Cloud Native Security is a cloud posture management solution. Initially, it focused on helping us understand and assess our compliance posture and cloud configuration for workloads, etc.
There are three key use cases for Cloud Native Security:
- Continuous Configuration Monitoring: This ensures 24/7 oversight of configurations and identifies any issues as they arise.
- Asset Visibility: Gain immediate visibility of all cloud assets upon deployment and ensure they are properly tracked within the system.
- Container Security: Assess vulnerabilities in Docker clusters and other containerized environments based on compliance requirements.
I have used Prisma Cloud extensively at several organizations. We have also used Wiz and Cloud Native Security. Cloud Native Security is particularly easy to use because it requires no configuration. All we need to do is create an API key that connects to our cloud account, and it will automatically start identifying all the workloads and accounts associated with our master account. We can see them all listed on our screen. Cloud Native Security does not require any configuration beyond selecting what we want to see on the screen. On the other hand, Prisma Cloud which I used until about a year and a half ago was superior in some ways. However, the amount of data it generated was very high, and it produced a lot of alerts and events. This required trained personnel who understood our workloads and specific cloud environments to manage it effectively. Cloud Native Security is a low-maintenance product. It is pre-configured and requires minimal manual setup, making it ideal for small to medium-sized teams that don't have dedicated resources to manage individual security products.
Like any other product, every incident has its own unique characteristics. Incidents are typically classified into categories of critical, high, medium, and low. This classification is based on the nature of the vulnerability, the ease of exploitation including whether authentication is required, and the potential impact. There are many similarities to other scoring systems when you consider the underlying factors and the overall environment. This system resonates with me because it considers multiple factors beyond just the Common Vulnerability Scoring System. For example, it takes into account features or passphrases that are displayed on the screen or found on devices, and how that data is stored.
The current system incorporates some internal analysis, but it's minimal. While the overall classification is likely appropriate, the remediation guidance could be enhanced. Ideally, for each vulnerability, there should be clear instructions on how to fix it. However, some vulnerabilities might be relevant to an organization's specific use case. For example, a public IP address being accepted by an SQL server on Azure might be flagged as a vulnerability, but it could be a legitimate configuration for an organization that has a specific database configuration requiring access from multiple locations.
Cloud Native Security operates entirely agentless. Using just the API key on the master tenant provides complete coverage, regardless of the cloud platform we're using. We avoid agent-based solutions for a simpler and more efficient approach.
While evidence of exploitability in Cloud Native Security's reporting might not be crucial, it would be beneficial. If a vulnerability is actively exploited, we need a comprehensive solution to analyze the information and enhance our monitoring. However, that's just our perspective. In terms of Cloud Native Security's scanning ability, I find it limited. It displays the essentials, and the module essentially fills the attack map. However, it doesn't explicitly consider the exploitability index. Despite this, the existing exploitability scoring seems adequate. If a vulnerability can be exploited on our network which is simply a local network with zero authentication required, the complexity is factored in, and the vulnerability is classified as high, medium, or critical.
We leverage the offensive security engine to identify potential zero-day vulnerabilities that might be relevant to our workloads. Additionally, it helps us assess exposed configurations or misconfigurations that could be exploited by these vulnerabilities. While this engine is a valuable secondary source of data for improvement, it doesn't replace the independent solution we used previously. We primarily rely on that solution for information specific to our environment.
There are two main approaches to IaC scanning. One involves internal and Docker security modules. These modules analyze internal container images to identify vulnerabilities. For additional scanning, we leverage other products. We use Tenable and integrate it with CI/CD tools. This allows us to scan code dynamically and analyze traffic on a one-time basis. Additionally, PingSage assists in gathering data for IaC scanning.
Cloud Native Security significantly reduces the number of false positives we encounter. Unlike some other tools, it generates very few alerts that are ultimately unimportant low noise. I've rarely seen false positives from Cloud Native Security. While some Cloud Native Security alerts might be legitimate concerns, we can also suppress them if they're not relevant to our standard operations. This allows us to configure our cloud environment to focus on the most critical alerts.
Cloud Native Security has had a positive impact on our risk posture. As our only CSPM solution, it helps us with asset discovery, critical asset monitoring, and configuration issue detection and remediation.
Cloud Native Security has significantly reduced our average time to detection. Detection is almost always achieved in a single instance. We've confirmed this through multiple tests. The longest detection time we've encountered is around three to four hours. This extended timeframe occurs because the scan isn't running continuously. Instead, it operates at specific intervals, periodically examining our infrastructure and performing analysis. Consequently, the detection speed depends on when the misconfiguration happened relative to the next scheduled scan.
Our remediation process is entirely internal. Servers deliver the fix based on the severity assigned by Cloud Native Security, which is directly related to the vulnerabilities found. We then use our internal analysis to consider the environmental configuration. If the vulnerability is a zero-day in the user acceptance environment, we delay remediation until a later time. However, if it's found in the production environment, we address it immediately. We also prioritize remediation based on importance, so we see alerts related to production or pre-production instances first. The remaining vulnerabilities are addressed afterward.
Cloud Native Security has had a positive impact on our engineering functions, such as DevOps and the cloud infrastructure network team. It fosters a collaborative environment where teams can address alerts independently. This empowers engineers to take ownership and resolve issues promptly. DevOps is our primary user group, and Cloud Native Security helps them manage infrastructure, network, and CI/CD deployments efficiently.
Collaboration helps save time, particularly in engineering tasks related to infrastructure and technical deployment, rather than in development itself.