?" They look at them and say, "Oh no, that application is gone, you can get rid of that." Or they say, "Yep, this is an acceptable risk." I then say, "Okay, I'm going to be back in a year," and I mark it as "acceptable risk, by so and so." A year later I can go back and say, "Is this still an acceptable risk to you?" It makes our compliance so much easier when compared to having to do it manually. I would recommend everybody get this tool just for that aspect.
A module that we have to pay for, because we're using FireMon Security Manager, helps automate firewall policy changes across large, multi-vendor enterprise environments, and it's the only solution that does that. The rest of them are so labor-intensive that this would probably save 70 percent of that work time. It enables us to make changes company-wide. Suppose one of our clients has 60 firewalls. We can do a company-wide firewall update within about two hours if they have multiple brands of firewalls. We can do it in about 30 minutes if they only have one brand. When we had a person logging in to manually do it, it would take them at least a day for 60 firewalls. Now, if it's Palo Alto, we can do it in half an hour. If it's Fortinet, it can take us an hour and a half.
We have about 20 customers and we're saving at least a day of time for each one of those customers. Within one day, we can do what we used to do in two weeks. That's very significant because we were looking at hiring more people. FireMon has reduced the need for that. As our people become more and more efficient, we can actually have more and more customers without having to increase our labor force.
The solution can also talk across on-premises, cloud, hybrid, SASE, and SD-WAN environments. You need the path. Once you have the path, which most of the time is going to be a VPN tunnel if it's over an untrusted area, you can do anything. That makes it one pane of glass. For example, in the past, if it was on-prem and in the cloud, I would have to do an on-prem pane of glass and a cloud pane of glass. Now I can do it in one pane of glass and it's less labor-intensive and much faster.
You can even automate the cleanup of firewall rules in a large, enterprise environment. That's the nice part about it. You can say, "Here are 100 rules I want you to disable," put in the IP addresses, hit enter, and it pushes that out to the 60 firewalls. It takes time, but you walk away. You've saved tons of time while it's doing the process for you through automation. I can't see working on more than one firewall without having this tool.
If you make a mistake on one IP address, and you push it out to 60 firewalls, instead of bringing one down, you could bring them all down. You measure twice and cut once. You verify, you make sure you have the stuff in there. Then you have a second person to look at it and, when you both agree, you hit enter and you know you're not going to bring the system down. That actually takes a little bit more time because it's a two-person activity where it used to be just one. We used to bring down a firewall once a month and now we don't do that. We're saving at least one outage day and then another day of apologizing.
Be careful with the "clean-up" report recommendations. Firemon tends to recommend deleting the hidden or shadowed rules, but those are often the more restrictive (better) rules, shadowed by an overly permissive rule at the top. Consider removing the top rule, and keeping the more restrictive policies.