It had been a successful solution for the end-users. They were very happy with the solution that was implemented as it resolved all their issues.
It helped to speed up the delivery. Earlier, if it took around 30 minutes to do a task such as copying some data or doing any content editing, post-implementation of NetApp, and improvement in our network infrastructure, overall activity time was reduced to 10 minutes.
A key challenge for our organization was to speed up the process for media files. It took a longer time to transfer or do any kind of activity on media files. Post-implementation, we were able to speed up our processes on the media files. Although the media file sizes were quite large, NetApp was able to speed up accessibility to those files.
At the time we finalized NetApp, there were a couple of things that were impacting. The size of the data was increasing very quickly, so we wanted a device that was easily expandable without much modification. NetApp fulfilled that requirement, wherein we were able to double the size of the solution without any major impact on the network.
Security played a major role in finalizing the product. The ONTAP technology was quite stringent while creating partitions and in other such scenarios so that the data is fully secured and not accessible without permission. It is also quite difficult to crack the solution. From a security point of view, NetApp was a good solution as it had an OS that was quite unique.
The stability and performance of the solution have provided optimized results as expected.